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A cork board podcast mapping the interlocks & hidden passages of the capitalist elite. Moneyed fams, secret societies, intel networks, & trafficking rings.
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Mar 10 4 tweets 2 min read
Holy shit. Druski, anti-sex trafficking conspiritainer Jaguar Wright, and Odell Beckham Jr were actually named as co-defendants in Ashley Parham’s lawsuit against Diddy over her brutal gang r*** (allegedly perpetrated by Druski while the Diddler watched)

Screens attached: Image
Well well welllll 👀
Feb 25 7 tweets 6 min read
Yo, check it out, it’s our guy William Banks pretending to be a Marine while performing a stand up set for a bunch of DOD employees at the Masonic Lodge at West Point lmfao Image
The full video:
Jan 29 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ This Clint Eastwood-looking, 83 yr old badass welcomed the Zizian cult onto his RV lot in Vallejo in ‘19. They tried to dismember him w/ a samurai sword & give him an acid bath bc he dared ask the sheriff to evict them after years of trouble & zero rent. He survived… Image 2/…but lost an eye. Apparently they summoned him from his trailer and whacked him over the head w/ a shovel. He awoke to his neck getting sawed (leaving major scar tissue). He managed to draw his weapon & gun down two of the cultists from the ground, killing Emma Borhanian. Image
Jan 24 6 tweets 5 min read
Did you know MrBeast’s Mom Lt. Col. Sue Donaldson served in the Army w/ distinction for 21 years as Commander of the 9th Military Police Detachment & warden of an Army prison in Mannheim, Germany?

Makes his MKULTRA-esque, prison experiment vids a lil more ominous, eh? 👀 Image
To unpack one of the secrets of Lt. Col. Sue’s service, we can look to court-martialed Army death row inmate Sgt Hasan Akbar, who killed 2 of his compatriots & wounded 14 more at Camp PA in Kuwait in an unfriendly fire grenade attack in ‘03. Akbar grew up in the Nation of Islam Image
Jan 2 11 tweets 8 min read
Sorry, but it’s so funny to me that Matt Livelsberger was on leave from active duty w/ 10th SF Group in Germany, the same group that enlisted the only known Waffen-SS officer buried in Arlington Cemetery, a Finn named Lauri Törni who fought the Red Army on the Eastern Front

🧵: Image
Lauri Törni…

(aliases Larry Laine & the Americanized Larry Thorne, a name which the 10th Special Forces Group “honor” annually w/ an award given to the top detachments)

…led a Finnish volunteer SS detachment during the Continuation War b/w Finland & the Soviet Union until ‘44 Image
Jan 2 6 tweets 3 min read
Breaking: the driver of the Cybertruck that exploded by Trump Int’l Hotel is seemingly Matt Livelsberger, a SpecOps Green Beret and Intel Manager with expertise in “Remote Autonomous Systems” who lives in the Greater Colorado Springs Area 👀 Image A bit more. The man received a Meritorious Honor Award from the State Dep’t for “interagency contributions” while serving as Ops Sgt at SpecOps Command Forward - Central Asian States, given by the Ambassador in Tajikistan. Wonder what that was for… Image
Dec 14, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
Here are some of the reasons why I increasingly suspect Luigi Mangione could be a patsy or 🧠-controlled shooter. To be clear, I support the exec deathcare mvmt, but the narrative just doesn’t add up:

> Luigi complains of extreme sleeplessness & brain fog while studying computer science at UPenn, an Ivy League Company feeder with upwards of 4 different fellowship & research programs at the C👁️A

> Moves into a Hawaiian “intentional community” run by a Kinsey-loving academic & a globetrotting Fulbright scholar in ‘22, where he’s introduced to the Unabomber’s manifesto despite displaying turbonormie reading taste prior to then.

> Decides to finally undergo spinal fusion surgery for his spondylolisthesis (slipped disc) last summer. The surgery is supposedly a rousing success and he comes out of it proselytizing to back pain Redditors that they should surgeon shop—not many if any instances of health insurance critiques found. He’s reportedly not insured by UHC.

> Sometime this spring or last winter, Luigi embarks on a massive, 2 month backpacking trip across Asia (uhm…Oswald in Russia, anyone?)

> This Feb, United Health suffers the largest data breach in American history, with the personal info of over 100 million people stolen. Around the same time, Nancy Pelosi purchases stock in the cybersecurity company UHC hired to investigate the hack on two occasions, one of the buys on the v same day as the hack. Despite an initial dip, the stock has since rallied. Also, should be noted Brian Thompson is named in a Firefighter’s Pension Fund lawsuit alleging insider trading for dumping $15 mil in stocks before a DOJ probe against UHC was announced.

> Upon his return to the States, Luigi abruptly and without warning goes dark, cutting off all contact with his family and childhood friends from prestigious Gilman academy (slight tangent, but Gilman appears to have ignored or even protected numerous pedophile faculty, including an egregious case where a teacher was convicted of 9 counts last year, a teacher who was employed during Luigi’s time at the K-12 boys school)

> During Luigi’s AWOL period, the only people in his life he appears to be communicating w/ are sus RJ from Surfbreak who turned him on to Ted K or else a British tech writer on Twitter, whom Luigi tries to convince to schedule group video calls for his Substack subscribers so Luigi can recruit them for a rationalist, Stoic, & effective altruist group he plans to organize (seems a little weird to me). So Luigi is DMing complete strangers but can’t take the time to answer one of the plaintive messages from his family or a HS buddy whose wedding he’d committed to be a groomsman at.

> In September, Luigi removes his number from a WhatsApp group for Penn alumni in Hawaii, breaking ties & isolating himself further (alt, this could maybe be construed as a kind of scrubbing of digital comms evidence).

> Oct. 1st, a Gilman classmate receives a msg asking if he’d heard from Luigi. In Baltimore and around the country, concerned loved ones and the Mangione clan continue their frantic search for Luigi, from whom there’s only radio silence.

> Nov. 18th. Luigi’s mother files a Missing Persons Report with the SFPD. A day after the Brian Thompson clipping, the SFPD notifies the FBI of Luigi’s identity, hinting at clear contradictions in the official LE narrative. Zion•ist NYPD intel dir. Jessica Tisch maintains that they were kept in the dark. Conflicting narratives from LE & the feds re the sequence leading up to his apprehension at Mickey D’s that could either point at parallel constructions to obscure face recognition surveillance tech or else compartmentalized sloppiness borne of a need-to-know coverup of a patsy frame-up job.

To be continued?Image
Ran out of character space.

> Failed to mention that his family are closely tied to Nancy Pelosi’s maternal side by way of Luigi’s grandpa, Italian real estate dev Nicholas Mangione, who was appointed to a Baltimore school board despite community protest by Pelosi’s brother, the Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro III, in 1970.

> Haven’t even touched on some of the forensic head scratchers, the seeming physiognomy discrepancies b/w the various surveillance footage (which I’m not necessarily wedded to, as I feel like there could be mundane lighting and pixelation explanations), the mysterious tipster, or the inscrutability of Luigi’s decision to bring his ghost gun, fake IDs, and the thousands in cash he disputed into the McDonald’s in Altoona

> There’s the seeming inconsistency of a multimillionaire, purportedly ideological killer who supposedly decided to merc a farm boy class traitor from Iowa to make a larger point about the inhumane profiteering of the health insurance industry only to plead not guilty to the charges after his arrest (which, if he’s the vigilante that he’s been portrayed as, you’d kinda assume he went into this anticipating the possibility of having the book thrown at him & life in prison). On top of this, in an Oswald-esque fashion, he shouts defiant lines—“Completely out of touch and an insult to the intelligence of the American people”—during his perp walk that could easily be interpreted as him trying to bring attention to a concerted coverup and his scapegoating

> And then we have this appointment to lead his defense in NY lol
Dec 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh god, spine tingle coming on… The reporter who killed 2 former colleagues & planned to target a UHC call center in Roanoke under Brian Thompson’s mgmt timestamped his faxed manifesto 8:26 AM (same digits as 286) and inscribed his victims’ initials on his bullets a la Luigi 👀 Image
Made all the more uncanny and obviously intentional because, as the ABC News report notes, the 8:26 AM timestamp on the manifesto that Vester / Bryce Williams faxed to their office was a full 2 hrs or later after he’d shot Alison Parker & Adam Ward while they recorded an interview w/ the executive director of the local chamber of commerce at approx 6:46 AM (who survived despite being shot as well, btw).

What an oddly specific time to select…
Dec 12, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
This is f’ing crazy. Vester Lee Flanagan II, the ex newsman who gunned down a reporter during a live broadcast in VA in supposed retaliation for the Charleston church shooting in ‘15, had just been fired from a UHC call center in Roanoke that was under Brian Thompson’s mgmt 👀🧵 Image
In the vid, this woman who worked in Thompson’s Dep’t for a decade alleges Vester planned to shoot up their office & was apprehended by police not far away. And comparably to UHC shareholders initially cont w/ their meeting, the Co’s only response was to hold a meeting threatening employees w/ “termination” & “legal ramifications” if they spoke to the media about Vester or the shooting…

Thus the seeming dearth of coverage of the Alison Parker & Adam Ward murders that mentions UHC. I went looking as soon I saw this bc her claim strained my credulity at first, but was able to find a handful from predominantly local publications that confirm that he’d found work at the UHC call center following his ouster at WDBJ-TV.Image
Nov 25, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
Howard Lutnick (Trump’s Sec of Commerce pick) is a stalwart Zion•ist & billionaire Israel donor who lived next door to Epstein and avoided dying in the WTC on 9/11 with 658 of his Cantor_Fitzgerald employees as he conveniently took his son to kindergarten that day 👀🧵 Image
Approx 2/3rds (sus) of his employees perished in Cantor’s 100th floor ^ offices, including his bro Gary. Howard courted controversy when it was revealed mere days after the “attack” that he’d already cancelled deceased employees’ salaries, much to their widows’ chagrin. Image
Nov 15, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Here’s a 🧵 of every incoming cabinet appointee and Trump admin staff official so far that are on a first name basis with Shmuley Boteach—the celeb “rabbi”, creepy kosher sex guru, hasbarist, and possible Moss•ad asset from an arms dealing family: Image Here’s Director of Nat’l Intel nominee Tulsi Gabbard w/ the Shmule & Miriam Adelson, widow of arch-Zion•ist Sheldon, who hosted a conference at his Venetian in Vegas that launched a covert Zion•ist task force & raised $50 mil to combat B•D•S over a weekend in ‘15 Image
Oct 25, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
Just found convicted fraudster Martha Stewart’s blog of the Diddler’s 40th Bday Party from ‘09 thanks to this ancient post from rapist-in-exile Russell, which he’s hilariously failed to scrub from his profile.

Let’s take a look at Martha’s revealing coverage of the event: Image
Kids present, including Diddy’s—reminds of a former Playboy bunny who’s attended Freak-Offs that recently claimed the one characteristic distinguishing the Diddler’s blowouts from Hugh Hefner’s were the children present.

Also, the Diddler’s “intern” from Columbia University 😬 Image
Oct 23, 2024 12 tweets 9 min read
In light of the Mike Jeffries bust, here’s a 🧵on Ashton Kutcher’s so-glowing-it’s luminescent career, evincing how he personally entwines the Epstein nexus, Diddy trafficking ring, Church of Scient•ology, and Israel

Pulling from Diddy Declassified research & a @coexistinc ep Image To begin, you need to know how both Ashton & the Diddler (good buddies going back to their MTV heydays) had their thick portfolios & entrée into the upper echelons of the capitalist class enabled by billionaire Epstein client Ron Burkle, w/ whom they’re mutually invested Image
Oct 16, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
In celebration of stochastic terrorist, campus surveillance go-between, genocidal nepo baby, & likely Mo•ssad asset Shai Davidai’s banning from Columbia’s campus…

I’m compiling all of my Davidai Crime Fam research & Shai-guy tweets into a master 🧵: Shai’s grampa’s sus recruitment of SpecOps vets to serve as plainclothes mercs on El Al airlines & subsequent public disavowal to coverup the policy after a PFLP fighter was killed and violence broke out on runways on more than one occasion.
Oct 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Behind every joke, there is some truth Image HOLY FUCKING SHIT. There’s Bill smack dab b/w the Diddler and Epstein client (a Lolita Express frequent flyer) billionaire Ron Burkle, one of the primary interlocks b/w Diddy & the Epstein nexus and also one of Diddy’s main business collaborators… 👀 Image
Oct 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Kanye stands accused of drugging & raping his ex-assistant Lauren Pisciotta at a Diddy party in a lawsuit chock full of salacious details (i.e. deliberately trying to screw his targets’ mothers)

We’ll be covering this incendiary development in “Diddy Declassified (Dossier 6)” ⏳ Image Also have to direct people’s attention to a “Pillow Talk” podcast host alleging Kanye would watch their streams & episodes, selecting from the sex workers that guest on the show and then soliciting their services from the host directly… In light of the lawsuit’s allegations
Sep 20, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
In the new ep, Laihall walks us thru anthropologist Phillipe Blouin’s affidavit in support of Mohawk Mothers’ investigation into Ewen Cameron’s Montreal Experiments & search for unmarked graves containing the bodies of indigenous MK•ULTRA patients—the doc’s a tour de force

^^ “Indigenous families have reported… 88 children who have disappeared after being institutionalized in Quebec since the 1950s…”

vvv Rockefeller Foundation funding the Royal Vic Hospital (the site w/ alleged unmarked MKed indigenous graves). Cameron’s collab lobotomies. Etc Image
Sep 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A solitary, lonely self-like lmfao. We get that you have an insatiable appetite for sanctimony & find it unbecoming to question the imperial hegemon political policing apparatus when it comes to official school shooting & mass casualty narratives. Give the McGowan Crusade a rest
Image People don’t talk enough about how Robbie built his online clout off of a fake beheading stunt purporting to show the decapitation of an American man by Iraqi Islamists… Interesting to consider as it doubtlessly drew the feds & American intel’s attention, just saying

Aug 19, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Co-defendants in a multi-billion dollar fraud trial don’t just get hit by cars and vanish in a yachting wreck off the Sicilian coast a mere 36 hrs apart…

That doesn’t just happen lmfao
Image Especially so when one of them is a billionaire…

Reminder these coincidentally ran over / shipwrecked gentlemen sold their firm to a company in the Top 25 of D o D contractors that also provides myriad services to a certain apartheid entity in the Levant 👀
Aug 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Here are screens of Congressman Higgins actual preliminary investigative report into the Trump assassination false f l a g, including the portions re the F B I mysteriously “disappearing” Crooks’s body a mere 10 days on w/out the coroner’s knowledge (boxed).


Near the end of the report, he writes re the vids of a supposed “shadowy” figure filmed on the water tower that, “2 local cops, non-ESU, were assigned to… the water tower area as ‘response’ units… They DID leave the post, but only in the hour prior to the shooting”. 👀 Image
Aug 7, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Wtf. In snake oil twink salesman Milo’s sworn affidavit alleging that Kanye’s sus dentist got him addicted to nitrous to defraud him, he claims Connelly explored hiring a hit man / muscle to “commit violence” against Milo in retaliation & that his clinic is owned by a “cartel” 👀

Not only that, Milo claims that Connelly has been ripping off “cartel” boss & rapper clients by installing lab grown diamonds in the place of the organic ice they’ve purchased… Implying that the sus dentist is at serious risk of losing appendages if not his life if found out Image