Kevin Escandón Profile picture
Physician-Scientist 😷👾🦠🔬 | Researcher @umnmedschool | Editor @BMC_series & @PLOSGPH | #ID #HIV #COVID19 #STIs #IDTwitter 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#LGBTQIA+
Nov 18, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
"Mask-wearing cuts COVID incidence by 53%", no!
Also, read today on Twitter that masks are "more effective than vaccines"....wait what? yes, so, short thread.🧵
Let's rather cut misinformation and have some nuance here. 1/n 2/n It's 2021 and it's time to have some sense of the science behind respiratory protection and consider key aspects when interpreting mask studies. Essential readings here ⬇️(published Oct 2021) written by @CIDRAP (I co-authored)……
Oct 15, 2021 29 tweets 11 min read
SARS-CoV-2 Dose, Infection, and Disease Outcomes for COVID-19 – A Review
@brosseau_lisa @KevinEscandonMD @AngelaKUlrich @angie_rasmussen Chad Roy @neuronerdsunite @SaskiaPopescu @mtosterholm…
Quick 🧵 1/
@CIDRAP @acinnacional Here we review the evidence on the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 dose and COVID-19
outcomes. We identified gaps in the scientific understanding of this matter and suggest future research opportunities. We call for accurate messaging and fair interpretation of studies. 2/
Mar 16, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
La importancia de todas las estrategias contenidas en estas dos palabras es mitigar la propagación del virus, en otras palabras, hacer que su transmisión sea menor, sea más difícil. Como lo he mencionado antes, la fase de contención ya pasó, y se hizo lo posible, lo que se podía hacer. Las epidemias son imposibles de parar 100%, pero si es posible atenuarlas, y es importante hacerlo porque si no se controla, las consecuencias pueden ser nefastas.