Kevin McKernan Profile picture
Cannabis Genome Project,2011. Developed the SOLiD sequencer. R&D lead Human Genome Project at MIT/WIBR. Founder- Medicinal Genomics
Karen Horton🌵 Profile picture Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Κασσάνδρα Παρί پری Profile picture 3TW 🐭🕊🐰🐸🇺🇸🍊 Profile picture Lolos Mom Profile picture 83 subscribed
Jul 9 6 tweets 2 min read
What a bomb shell.
@CanningPharm sent this to me. Image Is it a Gene Therapy?
They certainly used plasmids from their Gene Therapy Division.…
Jun 4 15 tweets 3 min read
The low wattage take that any attention given to GOF steals attention from ‘my pet thesis’, is two logical fallacies in one.
False dichotomy and a zero sum fallacy.
It is possible to be concerned about both GOF and lockdown tyranny at the same time.
Like chewing gum and walking. There are usually 2 reasons such nonsense gets blathered about.

1)someone doesn’t want you to look at GOF.

2)marketing of substacks requires one differentiate from what’s currently capturing attention and appear divergent.
May 26 6 tweets 2 min read
The latest scoobie snack is that RNA viruses mutate too quickly to ever spread… therefore GOF is all kabuki theatre.

This is clearly refuted by the sequencing data but let’s assume the argument stands…
Are these folks unaware of synthetic genomic projects making DNA viruses? Epstein-Barr is a dsDNA herpes virus in 90% of the population. Clearly it can spread and it’s only 172kb.
Well under the size of the mycoplasma genome synthesized in 2008.…
May 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Posting again to remind folks that spike protein can drive mitophagy.

Now that we know the modRNAs are prone to frameshifting and there is a Mito peptide after the Pfizer stop codons, it wouldn’t surprise me if vaxxed patients have lower extracellular Mito.… A chimeric spike-Mito peptide would turn the immune system against extracellular Mito.…
May 8 13 tweets 4 min read
Alphafold3 on P53 and the Spike sequence.
One region of confident interaction.…
Image Input sequences
Its limited to 5000 bases as input so this is just the spike sequence from BNT162b2 Pbiv. Image
May 7 4 tweets 2 min read
Debunk the False dichotomy.

If the vax doesn’t prevent infection then how does injecting more spike address a spike driven p53 suppression?

This vax vs C19 is tiresome given the vaxx doesn’t prevent C19 infection. There 1-100B single copy virions in peak infection.

Asymptomatic infection is likely lower than this.

14Trillion to 42Trillion modRNAs injected coding for spike in a failed attempt to prevent you from getting a spike infection.…
May 4 5 tweets 2 min read
The paper from @weldeiry

showing spikes interplay with P53 translation and DNA damage and repair pathway sails through peer review in 2 weeks.… While much attention has been focused on the nuclear localization, even cytoplasmic DNA can trigger mayhem in cell circuitry. Chronic activation of cGAS-STING can lead to tumorogenesis.…
Apr 30 4 tweets 2 min read
Let play a game.
Can anyone make sense of these contradicting Pfizer-Regulator documents.

So the SV40 Promoter is not responsible for plasmid manufacturing.
But it’s the promoter for the Kanamycin resistance gene? Image The documents submitted to the EMA show they use 50ug/ml of Kanamycin to replicate the plasmid.
How does that work?
No Promoter, no Kanamycin resistance..
No plasmid manufacturing?
Apr 28 8 tweets 3 min read
The targeted enrichment of BNT162b2 is working.

We have a 22,000 fold enrichment for plasmid containing sequences from cell lines treated with vaccine. Image The variants in the plasmid have reproduced themselves for a 3rd time.

We do not see these in the vaccine alone. Only when the vaccine is in contact with OVCAR3 cell lines.

This implies the DNA is active in those cell lines and likely replicating. Image
Apr 23 9 tweets 4 min read
Well, well, well,

As health agencies assure the public that the DNA contamination is of no consequence, behind the scenes they are scurrying to have it removed from future vaccines!
No prior vaccine in Canada has been approved with such a sequence contaminant.
@FLSurgeonGen Pfizer assured them the sequence is not material to plasmid manufacturing.
This is an overt lie.
You cannot make plasmids without the promoter for the antibiotic resistance gene.

It is active in mammalian cells.
If it’s not needed, why is it in there? Image
Apr 21 18 tweets 7 min read
Let’s dissect Berensons horrible capacity to critically read scientific literature.
“The Best Study Yet”

Says the guy selling a reefer madness book.

Did Alex really read the study or just parrot one that supports his fear porn over a plant?
Lets look First order of business.
How do these authors make money?

Oh… by treating cannabis use disorder!

You need to associate cannabis with harms in order for society to believe they should pay for treatment.

The authors declare no conflict despite how blatant and overt this is.

Apr 16 10 tweets 2 min read
Who wants to teach a Yale PhD about reverse transcriptase and what happens to the nucleus during cell division?

For extra credit you can teach her about frameshifting, template switching and dsDNA contamination.… While a helpful high school version of biology,
Her statement about the 100% unidirectional nature of DNA was put to bed decades ago when we sequenced the human genome and found 8% of it coded for HERVs.
Apr 12 5 tweets 2 min read
In true form, the journalist never links to the paper.

Did you not realize that?

If you go digging for it, you’ll see it’s a non peer reviewed study designed to never find a 1:5000 event like myocarditis.
But one person died 4 days after vax and they chalked it up as coincidence.… @Doctor_Eric_B Note, this is a CDC MMWR which is non peer reviewed propaganda.

They have to gall to claim they have no conflicts despite working for the CDC that sells $ billions of vaccines every year.
Mar 22 5 tweets 3 min read
.@USMortality is sending letters to my employer trying to claim I doxxed him but spelled his name wrong?

That got a chuckle or two.

But at least we know he’s the cancel culture type that got @MartinKulldorff fired.

Stay away from this fraud. I’m going to guess the reason he/it doesn’t want his name correctly spelled as it might risk his employment if people figured out who Ben M is.

But he’s just fine sending in complaints to other people’s employers.

Funny how that works.
Mar 22 5 tweets 1 min read
There are some interesting comments in this piece. Before I address the genetic fallacy.. Image
Mar 8 4 tweets 1 min read
217 Jabs....Oh my....Go get your 10th from the CDC Image No sign of BioNtech Spike sequence in their data.
Feb 23 4 tweets 1 min read
That was hard to pack into 10 minutes.
I made one error.
The PFUFA act of 1992 allows the FDA to be funded by Pharma.

I said Pharma to be funded by Pharma which is nonsensical.
Sorry for the error.

Also the qPCR data was replicated by @DJSpeicher. Lead author of the preprint. Just keep in mind, the PCR data in the cell lines is solid as we’re using assays we know work and sequencing shows it’s there.

The integrations need replication and validation.

We have 2+ unique reads for each event. But we don’t have both junctions covered.
Need to sequence deeper and with longer reads and it’s need to be replicated by others.

We did not find these in the unvaxxed control OvCar3 samples.

The odds of this being chimeric ligation at the same base in the Illumina library prep is 1 in 3 billion.
Feb 22 16 tweets 4 min read
Calling all genomics Jocks.

We sequenced vax treated OvCar3 cell lines that were washed and passaged such that the vaccine was diluted out and only cells with DNA inside are present.
Our collaborators who did this work also stained for spike expression. 60% of cells are positive for spike with IHC
We qPCRd these cells for spike,SV40 and Ori in bulk.
Not single cell measurement.
Positive with CTs similar to human RNAP.

We performed whole genome sequencing.
The entire vax plasmid can be reassembled at 3,000X coverage (Top Track). Image
Feb 18 13 tweets 4 min read
I’ve been a bit busy with other projects to weigh in much on the absurdities circulating.

The latest counter factual is that man modified genomes can’t spread.
Argument given is an appeal to complexity

These arguments are coming from an Aspergillus ‘expert’ with a shady history Anyone versed in Aspergillus must know about AF36 and Afla-Guard.

This is a point mutation that knocks out the aflatoxin producing genes and is used on crops to outcompete wildtype mycotoxin producing Aspergillus flavus. Image
Jan 15 5 tweets 2 min read
These are the typical bromides circulated by fact checkers on this DNA contamination topic… and our rebuttal.
The SV40 promoter has a nuclear targeting sequence and binds to p53 tumor suppressor genes.

This is a 5 alarm fire that requires state level action as the FDA is captured and will never act.… @TuckerCarlson Keith Peden at the FDA has some papers on this topic that are being ignored.

Jan 8 7 tweets 2 min read
Finally Gorski is being held accountable for the NTS.
He actually gets it’s wrong not surprisingly.
The DNA sequence is an NTS.
Proteins are NLS.
Subtle difference but explains why he is so arrogantly confused. Image Now his claim is that this NTS requires a bunch of other sequences to work.
He’s hoping that is the case but he’s once again recklessly shooting from the hip.
David Dean has narrowed this down to a 72bp piece of DNA that binds transcription factors that contain NLS. Image