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हम बिहारी हैं अब आपको जो सोचना है सोच लीजिये !!
May 15, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read


Why is India alone so badly affected by covid this time round?

◾March 2020: Fosun Pharma of China invests $135 million with BioNTech to collaborate and develop 300 million doses of mRNA vaccines. ◾May 2020: The US federal government invests $12 billion in six pharma companies to collaborate with and develop vaccines for the US population at warp speed.

The European Union invests $210 million in AstraZeneca and Oxford to develop vaccines.
May 19, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Tik Tok has all those problems which Facebook, Google, twitter and other digital elephants have since it came into existence.

All digital platforms want user should spend more & more time on that platforms & new users come on their platform. 1/n All silicone vally guys are getting sleepless night by the growth of TikTok.

Specially the age group who are signing up on this platform, if you fail to get young people on your platform you will die slowly.2/n
Jan 30, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
"Madare Vatan Bharat ki Jai" was coined in 1857 by Azeem Ullah Khan, later translated into "Bharat Mata ki Jai" "Jai Hind" was coined by Abid Hassan "Safrani".