How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App sure, this may not be a “hard stop trigger”. crypto, long projects, long yield farming, was all the same bet. is one of those things that is difficult to control when it’s out the bag (Historically). I think the Fed understands this and if they have the opportunity to tame it, while not completely obliterating risk assets, it seems like a perfect scenario. what you will see is a fund shorting a straddle and using the premium to fund way out the money puts. It sounds good until you land in the middle and lose both ways from skew not picking up. remember during the prop days, I was actually doing well trading, first time seeing actual money. But I wanted to make more. I got so deep into trying to over optimize what I was doing. I was running all sorts of weird functionalities. vol guys in a paradise with spot- vol beta reacting muted. But this notion that a vol spike can’t happen is pretty wrong.