kyde 🇯🇵 eric (異世界ライフ) Profile picture
living in tokyo making gonzo travel videos | 東京に住んでる旅行のユーチューブビデオを制作する英語の夫婦です! current video:
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Since we moved into our apartment (~3 years) there has been this very clean & quiet set of tents where a few homeless people live next to the river where we exercise every day, which happens to be near an olympic stadium. We have never seen them cause any trouble at all.... 1/3 ...Today I noticed there are "get your tent out of here, we are cleaning" notices on the tents: eviction date of 20th. The Olympics opening ceremony is the 23rd. I guess they don't want the "dignitaries" (rich people) who bought their way in as spectators to see these tents. 2/3