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Writer, guitarist, Pointless champ, QPR sufferer, elephant photographer. Words in @Independent @BBC @theipaper @RoughGuides @Esquire @NationalTrust @RecCollMag
Jun 5, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
I followed Nigel Farage on and off for 10 years.

When all's said and done about his standing in Clacton, milkshake incident etc, he remains at the end of the day one of the most repugnant shameless liars in UK history.

Some of his standout lesser-known lies I've compiled FTR 🧵 In 2015 Farage tweeted this doctored pic of a Canadian woman at a pro-Syrian refugee rally purportedly wearing an Amnesty sign saying “My legs are open for refugees", which was quite obviously a bad Photoshop job.

"These people are sick" he tweeted, without irony.