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"A good boy. Senile bookcel. Physically fit. And basically normal.”
Jackson D.S. ✝️🇺🇸🐀👌🏼| JOIN RUMBLE.com Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture stratemeyer Profile picture 3 subscribed
Apr 16 5 tweets 2 min read
Woke isn't dying. Woke isn't going anywhere.

Friend told me his small red town in a red state 500 miles from the nearest international airport just announced it's having it's first ever Pride parade, including a drag show for kids sponsored by the town council. This also came with a "Proclamation" issued by the city declaring the town a safe space and condemning bigotry blah blah blah, suggesting that any objections, let alone active resistance to a city-sponsored Pride week and kid's drag show is somehow verboten...
Apr 13 15 tweets 3 min read
While you were playing your switch on the airplane, I decided to torture myself by watching the interahamwe film “Dear White People” using disposable airline headphones I could barely hear through, and now I am going to write a review: Stylistically, the movie is a feature length low-brow teen soap opera you might’ve seen on 2000’s era WB, but with pretensions of making some big sociological/political statement about race and class, which it does pretty clumsily, but not without some (accidental) insight.
Apr 9 6 tweets 2 min read
NPR Update: This article is very good look at the internal politics at NPR since 2016. Trump, then Covid, then BLM broke these people's brains. Though it's about NPR specifically, this story explains pretty much all of mainstream media over the last half decade The writer, who is an NPR journo himself, pinpoints the big shift in how media perceived their job: from delivering relevant and useful information, to preaching moral and ideological instruction.

::Always has been:: yes, but things got markedly more pronounced post-Trump
Mar 20 5 tweets 2 min read
When people say the culture is stuck they mean that it's iterating downward, replicating into ever more attenuated, high-compression copies of itself, like a financial system comprised of dozens of layers of synthetic derivatives with no new underlying asset creation This can produce all sorts of novel artifacts that have the shape and texture of "new" material, but they aren't generative in and of themselves; they are stand-ins for the real thing, shadows of them
Feb 7 8 tweets 2 min read
Recently watched Terminator 2 and had forgotten that the super genius computer scientist who invents Skynet is black. This is peak 90's color blindness. The fact that he's black goes totally unremarked upon. It doesn't register at all. As a friend has pointed out there is very brief window where the world's biggest mega celebrities are black men, Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson. Jordan wins his first ring the same year Terminator comes out. Black men were a universal everyman.
Jan 18 4 tweets 1 min read
Reminiscing about the boomers. People don't want to hear this but we're gonna miss them when they're gone. They had their blind spots, sure, but it will get worse. It will get much worse. This is a boomer respecter account now
Jan 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Every day I am newly in awe at the amount of elite cognitive talent––world historical levels of memorization, strategy, optimization, real-time problem solving––getting put to use on increasingly trivial tasks like speedrunning Sekiro blindfolded. It's like some bizarre civilizational race to see how wide we can make the gap between the pointlessness of the task and the human capital required to complete it.

All the important things are done by midwits, while our geniuses spend all their time optimizing wall-clipping
Jan 10 6 tweets 2 min read
My armchair (quasi)contrarian take on the fertility collapse among affluent people is that they actually care *too much* about kids. They desire children but have entered into pathological K-selection mentality with regards to raising and providing for any individual child The most affluent people I know have a lot of kids. I know several high net worth couples with 5 or more kids. There's no fertility crisis among the ultra rich, precisely bc they are not constrained by wealth and can provide maximal attention and resources to any number of kids
Dec 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Modern publishing is driven exclusively by power laws. The model is to publish hundreds/thousands of books a year, and hope that one or two best sellers emerge to carry the rest. This is why you see those bizarre stats about the average book only selling a few dozens copies… What this means for a reader is that you get drowned in a sea of noise, with the only signals coming from the NYT Best Seller List and/other what lands on airport bookstore shelves. But all of the good stuff, the real quality, is not the stuff on the best seller lists…
Sep 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Watch this video closely. It’s a plea for help. If you find a girl like this in the wild, parroting these rehearsed slogans, she’s yours if you want her. Tell her you are going to make her a mother. Tell her it’s going to be all right. Fr, no cap, you indeed can save her anon. A few comments like this: why would you marry someone who’s crazy/neurotic? I’m saying she’s not any of those things, or not moreso than your average woman. She’s telling herself a story in order to *not* go crazy. Women like this are not unsalvageable
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BAP is right about this. Though it is much messier than left/right. There is a unique globe emoji/boomer con alliance on this question, stemming from red heartland having turned away from high and refined things as a point of ideological demarcation... "I don't need your coastal faggy affectations" etc. This is prevailing attitude in much of red America, and understandably so, but it is self-defeating, low and narrow, and is grounded in an inferiority complex rather than any noble principle of resistance
Aug 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Mrs. Lomez was recently at a social function with a dozen or so normie unmarried 30 something women––all "right" coded, btw––and reported that every one of them was on some kind of mood stabilizer or "ADHD" med. X-ray techs, HR, clerical, low-end white collar––very meat of the bell curve, modal heartland white woman––underfucked, over-medicated, smoke tons of weed, downward marriage prospects, bio clock ticking fast, getting numbed out on meds to cope.

Very bleak picture.
Aug 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Thank you Joy Reid for providing this opportunity to remind everyone that the Central Park 5 were just innocent boys, racistly villified for doing some casual "first time" raping and merely having "fun" savagely beating random people with metal pipes.

I mean what's the deal? You expect a bunch of black teenagers to go in the park at night and *NOT* beat and rape people for fun? Are you a racist or something?
Aug 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The irony of the Great Awokening is that by relentlessly browbeating white people for their supposed ancestral sins, while simultaneously claiming that whiteness is a meaningless category that all white people must divest from, it’s initiated an actual white ethnogenesis This is a good question. What constitutes an ethnos? My answer is that until you have "white restaurants" or "white music" you're not really there yet.

Stuff White People Like is probably the closest we've come to defining a modern white ethnos.

Jul 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Perfect example of the emerging subgenre of Shitlib Yokel Kitsch.

Midwit academic tumblr-tier “Queering the Coal Mines” revisionism clumsily smuggled into “gritty alt-country” packaging to satisfy the ideological indulgences of In This House… suburban wine moms The culture is dead. Cooked through completely. Every inch of it has been colonized to sell competing kitsch merch. Every pocket of free, unclaimed territory has been processed through the kitsch filter. This kind of deep woods grit-country is just the latest casualty. Sad!
Jun 18, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
For Father's Day I want to share one of the great father/son stories of all time, David Quammen's "Walking Out" from 1980. It originally comes from Quammen's collection "Blood Line" aptly subtitled Stories of Fathers and Sons. Image Quammen abandoned fiction writing after this collection and has since had a successful career as a nature writer, including his 2012 book "Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic" which more or less predicted COVID
Jun 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"What you see at Fight Club is a generation of men raised by women." That sentence is a stand-alone paragraph at the center of the book.

The movie is not about consumerism or "uh economic stability" except to the extent that those things are insufficient to resolve the spiritual crisis of modernity.
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Pretty much everything we've seen from (ostensible) right wingers in response to woke cap is either Black Rifle style astroturf or some cheap branding gimmick (like below) that's purely reactive and at best has a one news-cycle half-life as a joke gift... If you are going to take the time to actually build out parallel markets in whatever product you might as well take the time to make something good, something of value, something that once the news-cycle is over and our goldfish brain sets in people will still want to consume
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You've never debated someone like me before Absolutely mogged by the memory grid. Not a total surprise. I've been married for 10 years and I still haven't memorized my wife's phone number.
Mar 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The Ricky Vaughn case gets even worse. It's not enough the DOJ is trying to put a political enemy in jail for posting joke memes, Stasi foot-soldiers from the SPLC have now successfully intimidated a defense witness into dropping out of the case lawandcrime.com/high-profile/a… "Nice academic career you have there Mr. Hawley, would be a shame if something happened to it."
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It bears repeating that Jan 6th was a completely fake psy-op to retcon the preceding 12 months of utter lawlessness perpetrated by Red Guard shock troops across the country, and fabricate a narrative end-point to justify the many breaches big and small to the public trust and our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… The wall of text just got 10 feet higher