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Mar 14 4 tweets 2 min read
Soyboyism is also heritable. In fact, the most heritable (snp h²) dietary habit in this study! (bottom right) Image Study

Mar 8 8 tweets 5 min read
Can Europe learn from Ghana? Buried on Wikipedia is a 3 sentence part about how Ghana deported 20% of the population -- 3 million people -- all the non-Ghanans. And it only took 3 months. The "Ghana Aliens Compliance Order" (GACO)

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_i…Image This website provides the history. It begins, of course, with economic migration since Ghana was the gold coast. In fact, these migrants were going into a British colony, probably for the usual reasons of wanting to live under European domain: rule of lawand prosperity. Image
Jan 20 6 tweets 2 min read
The racism of teachers Image In Germany, non-German students (anyone with "migration background") get lower grades and test scores. Image
Jan 11 5 tweets 2 min read
The decline of intelligence, as measured by genetic scores. Image The decline of intelligence estimated by fertility and intelligence correlations by country. Image
Jan 10 9 tweets 3 min read
New Dutch results on immigration. Sobering as usual. There are 3.7 million foreigners in the Netherlands. Image One can calculate a given person's contribution to the state budget by adding up all their contributions (revenue) and subtracting all of their costs. Doing so gives a net contribution metric. Dutch people are c. net 0, and the others groups net negatives. Image
Jan 8 9 tweets 4 min read
Many of you have seen this figure. A pessimist's favorite. A massive innovation decline starting from 1880 or so. Image It fits suspiciously well with the onset of dysgenic fertility in NW Europe, or at least the UK. Image
Oct 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Does democracy or self-governance do something to your personality or values? Maybe yes says this clever study of Switzerland.

In ... 1218 the last ruler of Zähringen dies, leaving no heir, so the lands revert to imperial rule and gain some kind of self-governance. Image
It appears, these areas are still to this day higher in cooperative attitudes and voting turnout. It can't be explained in terms of crude sociological factors, and due to the geographical diversity, one can also employ fixed effects, none of which remove the pattern. Image
Sep 8, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Even extreme luck from natural resources does not outweigh psychology in explaining variation in wealth. Take Nauru, the fattest country in the world, 95% are overweight and 70%+ are obese.

In the 1970s, they mined bird poo (guano) and sold it so that their country was the wealthiest in the world GDP per capita (population about 10k Polynesians). The plan was to put the money into a national trust fund, like Norway does. The interests from this massive wealth would enable them to basically finance a welfare state perpetually. However, it was not to be due to "mismanagement and corruption". Today they are about as poor as they were to begin with. Rags to riches to rags.Image
Jul 5, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
Richard Lynn published a posthumous papers on race differences in schizophrenia. The worldwide pattern in races living in Western countries appear to follow their relative intelligence levels. Highest in Blacks, elevated in various other groups, Amerindians/Hispanics, Aboriginies, Maori, MENAP and so on. East Asians seem to be slightly lower, but little data.Image Africans (Blacks) vs. Europeans (Whites) higher no matter if they live in USA, UK, or Sweden.

Apr 17, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Everybody knows some topics or questions are taboo, but which ones? Do people agree? Decided to find out. We asked 500 Americans online to rate the tabooness of 29 questions, and this was the result.

Race and IQ was the winner, even beating incest, pedophilia, gay germs etc. Image The results were almost entirely consistent across all subgroups: age, sex, politics, race, science knowledge. The correlations for taboo ratings across groups were >.90, close to 1.00 without sampling error.

Though note that some grounds find everything more taboo than others.

Feb 26, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
The egalitarians in power were quick to cancel those academics who dared write that Dutch immigration report.

Image Socialism attracts losers. This is also true for immigration socialism. Image
Feb 14, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
To understand the fiscal effects of immigration you have to start with a plot like this one. From the perspective of the government, people below 25 are net negatives, between 25 and 75, they are net positive, and then negative again. Image The reasons for this are straightforward. Below 25's cost the state money in terms of childcare and education and don't yet make much money, and thus don't pay much in income tax. Old people cost money in retirement, old peoples homes, and healthcare. Image
Feb 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Education attainment is often given as the best example of heritability not being noticeably stronger than shared environment. But this conclusion is somewhat incorrect because of the assortative mating bias. In this study of Finnish and Dutch families, heritabilities were estimated at 55% and 66%, compared with shared environment of 16% and 13%.

frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…Image In this Norwegian family study, heritability for education was estimated at 55%, close the above. Shared environment was 27%.

Jan 15, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Among those below 30, support for freedom of speech is a Right-Wing thing. This interaction with age was seen in both UK and US samples.

Of the more familiar factors, support for freedom of speech predictors were:

- being a man
- intelligence
- valuing freedom (duh)
- intellectual humility
Jan 7, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Who likes big butts? Who prefers breasts instead? @MrGeorgeFrancis and I decided to look into this in more detail using national and subnational data.

The main source of data here are Pornhub and Google searches for body-related terms. There is strong agreement across sources. Image The main metric from the data is the relative interest in butts versus breasts. Behold, science. Image
Jan 6, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
I published a new study and it's a juicy one.

The establishment's theory of race differences in socially valued metrics is that this is due to "systemic racism", a kind of Marxist conspiracy theory where the dominant group (Whites) keeps other peoples down.

There are clear testable predictions from this theory. In places where racist, White people have more power, outcomes for non-Whites, especially Blacks and Hispanics should be worse. Recall that the US demographics by county look like this.

Of course, Republicans are racist in this theory.Image
Aug 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Private market fans are usually a fan of private education. The trouble is that educational outcomes are mostly just genetics, so there isn't much room for improvement. One way to study this is to look at school voucher randomized trials.

This meta-analysis shows that they don't do anything for reading or math ability in the West. The results for non-Western countries are larger, but not very trustworthy due to rampant scientific misconduct in those countries. Shrug tier.

Private education probably preferable on other grounds, but not for actual learning outcomes.

The Participant Effects of Private School Vouchers Across the Globe: A Meta-Analytic and Systematic Review

Mar 8, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Our reply is now out to Giangrande and Turkheimer's 2022 attack on our meta-analysis.

Image This article took a long time to publish, as the journal G&T published in didn't want to allow us a reply, so we had to appeal, and then their editor got fired for unrelated reasons. Science publishing is very political on these topics. You can read the timeline in the paper too.
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@Steve_Sailer Your Ratwiki page has in fact been edited by Oliver D Smith a few times already. By my judgement, he's hiding under a few usernames here: Johns, Danak, Brain Galaxy (banned by staff for being Smith). I see 3 people in your comments who are Oliver D Smitht too. Image How to spot Oliver D Smith accounts:

1. Anyone who compulsively edits Karlin, Kirkegaard, Dutton, Winegard, Cofnas, etc.
2. Watch for the usual edit pattern of fanatically editing many times in a row instead of big edits.
3. British spellings like "paedophile" & missing spaces.
Mar 15, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
American criminology is seeing this pattern, and coming up with every alternative theory, however implausible, for why this is not caused by demographics That said, this particular version seems to only float around suspect sites (e.g. archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/218…), so can we verify it? Here's some quite similar looking data. Diversity index will be about the same as non-White%, which is same as Black+Hispanic.

Dec 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Science has spoken: communism is the best solution to the obesity pandemic.

Overweight trends among Polish schoolchildren before and after the transition from communism to capitalism

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26439757/ Would you like to learn more?
