King Baeksu Profile picture
"A fixture of the expat literary scene since 1996" (The Korea Times). Ascended accelerationist. 백수건달, 추어탕덕후, 막걸리박사. Four-time bestselling author in South Korea.
Jan 16 28 tweets 15 min read
We've noted the "Magafication" of South Korean rightoids. Almost inevitably, QAnon-style copium is part of the package.

Below is a translation of a new "exclusive" from Sky(e)Daily, possibly linked to the Shincheonji cult. 99 Chinese spies arrested by the US? Just call it KAnon. Image
Source of the above translation below. "스카이데일리" is variously rendered as "Sky Daily" or "SkyeDaily" in English. NamuWiki is source of the claim that it may be Shincheonji-affiliated.

Shincheonji is a pseudo-Christian cult with some 250,000 members.…
Dec 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A long list of Japanese apologies to Koreans for those interested. They are often rebuffed for being insufficiently "sincere."

Korean demands for Japan to apologize for the comfort women help obscure how Koreans failed to safeguard their own people.… At the same time, continual demands for Japan to apologize for the comfort women helps suppress recognition of a continued state-backed "comfort women" system after "Liberation."

It served the same occupation force that remains in South Korea to this day.
Dec 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I've lived in Korea, Japan and China and honestly locals in each often talk smack about their neighbors. Koreans regularly call Chinese "dirty." Japanese are weary of endless Korean demands to apologize. Chinese resent Japanese historical aggression and call Korea "Little China." The "Asian American and Pacific Islander" community is an artificial construct promoted by the Empire to woo the allegiance of a growing demographic and leverage it as a client group.

It easily fractures, as in the case of comfort women statues in the US.…
Dec 19, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Why is it that so many "Korea experts" who have not lived in Korea for decades, if at all, presume to act as gatekeepers for discourse on the Koreas and shut out long-time Korea expatriates with an actual stake in its society?

Follow the money. They serve the Empire, not Korea. Image
Many "woke" Korean-Americans who gatekeep discourse on the Koreas are also bought off by the Empire.

A recent /pol/ thread on the collapse of the astroturfed "Stop Asian Hate" campaign explains the game. Nodutdol's "radicals" are funded by the same Empire they claim to oppose. Image
Aug 6, 2024 39 tweets 14 min read
"Love marriage" is fairly a recent innovation in South Korean society. Traditionally, arranged marriages were much more common: A practical merger of families in which physical attraction is not paramount.

After Liberation, a massive sex industry developed as a result. Thread: Prior to Liberation, the Japanese established a modern sex industry across the Peninsula that hadn't before existed.

The Japanese had more permissive views on sex. By the 1930s, even provincial Gunsan had a dedicated red-light district as described below.…
Jun 16, 2023 15 tweets 10 min read
"With the help of Daily NK, the BBC has been able to communicate with three ordinary people."

Lmao. Let's try again.

"With the help of regime-change PsyOp Daily NK, funded by Imperial Washington, the BBC has laundered more Deep State propaganda."

Fify.… Daily NK was the origin of the fake news that Kim Jong-un had died of a heart attack or some dumb shit, despite still being in his thirties at the time.

I was one of the first to debunk it, but got no credit from professional "DPRK watchers," of course.
Jun 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Reminder that every expat libtard in South Korea who sided with Ukraine and supported sanctions were promoting obvious imperial propaganda, and only contributed to the immiseration of the Korean people.

Remember their names and never take seriously again.… I'm keeping a list.
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Wrote a reply, but the thread was archived before I could post it so I'm leaving it here.… ImageImageImage To have subcultures, you need a common culture to rebel against. I'm not sure America still has one. ImageImageImageImage
Mar 6, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I encourage everyone to read "Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect His Family Business in Ukraine" to grasp the scale of his corruption there. (Shitter does not allow a direct link for obvious reasons.)

"Sleepy Joe" is a folksy front. He's an economic hit man. "We regret to inform you that the First Amendment has been cancelled for your own safety. We only have your best interests at heart. Kindly, Team Twitter."
Jan 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In 2020, South Korea averaged 84 Covid-19 deaths per month versus an historical average of 242 monthly flu deaths.

Since the introduction of Western "vaccines" in February 2021, it has averaged 424 monthly Covid-19 deaths.

Not misinformation. Just facts.… From 2003–2013, South Korea averaged 2,900 annual flu deaths (source below). In the first year of the "pandemic" – prior to "vaccine" rollout – it recorded 1,420 Covid-19 deaths.

Meanwhile, 1,600 "vaccine" deaths have been reported locally so far.

Jan 14, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
On "Women's Age," a Daum café for younger South Korean women with 822,554 members, a poll on views of the Korean military is now underway.

On South Korean men who defend the nation:

1% have so far chosen "Thankful."
99% have so far chosen "Not thankful."… On US soldiers who defend South Korea:

82% so far: "Thankful."
17%: "Not thankful."

Also asked: "If you had to send a letter of condolence, to whom would you rather write?"

So far, 99% would prefer to write to a US soldier.
1% have chosen ROK soldiers.…
Jan 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"All your house are belong to us." Bank of Chimerica.
Dec 7, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
Recently, the National Federation of Parents Association held a press conference in front of the Blue House and protested forced "vaccination" for minors.

Their concerns are not unfounded. So far, 1,327 "vaccine" deaths have been reported in South Korea.… They noted that while not one elementary, middle or high school student in South Korea is reported to have died from Covid-19, two high school seniors recently did after "vaccination."

Data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency supports them, as can be seen below. Image
Nov 5, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday, I met an old friend for coffee near JYP Entertainment HQ, in Gangdong, Seoul.

He is what some would call a "Gangnam leftist," or a wealthy progressive. He is politically well-connected and runs an NGO himself.

After catching up, the subject of the "pandemic" came up. I was somewhat shocked when he first appeared: No mask. Here in Seoul, mask-mandate compliance is nearly universal. Several times, I have thoughtlessly entered local shops with my mask pulled down below my nose, and been scolded by staff.

His defiance was almost revolutionary.
Nov 4, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
As part of a larger survey focused on South Koreans in their thirties to coincide with its thirtieth anniversary, Munhwa Ilbo has put out a report on current attitudes toward feminism and gender relations.

After summarizing its findings, I offer analysis.… To start, 93.9% of men in their twenties and 92.2% in their thirties favor scrapping the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, while 54.8% of women in their twenties and 54.7% in their thirties would keep it.

This issue is sure to add fire to the nearing presidential election. Image
Oct 18, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
"The mRNA injected in these vaccines ends up everywhere, easily passing from the interstitium to the blood stream and across the blood-brain barrier." "This means that people who end up with persistent neurological or cardiac side effects may have them for years, until most of the signs stating the cell is making spike protein are torn down."
Oct 17, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
What stands out about these figures is that while Asian-American students are OVERrepresented by a factor of four as a share of the US population, black students are UNDERrepresented by a factor of four.

Black Americans aren't dumb: They know it isn't whitey displacing them. Everyone knows the great majority of attacks on Asian-Americans is not by whites. Thus, race grifter @NickCho has it exactly backwards: He needs to keep white people out of his "damn mouth" if he really wants to improve relations between Asians and blacks.…
May 3, 2021 14 tweets 7 min read
The CIA serves Big Capital. During the Cold War, it subverted the US left by promoting LSD, feminism and theory. The aim was to ensure the triumph of "liberal democracy."

"Woke" Capital is the next stage. Radical liberalism shatters popular resistance to hegemonic neoliberalism. It is pubic record that, beginning in the 1950s, the CIA saw LSD and other psychedelics as potentially powerful "mind control" drugs.

The only controversy is whether it was actively complicit in introducing LSD to the broader American public in the 1960s.…
Mar 29, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The story of a libtard who murdered ten people in Boulder in an obvious anti-white hate crime was memory holed quickly, wasn't?

We now turn our attention to the thousandth "think piece" about how elite Korean women are "traumatized" by the shooting of sex traffickers in Atlanta. Woke bourgeois Korean-American feminists: The objectification and sexual exploitation of women of color by patriarchy is evil.

Also: My own ethnonarcissism and class interests trump any real concern for the thousands of Asian women sex trafficked by other Asians across America.
Mar 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
90% of expats in East Asia are truly insufferable.

The percentage used to be much lower, but preening Millennials and other Woketards have swelled the ranks in recent years.

I left the US long ago partly to get away from the decayed, dying West, but it seems there is no escape. South Korea is in danger of disappearing forever under the onslaught of Imperial Wokeness.

A good start would be to ban all ESL teachers with dodgy social media. For starters, any with pronouns in their profiles get the cut.

It won't happen, but you can't say I didn't warn you.
Mar 20, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Image "During Tedros' three year campaign to win the WHO post he was charged with having covered up three major epidemics of cholera while health minister in Ethiopia, charges he denied."…