M. Lissandrini Profile picture
Associate Prof. @UniVerona 🇮🇹 - I provide means for Knowledge Exploration (He/Him) - @DataExample @SEADataConf @EDAO_eu Est. 2009-11-06 16:21:14
Jul 29, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Q) What is #KnowledgeGraph #Exploration?

A) a machine-assisted process of analysis of a KG to: (1) understand its structure (2) identify whether it can satisfy the current information need and (3) locate the portion of the KG pertinent to the current need

1/4 In this work we divide techniques in:
a) Summarization/Profiling
b) Exploratory Analytics
c) Exploratory Search

These 3 are mapped on a spectrum from no interaction and no requirement to domain knowledge, to high interaction and higher requirement of domain knowledge.

2/4 Taxonomy of KG Exploration techniques and their positioning