Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Profile picture
Co-founder @hammerandhope, Professor @Princeton, #MacFellow 21
2 subscribers
Dec 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For any of you that thought the academy was some sacrosanct space to idle about & contemplate the meaning of life, pls wake the fuck up. It is a workplace with bosses and workers. This flex is about power and their efforts to break the will of the workers on campus. Those on strike deserve all of our support and solidarity. All the campus bosses are watching. The New School model is disturbing in and of itself. 87% of its faculty is part time. Meanwhile, its administration w its 6 figure salaries continues to grow.
Jun 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Many have rightfully pointed out that poor and working class women of color and trans people who can become pregnant will be the most impacted by the criminalization of abortion. But there should be no doubt that this decision will deleteriously impact all women. In no world where women cannot control the most basic aspects of their bodies--the decision to carry or terminate a pregnancy-- can they be considered either equal before the law or free persons
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Obviously there is a market for this kind of stuff, but the notion that we will end racism one workshop at a time, one white person at a time really undermines what structural racism really is. Racism in real estate, housing, employment and beyond isn't because there are not enough nice white people in the world. The entire point is that it doesn't matter if you are nice or not nice, capital relies on racism to extract, exploit, accumulate, and profit.
Apr 13, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
A thought about the latest episode of what Elizabeth Hinton describes as "the cycle":

The very first enunciation of civil rights for Black Americans were framed in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, enacted on 4/9/1866. The daily humiliations, intrusions, violence and abuse at the hands of police are the repeated evidence that most Black people have something less than first class citizenship in this country. Unless and until it is changed, there will never be peace here.
Jan 30, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
A stunning screed where the concerns and fears of Black parents merit not a single mention. It is a pattern in these scorched earth hate screeds against teachers: they ignore that most Black parents don’t want to return their children to antiquated schools in a Pandemic that has devastated Black communities across this country. Instead in this genre of newly discovered white liberal and right wing angst about the poor, wayward and directionless Black children being left behind, Black parents are derelict, ignorant or just uninterested
Nov 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
These exit polls require more analysis than what is currently circulating on this website. Its not "economic anxiety" but its also not just "white supremacy". Keep blaming voters while ignoring the disastrous strategy of the Dem Party at your own peril.… The Trump brand of nihilism and narcissism makes him impervious to the consequences that most politicians are hemmed in by. When Biden rightfully accused him of botching the COVID crisis, he did the anti-politics thing of doubling down on his nutty ideas about COVID.
Jul 21, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
1) I have seen several people that I have great respect for say that racism underlies a newly circulating poll that shows support for BLM but substantially fewer people supporting the demand to “defund the police”. Of course, it’s the US and racism underlies most things 2) but I think in this case, there is more going on. The first is that this is a new demand among most people. Two months ago no one, other than organizers, had heard of “defund the police”, so it’s a new idea.
May 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
For several weeks the covid 19 crisis has exposed the fragility of black life in the US. The dash to reopen even as cases continue to swell as exposed the expandability of black life. The moral witnessing of agents of the state, vigilantes, or damsels in fabulated distress has demonstrated the vulnerability of black people to premature death. Both the condition as well as the protest of black people belie US pretensions of morality, decency, democracy.
Jan 25, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD... Joe Rogan. I think it’s fine to accept the endorsement even as I disagree w highlighting him in an ad. Rogan has built much of his career by appealing to racism, sexism, trans and homo phobias among others. This contradicts Sanders appeals for solidarity rooted in the 2/ slogan “us not me”. Solidarity can’t be built on a faulty unity that assumes some of our acceptance of the repugnant ideas that continue to keep us divided. And receiving Rogan‘s endorsement w/o publicly challenging his backward politics is effectively to accept those ideas