Climate Reporter. past @Gimletmedia @popsci Anti mayo. Pro The Expanse. All my tweets are subtweets. by znmeb Profile picture John Yoo Crushes the Testicles of Logic Profile picture Movement As Muse (curated by SusanDavisCushing) Profile picture Yomi Shishio Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's interesting that the student loan discourse is "you borrowed it, now pay it" and not why is it ok for the government to charge relatively high interest rates, have that interest accrue daily, and make the loans basically impossible to discharge with bankruptcy? This is from 2021, but two-thirds of borrowers are underwater on their student loans - essentially they owe more than they borrowed.…
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The thing that makes me laugh about this discourse is how many of the people bickering even noticed that Canada has been on fire since like late April/early May? People in general are myopic. I could probably make a list of at least 3 other climate disasters happening right now that you haven't heard about. People tend to care about their own backyard and which ever locale manages to be the loudest.
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a total tell that fitness culture is not about health because the healthy thing to do is actually not to exercise outside right now. I don't know who needs to hear this but damaging your lungs cause you're afraid of gaining weight isn't "health"
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I went outside for the first time today to grab takeout. It really does smell like smoke and yet people are happily outdoor dining, strolling around and even cycling unmasked. It smells a lot like that time in 2019 I went up in a NASA/NOAA plane that literally flew through wildfire smoke.
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
My dude. It's called "the man with a van" In places with a well developed transportation ecosystem there are all sorts of lovely ways to get stuff to your home. In Montreal I once saw someone deliver a refrigerator by bicycle.
Jun 5, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
I'm reading that atlantic profile about chris licht because I hate myself and these are my stream of consciousness reactions. First question: why make me google what late night comedy show he had been producing. Why not just say Stephen Colbert? It was the fall of 2022. Th... (I'm kidding I do not hate myself but is this punishment?) Anyway, honest question: Why does Licht believe the media marginalizes conservative views and republican viewers? This article frames this as fact. Is it? Licht had not wanted this. ...
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This isn't true. I don't know this reallly doesn't sit well with me:

"covid can derail our travel plans, but it cannot stop our travel dreams."

Ok covid can't but climate change can.
May 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
When I was in my early 30s a friend sat me down and was like "you are more likely to be disabled then to die make sure you have LTD" and I'm on passing that information for anyone who can afford it. It absolutely sucks but that's the reality of this world we're in. If you are lucky you will get it through work but when my friend sat me down to warn me about this I did not have it through work and was coughing up 120 bucks (as a young, healthy, able person) a month to make sure I had coverage - zero regrets.
May 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I think the frequency and intensity of fires out west has made people not realize that fires happen in the midwest and out east too and that fire season happens at different times of the year depending on climate. Nova Scotia is currently on fire (and to be clear - it looks very bad) and I'm seeing a lot of posts going "but it's spring" and the first thing I did was google "when is Nova Scotia's fire season" and it's... April through October….
May 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Someone needs to send her the PopSci story 10 ways you can tell for yourself the earth is round.Or mail her a globe h/t @DrMRFrancis… Apologies, she has seen a globe she thinks that they are part of a vast conspiracy to hide the "truth" that the world is flat why else would they be everywhere and honestly this makes me want to buy a globe.
May 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is years ago now, but a friend of mine was on snap because they were doing AmeriCorps for the Red Cross and they said it was pretty dehumanizing process including the routine "check-ins" to ask if they were looking for "real work" Since Americorps is "volunteer" the salary in a lot of places can be below a livable wage. This person was doing direct service and was made to feel like shit.
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm on episode 4 of Citadel and I just want to say I've forgotten the plot and this show doesn't even have the decency to be aesthetically cool. What a waste of Stanley Tucci. There are many problems with the show but the central problem with the show is it involves the fall of a secret intelligence agency that we've never heard of by an evil foe and the agents trying to save it or something. But we have no reason to belive they're good.
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The pangea/appalachian mountain/scottish highlands/ atlas mountain thread reminds me that plate tectonics as a firm theory is like ~55ish years old. Like, your parents or grand parents might not have learned it in school. We figured out how to build a nuclear bomb before we understood how mountains were formed and earthquakes happened.
May 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This is a side commentary, but these are also all IMHO, bad tunas. The best tuna fish in a can is cooked once (when it's canned) and these are all IIRC cooked twice (to reduce labor costs) The best tuna in a can I have ever eaten is this one. It's not cheap. It is 8 dollars a can. But it is so good I once pondered paying the shipping costs to send it to me. I had it three years ago and I still dream about it.… can of tuna that says catal...
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"The cost of raising a child in the U.S. averages out to over $300k over 18 years, according to a Brookings Institution analysis. Birth control pills range from $0 to $50 a month. That’s not cheaper than a kid." Did a bit of math. 18 years of BC is about 10,800 dollars assuming the upper end or about 3.6% the cost of raising a kid assuming average costs.
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Question: The US remains fairly religious . France for example is pretty secular and they have a completely different relationship to work. So if we're subbing work for religion why is overwork SUCH a US phenomena?… Also Montreal pivoted from intense Catholicism fairly recently and it's the most chill place I've ever lived in relationship to work and like I've lived in France.
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So, I just finished watching Hunters on prime and as far as WWII revisionist histories go it's the most palatable form of it I've seen. What I appreciated is they didn't do the thing that was like "what if the nazis won." It was exactly our world with the idea "what if the nazis haven't given up" which feels... accurate. And also what if people hunted them.
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It will never not be weird to me that supporting activism as a journalist is considered biased but criticizing it is seen as objective. The recent spate of climate protests is a good time as any to re-up the story I did about the ways in which media in the US is biased against activism and towards the status quo. I was addressing the George Floyd protests but its broadly applicable…
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When I was interviewing for NYT a Sulzberger (as in someone of the family not necessarily of the name) asked me where I lived. When I said Queens he said, "I heard people are moving there now." Their admonishments of echo chambers tilt in one direction.… Yes, sir. People are moving to the second most populous borough now, checks notes ::in 2017::. First time ever.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My immediate thought is
1. Run, hide, fight is basically part of employee training in this country
2. " you can survive a mass shooting if you're prepared" sure does have a blaming the victim tone. If you die it's cause you weren't prepared For the non Americans I'm not kidding. In addition to fire drills you do get trained on active shooter drills (not just in school). At one workplace, an open office, they installed ballistic doors in certain rooms to provide places to hide
May 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read