Beachstud90210 Profile picture
Opposition activist. National nudism. Anti-xenoestrogen awareness. Militant radical Hellenism. Free Tibet
Potato Of Reason Profile picture Alex Profile picture 5 subscribed
Dec 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The paltry doctrines thrown about now are with few exceptions OBSOLETE given the great commotions of next century. All accept religious or leftist framing that leaves European man UNPREPARED: only thing that matters is if a harsh, uncaring, unhumanitarian morality can be adopted! Aside from the ideas promoted by me & frends, there is nothing at moment that immunizes European man from annihilation by hueman waves. If you accept humanitarian morality, "empathy," pity, if you are unable to look other way as 100s of millions starve you will not make it
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Some misunderstanding in replies/qts. Problem is this is at least 3rd or 4th iteration since 2017 of pre-Trump conservative media not giving you e.g. Sailer but a "BASED conservative socialist" (turd worldist) who attacks me & frends with ignorant rehash of Voegelin or Strauss I don't care about this particular astroturfed "writer" being pushed on the right, he's irrelevant and I never read him; nor is this RE getting writing gigs for my frends--no idea if the anons I named would even want to write, and I have no relationship with Sailer or Derbyshire
Nov 15, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Special info from frog staffers. Some state legislatures, some key national high contested fights. There was fraud but Repoops lost some by only few 1000s votes, and turnout overall low. Trump vs D'Santis NOT a factor-all very "online." Problem rather GOP boomer consultant class! GOP Serious Consultants took field teams off door-knock circuit to host "events," which are easy but mostly pointless...never get you any new votes. Slicked back hair, the suit, the stern Professional look on the face but in practice lazy and amateurish. For example--
Nov 13, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
In 2020 some were saying "steal" line was unhelpful because it would demoralize voters in future. True or no, many decided to cheer on the 2022 election despite serious doubts that there would be free elections going forward. Youngkin surprise in Virginia seemed to help (thread) Various possibilities were entertained RE 2020: 1) there was a steal but they could only steal prez, not local and congress; 2) the Dems hated Trump and once he was out wouldn't dare use same against GOP reps; 3) GOP made a deal to oust Trump in exchange for gains in House, etc.
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Here is Herodotus' famous passage "nomos is king among men": THE example he uses for the Greks is cremation. One of their most cherished rites, and as such it was most faithfully practiced by aristocracy. The bone studies RE ancient Greece are based on deviant or lowcaste samples Image Burned bones can't be really studied for DNA in this way. The bones available from Mycenae grave circles (the earliest Greks, who practiced steppe style burial) are EDITED: they still refuse to reveal this after many years. They are also much larger than their contemporaries.
Oct 28, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Schopenhauer statement that because mass of mankind is stupid, wicked and depraved; and so every nation in the end is just a different collection of vices. Very profound if thought through; should be compared to Plato, Machiavelli, Rousseau, Nietzsche on "creators of peoples" Plato, Machiavelli, Rousseau, Nietzsche are chief political thinkers who understand peoples are founded by Creators (or "Legislators") who use religion to form the "unwritten law." The law written in the hearts of men, that is, the habits, tastes and mores of a people.
Oct 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The cynical economic explanation of our woes, for example blaming mass migration on oligarchs seeking to lower wages, is only half true at best and less than half as effective as some think. In terms of samizdat or what we can conceivably achieve on here, it's good but not enough Normies who believe in the morality of mass migration or those leaning that way aren't going to be swayed by the argument they're dupes for Dark Money interests that have manipulated their sense of right and wrong. You have to actually engage the underlying humanitarian morality
Oct 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Tweet Zero quotes (which comes from a brown-nosing NRO intern) misunderstands the fight we are in. There's a value to building camaraderie & anti-authority positions around nonpolitical things. We're in a long-term cultural war; short term "policy wonkery" has in fact less value Talk of "distraction" is not just stupid but simple malice, envy. Raw Egg going on Tucker to talk about poisoning of food supply and to present attractive, healthy image for the right isn't stopping Luca or other Serious Thinkers from writing Policy Papers or being Revolutionary
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Reminder leftists call Lula and Rousseff, who are Marxist terrorist guerrillas who planted bombs, fly the hammer and sickle, and are openly supported by the Brazilian Communist Party, "NEOLIBERALS": to deflect manifest failure away from the left and obscure leftist world rule This is also how the term is used in America and explains the Chapo and online left's rhetoric of "NEOLIBERAL ELITES" and "Nazi Deep State": in fact the "Old Left" is 100% on board with GNC and with modern left establishment, and is secure throughout academia, media and govt.
Sep 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Unpopular hypothesis: a modified libertarian program of deregulation, low/no income or corporate tax, deregulation including ending affirmative action and bans on IQ tests for hiring—minus libertarian immigration policy—would be functional whyte supremacy in an American context. Ending the welfare state would by the way also de facto end almost all mass third world immigration. But it wouldn’t end H1B computard and other guest worker programs that hurt educated and middle class Americans. So…libertarianism plus closed borders?
Aug 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The attempted assassination on Dugin, which I assume was done on the orders of cretinous elements in the USA govt.--the same who believed in Russia Trump pee tapes kompromat, or a Moscow-based international altright conspiracy etc--makes me wonder if they'll come after each of us Reminder Oboma droned an American citizen for doing nothing more than posting online, and there's now a Netflix series fantasizing about murdering anon right wing posters. Homeland had a fantasy 2016-revenge episode where the mentally ill CIA clown CRUSHES a 4chan poaster
Aug 7, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
@pompilivs No you lie. In OP to the quoted thred you deleted your own post because you were being called out on your lies. The reason you lied about a supposed congruence between two online cliques that have actually always been opposed to each other is to promote drama and self-aggrandize @pompilivs You are trying to self-aggrandize also in petty attacks on me, as now and before. But although I know you're trying to raise your own profile I'll give you what you want in this case, engagement, only to show your more reasonable followers what a slithering liar you are:
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
corruption is defined by legalisms now. So Clinton and Kerry, Baidan taking bribes from Chynese military is “not corrupt” because was done through legal channels. Feinstein destroying USA rare earth mining while her husband was Chyna exclusive importer also “not corruption” Let’s not even mention politicians allowing mass migration because their donors demand it; many things that are legal in America or EU aren’t in other countries so the maps of political corruption are misleading. USA political class has simply legalized a lot of corruption
Jul 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
One of DORKOLOID favorite literary insights is Achilles' "admission" in Odyssey that he'd rather be a day laborer alive than king ghost in Hades. This is so incredibly exciting to nerd-spirit, they forget it comes out of Odysseus' mouth in the story of his own self-glorification. Even as stated Achilles' "admission" is not necessarily a negation of his decision to die young and with glory rather than live old without; because all men still die, so...; BUT this is exciting to a few because "rather a living dog than a dead lion" is their true motto
Jul 19, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I'd say 1900 laissez-faire Vienna architecture and city design compares favorably to 1975 Bratislava Marxist, but I'm just a simple internut lunatic, I don't understand the cerebral convolutions of Marxist Traditionalism. The insanely ugly projects on the outskirts of NYC, are those the result of free market or of socialist Care for Traditional Endangered Communities? Tokyo is relatively laissez-faire when it comes to building regulations and it looks good for a city; also, affordable housing.
Jul 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I unironically want to be ruled by Project Paperclip Nazee Deep State Neoliberalism with ultimate origins in Babylon. Unbroken transmission of tradition for thousands of years, generational foresight. Eugenic depopulation project. These are gods. I want to be ruled by them. If they have a plan to depopulate the world, even if I were to be among the depopulated, I would welcome that. Anything to stop the nightmare of a world with 30, 40, 50 or more billion people living on it. Yeast life needs to end.
Jun 3, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
RE the "conspiracy" debate--whether the occupational elite is enacting a coordinated plan--I don't understand what this clam is supposed to add. Either their rule is self-evidently bad, in which case their motivations don't matter, or it's not I remember the East Bloc; everyone thought the occupational classes were malevolent pieces of shyte, and we also thought they were incompetent and dumb. Both are often the case. Nobody thought to add "they're also part of centuries-old conspiracies to..." because unnecessary
May 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Twatter put a limit to this thread...when did they introduce poast limits to threds? Anyway I wanted to add...the most important...question of "best city planning" can't be answered in the abstract, it is highly situation dependent. Are we being asked to found a new city? Unless you found a new city, and even then it depends on its purpose--is it a fortress, is it a commercial center, and if it is a "place for human flourishing," you still have to decide the direction; it can't be answered without knowing who the inhabitants and what they want
May 16, 2022 36 tweets 15 min read
Some of my favorite poasters are @wrathofgnon and @JackChambersGB promote traditional urbanism. I agree with their concerns about what's ugly and bad in modern "cities" but today I make thred polite disagree with solution. A thred on MY "livable cities":
I summarize brief Wrath of Gnon case and what I agree with: modern "cities" are actually nothing of the sort. They're oppressively ugly work camps, often built for cars, with strip malls, alienating brutalist architecture, no walkable public spaces and therefore no common life
May 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Motivation and emotional origin of eunuchoids is same as furries who demand a litterbox at work, ethnic groups demanding recognition by tearing down statues, and "asexuals": none of it is about getting off, it's a statement of transhumanity and desire to eliminate "oppression" All of these groups devise a false "identity" to opt out of human nature. When I point out that these are ideologies of defiance that seek not to get off, but to eliminate you, "online traditionalists" chinp at me and say I'm trying to excuse "hookup culture."
Apr 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Thought about delet this, I still might because is too pessimistic and I don't want to discourage Euro nationalists. But when I look at the Euro right delusions about reforming the EU, or kvetching about Russia, when they should be organizing for what is coming in next 2-3 yrs... You can't reform the EU because of the character of "elites" it selects for; none of the "BASED EU" types have any infiltration plan afaik. It's a vain hope in writing only. There's also no time; a mass Afreakan wave is coming in 2-3 yrs max, you need to be ready to stop it