Kilts & Klingon Profile picture
Dad, husband, sci-fi nerd, band geek, and social scientist. | National, energy, and nuclear security policy and application. | 18+1 is my jam.
Nov 19, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I know everyone is feeling either super pissed or super happy about the Rittenhouse verdict today. But no matter what the verdict had been, it shouldn't have come with a sense of triumph.
🧵1/10 If KR was truly acting in self-defense, then this is the best case scenario; the justice system worked. But it still comes with the fact that two people were killed in the street by a 17 y/o kid.
Nov 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In the TNG episode "When the Bough Breaks" (S01E17), a dying race steals some of the children from the Enterprise. An obviously upset mother asks Picard "How are you going to get them back?" Beverly responds with "Sit down... don't give in to fear. We all knew what the risks were when we signed on, and that's the choice we made."
WHAT? Who thought this was a good line for her to say?