kris m beal Profile picture
be kind. speak up. vote. ✍️ ✍️ ✍️
Jun 5, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
So all these smart folks like @davidplouffe @TVietor08 are talking about "relational organizing" - WTH does that mean? It means talking with your friends, neighbors, family - listening - engaging.

I thought yuck! I don't want to do that! And then this happened... <1> I took the plunge... I KNOW who my like minded connections are. So I sent a few texts... connected privately on social... chatted at the nursery...

I KNOW them. I listened. I know what they're interested in... I connected them, based on who they are.

It went like this... <2>
Feb 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
<THREAD> Observation on the pile on from last night >>

I made a polite comment last night disagreeing w B*rnie's tweet on an influencer's thread.

Here's what I saw:

- Immediate & loud response - by many accounts > this was weird, because really I don't get much action

more> <cont'd>

- The immediacy of the response was striking
- The loud responses were real people - not bots.
- It was so weird, I did some clicking

Feb 1, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read

It’s always a good time to remind ourselves of the Active Measures implemented in the '16 election to help elect Trump.

Remember, Guccifer 2.0 & Wikileaks were in conversation re: splitting Democratic party to help Trump's chances.

Mueller Report, Vol 1, pg 45

1/ They were working on twitter.

Vol 1, Footnote 67
