Kevin Cho Tipton Profile picture
Son. Nurse Practitioner. Teacher. Guardsman. Gryffindor. Padawan. Advocate. #HealWithLaughter #GoodTrouble #LetsGo
Mar 1, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
Even at age 5, kids teased me because I didn’t look like my parents — I was adopted. Through “instruction”, teachers helped them understand why it was okay.

By threat of lawsuit, #DontSayGay bans teachers from “instructing” kids on why it’s okay to have LGBTQ+ parents. (1/10) In high school, I realized I was gay. Ashamed and afraid of not being accepted by my family, I feared those kids in kindergarten had been right — that my parents had adopted a broken child.

How many kids will #DontSayGay make feel the same way today? (2/10)