A father, husband, son, brother, collaborator, friend. Intensive Care Medicine, co-design, Safety-II, simulation, gardening, science, ally 🌈, BlueSky
Aug 11, 2022 • 14 tweets • 10 min read
In 2009 I was involved in an Intensive Care Unit adverse event where our ICU team #failed in its goal and a person died as a result. This set me on a path to thinking about how to respond to these traumatic experiences and how to prevent them at a professional and personal level.
I was given an opportunity to explore this by @theMJA with "A personal reflection on staff experiences after critical incidents."
Knott CI. A personal reflection on staff experiences after critical incidents. Med J Aust. 2014;201(9):550-1. Med J Aust. 2014;201(9):550-1.