How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App When a Black person steps into a room, or simply inhabits a space, no one cares more about race than White & non-Black minorities in said room, it just so happens that race most cared about is Black person’s. Black people have to care about race cuz of this reality. Beloved, you are not obligated to accept that “let’s get coffee”, especially if it’s to hear them explain their racism or make you defend your refusal to assimilate. Just b/c a White person requests your time, energy, & presence doesn’t mean you have to say yes. I want to speak on this briefly for a few reasons. I think Black women deserve to be seen, heard, & defended & I'll use my platform to that end when I can. Also, As a Black man with Asian heritage, a Southeastern Asian wife, & transcultural children; I'm invested in issue. be fair, our society across the board lacks awareness & depth regarding the history & nuances of appropriation & racializations for an article like this, from a platform like @cnn, to ever actually land well. Even Black folks who feel uncomfortable w/ it often can’t verbalize.