Kevin Coates Profile picture
@KevinCoates at and Competition lawyer PhD candidate at @KCL_Law Lawyer @CovingtonLLP ex @EU_Competition All views personal
Jul 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
So, a lot of noise about @ProfFionaSM becoming the new @EU_Competition Chief Economist.

Those who fear she is a US libertarian come to undermine EU competition law enforcement are wrong.
All views personal and mine alone.
1/n @ProfFionasm @EU_Competition Disclaimers: I'm a Brit and now a Belgian. Worked for 20 years in COMP; left 2016, now in private practice. I've met FSM; never worked with her. I believe that others in my firm have but I wasn't involved. (Again not speaking for the firm here.)

I've read a lot of her stuff
Jul 13, 2023 30 tweets 5 min read
Big win for the European Commission in the Court of Justice in the CK Telecoms case. The General Court has to look again at its annulment of the prohibition of the UK 4 to 3 mobile merger. 1/n CJEU judgment here:…
Jul 4, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
Today's CJEU Facebook ruling is going to keep lawyers busy for quite some time (all views below personal as usual). 1/many Press release:…
Jan 18, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
A thread on what Twitter disconnecting third party apps says about innovation, antitrust and the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA). And bone-headed billionaires who really don't know what they're doing. (1/17) Craig Hockenberry created Twitterific, one of the first 3rd party Twitter apps. It was a delight to use. (2/17)
Nov 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
So people are looking at Mastodon given the recent Twitter “developments”.

Is this different to the Great WhatsApp Exodus that led to a lot of people moving to alternatives like Signal, but not obviously leading to any diminution of the number of people using WhatsApp?

Too early to say but maybe.

For services that are focused on friend-to-friend messaging like WhatsApp or Signal, then there is little difference between creators and consumers. (The difference is there - eg if schools use WhatsApp to communicate to parents - but seems limited.)
May 17, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
In this article about the DMA -… - the authors stress the importance of adequate, specialised resources for the implementation of the DMA. (1/14) They also all make disclosures (actually "dislclosures" [sic] but loss of revenue in the news industry has led to cutbacks in the number of sub-editors. (And I focus here on the bad, not the good practice.) (2/14)
Aug 13, 2021 31 tweets 4 min read
There is a lot - *a lot* - of hyperbole about the tech giants and the need, or lack of need, for regulation. And a lot of attempts to manipulate the debate. (1/30) This is a thread to highlight a couple of the techniques being used, based on this tweet: (2/30)
Aug 31, 2020 20 tweets 3 min read
A thread on why "get back to the office" is an ill-thought out policy designed to protect the wrong people in the wrong way. Just because people are working from home does not mean they are less productive. Some probably are, either because of their job or their personality. I know some people who've voluntarily gone back to the office when they could, because they just prefer working there.