Kristan Hawkins Profile picture
President @StudentsforLife & @SFLAction • Host of The Kristan Hawkins Show
Apr 8, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The Trump statement from today is done. Now, it's time for the Pro-Life & Conservative movement to list out what we can do, when we win in November, to protect babies and mothers from the predatory abortion industry.

Here's a short list.... MAKE KEY APPOINTMENTS: Beginning with the Vice President & then the heads of HHS, DOJ, FDA, EPA, etc. From there, life-affirm policies can be reintroduced that protect preborn children, their mothers, and our environment from dangerous abortion pollutants now in our water.
Mar 1, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
How to Talk About IVF as a Pro-Lifer (A Thread) To start, the pro-life movement’s criticisms of IVF does not mean that children created via IVF are less worthy of life than other children. Every child is a gift, regardless of the circumstances of his or her conception.

Criticism of IVF and the moral questions of its use are not criticisms of the countless amazing human beings alive today because of it. In fact, recognizing the value of every human being, even those created in labs, is the core of what our movement is all about.
Jan 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@POTUS to sign Presidential Memorandum on Chemical Abortion. If you care about women, preborn children, and the environment at all, this should concern you deeply. Read on: The Biden Administration is trying to establish the
@FDA as the new Supreme Court with their regulations as the new Roe v. Wade. This abuse of power is not only an attack on states' rights but also on common decency.
Jun 27, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Need help responding to post-Roe MYTHS?

➡️ Ectopic Pregnancy & Miscarriage Will Go Untreated

➡️ Gay Marriage & Contraception Are In Danger

➡️ Most Americans Love Roe v. Wade

➡️ Maternal Mortality Will Rise

Ectopic Pregnancy & Miscarriage Will Go Untreated

Reversing Roe does *nothing* to impact ectopic pregnancy treatment because it. is. not. abortion.

Don't believe me? Believe OB/GYNs

Jun 20, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
We have the antidote to this violent nonsense.

Thread 🧵… We reject the Summer of "Rage."

We reject the bullying, threats, fear.

If these creeps think we'll be intimidated by their moronic tantrums, they haven't been paying attention.

We've been face-to-face with the evil of child dismemberment for 50 years. They don't scare us.
May 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This Mothers Day may very likely be the last in Roe’s America.

The abortion lobby is now unhinged vandalizing pregnancy centers in our communities that support women and children before and after childbirth (the very thing pro-aborts accuse us of not doing) and protesting and vandalizing Catholic churches, which have maintained for a millennia+ the dignity of every human person from conception.

These extremists are angry and feel it their right to pay someone to end the beating hearts of their children.
Jan 7, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read

Our nation was divided beyond repair before the election of Donald Trump. What has shocked me today wasn’t the ANTIFA members and other rioters who stormed the Capitol, it was that so many of you are just now realizing we have a major problem on our hands. Please spare me your fake outrage over the events today if you supported the BLM and ANTIFA riots and violence this summer.

The violence and riots this summer lead by the political left were unacceptable and wrong just like how invading our Capitol today was wrong.
Sep 16, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
So, yesterday, pro-abortion organizations and politicians and "pro-lifers" who claim to hate abortion but will vote for Joe Biden for President (who supports abortion in all 9 months with taxpayer funding) all rushed to attack the Trump administration for a report that came out from anti-ICE activists alleging from unverified sources that mass hysterectomies were being committed inside ICE facilities.

This was shocking. And I immediately had our team reach out to the Administration for comments on this. Why? Because our nation has a history of this
Feb 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The @icer_review, whose goal is socialized medicine, just published an opinion literally saying that even if the miracle drug, Trikafta, was a cure for #cysticfibrosis (its not but closest we have) that even then it wouldn’t be worth the $$$ to treat my kids. #numbersthatmatter How dare this unelected agency determine how much money my children’s lives are worth. If Trikafta extends one of my kid’s lives for a SINGLE day, it would be worth it.
Feb 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
You want to know how “great” Medicare for All will be?

You excited for the proposal all of the Dems are putting forward, making you believe they will ensure you have free, high quality healthcare?

Read this from cystic fibrosis patient, Gunnar.… A non-independent agency has determined that while the new triple modulator drugs that have recently been approved for those with CF (my Gunner is in the clinical study) are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and will had years on to estimated life spans, the drugs are still too expensive.