Komander Xander Profile picture
Hypnotist | Gentlemanly Scoundrel | Bringing up my fellow Gents
بُهلولْ 1099 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Men and women have the same avg IQ, but the social psychology between the two is the big differentiator

Men organize into competency hierarchies

Women organize into amorphous groups that prioritize consensus and recognition of emotional states

Thread 👇👇👇 For men to move up in hierarchies they must gain in competence - be able to offer more to the group

Since men want to move up the social hierarchy this creates the social effect of men becoming more useful to society
Feb 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
An old trick I used to use for shits and giggles

But also set the right frame:

Get to the venue a few minutes early

Then call her. This is even better if you met her on an app and have only texted up to this point

Then you say: 👇(cont) You: Hey what's up?

Her: (confused) I'm just heading to meet you... be there soon

You: Hey there's this TV show on tonight I want to watch (or insert other crazy reason that's unreasonable). Let's raincheck for another night