Linda Tirado Profile picture
author, writer, photographer. backwards in heels and half blind to boot. absolutely no time for your bullshit but all the time in the world if you need a friend
The Lady Red- the night is dark and full of terror Profile picture Joshua Cypess Profile picture Joe Hegyi 3rd 🇺🇲 ⚛️ 🕴️🌹 Profile picture 🖖🏻☀️Sunfell☀️🖖🏻 Profile picture Shani Komulainen🌻 🇨🇦 😷 Profile picture 6 subscribed
Dec 28, 2017 185 tweets 38 min read
OK y'all, mark this on your calendars because at 8PM Eastern we are beginning the reading of Hillbilly Elegy

brought to you by me, the whiskey I'll be drinking, and the people who buy the whiskey to keep me reading. Before we get into this, a few things about me for the folk who are new here. I live in Appalachia and I write about poverty. Specifically, I write about rural poverty 'cause that's what I know. This is where I went to high school: Image