Kelvin yii Profile picture
Member of Parliament P195 Bandar Kuching, Chairman PSC Health, Science & Innovation Just a little ordinary boy aspiring to do extraordinary things! :)
Aug 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I was just made aware of the Debate Challenge by @SyedSaddiq online as i was deeply focused on the campaign trail (actually he could have just pm me about it to inform me beforehand as we have been friends for awhile and i probably would hv responded faster) The topic of debate is a very important topic & something that is not just close to my heart, but more importantly pivotal to the agenda of the Unity Government which prioritises issues important to youth including high-valued jobs, quality education, affordable housing...
Jun 26, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I think first and foremost we must understand that these are State Elections. The ppl are making a choice based on the performance of the state governments in addressing the core issues faced by the people on a State level and while not perfect, PH gov in all 3 states it has... shown both in macro & micro numbers, that it has done much better than wat it was before. Investments are higher, debts r being managed better and there is a core plan for the future in addressing more systemic issues, compared ro other states which has been governed for decades
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What does today mean to me as a Sarawakian?

Najib has always been hailed by State leaders as the best PM for Sarawak with all kinds of promises given and projects promised. But, does it means it makes us close our eyes and justify rampant abuse n corruption he involved in?--NO! On top of that, 1MDB could hv bn up with the noblest and best intent but due to lack of check & balance, lack of accountability, it was abused and used as a personal ATM by those in power to feed 'dedak' to keep some happy, but burden n rob our country of its future
Aug 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Some are saying why delay something that is good?

In ideal and utopian world, there is no argument on the importance of this Bill.
However in the context of our country,there are real concerns on gaps of implementations,& possible loopholes and over-reaching enforcement powers. This includes powers to enter any premises, seize baggage, stop, search &seize conveyance as well powers to search and seize without warrant, including a body search by officers of same gender just at a suspicion of possessing any tobacco products. (initial)
Jun 8, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
By telling us that daily cases are coming down without adjusting such figures for testing numbers and positive rate, is meaningless and in a way giving a sense of false security over the real situation in our country. You cannot try to “game the system” by testing less. Based on statistics, the number of tests done over the past few days has shown a significant drop, where we were testing 105,293 on 4/6/2021, 103,862 on 5/6/2021 and then drop to 89,998 on 6/6/2021 and 81,708 on 6/6/2021.