Kristoffer Philp Profile picture
Transsexual | Think for myself | biology is a wonderful thing, you can’t change it | gender abolitionist
Aug 1 8 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵 because I’m angry:

The fact that every one of the little troon army are posting “BUT SHE’S NOT TRANS” to every single person speaking up about the unfair advantage in someone XY has over XX just goes to show that taking a stand for women’s rights is being spin to be ‘anti-trans’. The loud opinions to this isn’t about if they are trans or not it is about protecting women from men regardless. The twisting it to be all about the trans agenda just goes to show the narcissistic nature of the movement.
Sep 17, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Dear @jk_rowling,
I am writing this letter to say a big thank you. You may not find that strange given my propensity to fight your corner, but given the below I find that I have to say something, let me explain. 1/? I most certainly thank you for your lengthy essay, in which you bare your soul of the pain you endured and how you experiences have shaped who you are today. The essay where you state quite plainly you do not hate me, and you do not hate my trans brothers and sisters. 2/?
Jul 25, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s a wonder people get anywhere in life when they don’t understand the meaning of what they say. Hypocrite I am not, go deal with some of your self loathing instead of projecting it onto me ✌🏻 Another one for the books 🙄 Image
Jul 15, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
This week I have been told on neumerous occasions I am not trans because I don’t believe in gender.

Here the thing, I am not trans because I believe in stereotyped gender roles, I am not trans because I am a confused lesbian, I am not trans because I don’t like 1/? “women’s” clothes and I preferred “boys toys” as a kid.

I did not choose to be trans, I did not decided when I woke up one morning that I am trans because I want white male privilage, and to escape the oppression of being female.

I am not claiming I am a man, I am well 2/?
Jul 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
So I had a conversation on here last night and I have truncated it as I find it a very coherent expression of my rambling views.

Women are oppressed through sex (and sexual abuse) through child baring, through FGM, through pornography, through trafficking & DV and 1/? more. Violence and oppression of women and the fight against it does not stop and should not stop becuase trans women exist.

The blame is places on those born male, regardless of “identity”, the social construct of gender does not negate the oppression from one half of 2/?
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Hi Nicola, as a trans man in his 30’s I would be more than happy to have a discussion with you regarding this issue. These kids are wrapped up in an ideology where cancelling debate and thought is high priority. This is what you are doing with this petition. Have you had open 1/ discoed with anyone who opposes these childrens point of views? Anyone who has had some life experience with the issues and is empathetic to the plight of trans people and of women? Please take a second to consider that not only if this an attack lobbied by those who felt 2/