Peachy Keenan Profile picture
Author, 'Domestic Extremist' (Regnery ‘23), 'Supervillains' (Passage Press ‘25). Untitled novel (ARK Press '26). LA native. Wife supremacist. "Trad Queen."
10 subscribers
Jan 29 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵The All-American It Girl: A primer

(Teaser of my new SS post.)

The styles may change but a few things remain the same. The American It Girl is sexy but not trashy, fresh faced, and radiates *happiness.* She is not a moody French ingenue, or a sultry Italianate seductress. She looks relatively innocent - and fun to be around. She is an old-fashioned Platonic ideal and we are allowed to idolize them.

more examples below:Image The Gibson Girl phenomenon, 1890s Image
Jan 26 5 tweets 2 min read
Every pissed off homeowner in the Palisades is here to demand they allow them to clear their lots - tune in! Here's Adam Pestrello, the County Public Works bureaucrat who said on video that removal will take 18 months - and that Karen Bass lied about in front of President Trump.
Dec 3, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Sometimes in the battle between good and evil physiognomy alone tells you more than any words can Image
We see this again and again. It's like a comic book come to life, repeatedly.

One of my favorites was when hideous hobgoblin Jerry Nadler forced Hope Hicks to submit to his questions under oath. Image
Oct 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
As a treat, here's a quick round up of MSM panicking - you love to see it. This was just today! Image
Jul 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Guys, stop bashing Kim Cheatle: she totally thought about putting snipers on that roof, but it’s a sloped roof, so she didn’t want anyone to slip and fall, okay? SAFETY FIRST!
Image Of course, the snipers who finally shot the kid WERE ON A SLOPED ROOF ALSO
Jul 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Divorce never ends. It's true.

My siblings and I, all grown, nearly middle aged, all basically stable and fine, talk all the time about our own lost potential, stolen childhood happiness, and accepting that were were robbed of something good that was replaced with an endless burden of hostile stepfamilies, awkward relationships, stolen inheritances, squandered wealth, and always wondering what it would have been like if it had been different. I have a wonderful relationship with both parents. I forgive everything. It's fine. But wow, there were a lot of bombshells that still stress me out.
Jun 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Meet Dr. Kevin O'Conner, longtime White House doctor to President Biden. I've got a few questions for the good doctor. Image In February of this year, he swore that Biden was "fit for duty" as president in his official report.…
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
When I found out I was surprise pregnant in my 40s with Baby #5, I was exhausted and cranky. I'd come home from my office job late. I went into the bathroom and saw a pregnancy test that had been in the drawer unused for a few years. I realized I was weeks late--I literally hadn't bothered to think about it. There was no way, but I thought I might as well take the last test.

The instant I looked at it, it was dark pink positive. I went into a fugue state, laughing, delirious. I mindlessly took a shower to buy myself time. Finally my husband knocked on the door to see what was taking me so long. I was in a towel, laughing. I could not speak. I just pointed wordlessly at the test on the bathroom counter.

Poor man. I'd given him no warning, no heads up. His cold reaction reminds me of the reaction in this wonderful commercial. The color drained out of his face. For a second he looked horror stricken.

Then he lit up, tears in his eyes, laughing deliriously with me.

She's seven now and the greatest gift I have ever or will ever receive. Best surprise ever man Image
Apr 26, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Harvey Weinstein's real crime was humiliating beautiful famous women when they were exposed for selling sex for fame and access.

They're good actresses though- they had to fake shock and horror that the oldest transactional contract in Hollywood - the casting couch - exists.

You know who never complained? Kidman and Lawrence. They got what they wanted and kept their mouths shut. Buy the ticket, take the ride. Mrs. Gavin Newsom was particularly naked (no pun intended) about what she was doing in Harvey's Peninsula suite that day. "Of course I went. I was hustling."

Mar 17, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read

I think I cracked the Kate Middleton medical mystery.

The severe secrecy around her surgery can only mean one of two things: it somehow disfigured her appearance enough that she has to hide for 4 months, or it was something too embarrassing to share with the entire freaking world. 🧵2/ We know it was abdominal surgery, and it was a major recovery: 2 weeks in the hospital.

Barring some catastrophic cancer etc., obviously the poor thing had to have a bowel resection. I know people who had one of these -- it is brutal.
Feb 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh, hey - in 2019, Project Veritas published damning leaked recordings of Google Gemini's Jen Gennai. Image…
Jan 17, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🔥This is one of the worst blackpills I've ever had to choke down, and must be a 2024 campaign issue:

>For the first time, the DoE federal government "free money for college" program, ie the grants they hand out to help kids pay for college, WILL NOT take into account if you have more than one kid at a time in college. Up until THIS YEAR, you could get more money if you had additional kids you were also putting through college to help ease the burden.

>But this unfairly rewards college family with 2 or more kids (ie. the middle class), JOE BIDEN's Department of Education changed the rule. This has never been the case until right now.

>I didn't know about any of this garbage before now. But it's very clear that the system is designed to KEEP MIDDLE CLASS KIDS OUT OF COLLEGE.

>This makes them less likely to build wealth, get married and have a family.

>This makes them MORE likely to be forced to enlist to fight a Biden war.

>Average college tuition at a midbrow meh school is $90K+ with room and board. FAFSA and other grants might net you $20-25K. Congratulations, now you owe $5k/month for four years.

>When your next kid comes up, another $5K/month, but now costs have gone up so even with grants and whatnot, for two kids its $12-15K a MONTH and thats after financial aid.

>Unless you have been saving since birth, got lucky with crypto, or have been earning high 6 figs for a while, this is not going to be possible to do.

>SOLUTION: high-interest loans for life, to enslave them to the banks for the next 50 years.

This system is dead. It's done. I am now a single issue voter and that is: shut down the DOE. Defund the colleges. Abolish student loans. Make tuition a flat rate across all schools. Force schools to cut costs and bloat (Gender studies anyone?). End whatever this nightmare is, because this system-- yes, as intended-- gives the American middle class the final coup de grace and tomato in the face for good measure. "Sees federal financial aid forms once"
Jan 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵There is one tiny corner of the military that, so far, remains 100% DEI-free. No race or gender preferences allowed. No quotas. Website, shockingly, free of DEI buzzwords like diversity, equity, gender. I can't believe it still exists!

It's Air Force Test Pilot School! Image This is the elite school where America's aerospace and weapons test pilots are minted. At Edwards AFB, home of legendary test pilot Chuck Yeager, this is where, as they say, "there is no room for second best."
Dec 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

The Willy Wonka movie is so spectacularly bad, so excruciatingly terrible, and worst of all, a total bore. I'm not surprised it was bad; I expected bad. I'm surprised it was this terrible and still got greenlit, with a non-script, non-characters, non-plot, and amazingly it's a MUSICAL and each song is stupid, uncatchy, simpering. It's trying with every bone in its body to be charming, witty, fetchingly clever, but it is 100% free of charm.

Even my new dream son Timothée can't sell it. He tried hard but he looks like he was hung over af every day shooting this. You'd have to be to endure it.

I marvel that Chalamet, only true movie star of his gen, said yes to the illiterate script, but then again, he's also schtupping Kylie Jenner so he was probably too stoned to read it.Image It's maybe the worst movie ever made. Howard the Duck terrible. Makes the Last Jedi look like art. Cringetastical and a blight on western civilization. ABORT.
Oct 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
For perspective: In the last 12 months more Americans have been shot, raped, brutalized, beaten, and stabbed by violent felons and illegal immigrants in the U.S. than the total number of Israelis killed and wounded by terrorists. If we start calling our homegrown killers "Hamas" then are we finally allowed to start imprisoning and deporting them?
Jul 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Harvey Weinstein served a very important function when it came to casting movies but few can handle this truth. He had aesthetic standards. He had taste. Yes he was a disgusting monster, but he was a monster with a midas touch.…
Jul 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A reality show where authentic Native American chief knocks on the front door of rich libs to tell them their home sits on stolen land. “Today the Shinnecock Chief will be in Southampton knocking on the doors of Jerome Powell, Larry Fink, and Joy Behar”
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
May 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Who should I cast (male, 22-50) in my blockbuster action movie about an all-male crew forced to head to Mars to rescue the all-female crew stranded there? Let's say seven guys. One of the stranded females is their daughter etc.

Are there seven actors we even like? In the movie, the President, @elonmusk, plays himself, so he can't be one of the crew
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
First all-female mission to Mars followed immediately by first all-male rescue mission to Mars 100% would watch action movie about this
Mar 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What it means to be a good parent is to say NO to 99% of your child's ridiculous ideas. My 5 yo told me she is someone who has to have a giant bowl of ice cream for breakfast every morning, and that is was my job to listen and believe her.