Kevin Kulp Profile picture
Shiftwork consultant, writer, award-winning game designer, storyteller, & BBQ guy; some of these actually tie together. Crappy shark movie enthusiast. He/him.
Jan 27, 2020 98 tweets 37 min read
Thinking about running a brief play-by-poll-on-Twitter adventure for Swords of the Serpentine. And so, let me ask a few questions via poll to figure out who you, the hero, are!

#SerpentineRPG So you're a hero in a sword & sorcery adventure. What's your primary profession? (4 choices)
Aug 4, 2019 21 tweets 4 min read
You may be driving home cross-country from Indianapolis, returning from Gen Con. You're likely to be exhausted! This seems like a good time to pull out my standard advice to keep you alive. Feel free to share.

For people driving (or gaming) on short sleep:

1/? 1. Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep to be well-rested. When you're getting less than that (as most people do), you're far more likely to suffer from something called "microsleeps." The less sleep you've had, the more likely it is that you'll experience these.
