LEC Wooloo Profile picture
I talk to esports people and share exclusive news. Brieuc "LEC Wooloo" Seeger 🇧🇪 Founder & Reporter @Sheep_Esports contact: brieuc.seeger@sheepesports.com
Oct 26, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] If you don't speak french you're not missing out on information so don't worry.

Maintenant qu'on connait le résultats, petit message aux ultras KC et autres fans d'esport francophones pour conclure tout ça: Depuis que les rumeurs ont commencé j'ai une demande énorme d'informations au sujet sur la KC, c'est le cas dans mes DMs mais je pense que vous pouvez le voir sous chacun de mes tweets durant l'arc trix city.
Oct 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
[Sources] Thread with some updates about KC x AST:

Last week I discussed the possibility of Astralis giving their LEC spot to KC in exchange for shares within the French organization. It seems an alternative deal came up on the table which would involve a loan of Astralis spot through Riot.

I don't know how realistic this is or if the TPA even allows it but Karmine Corp joining the LEC could in my opinion be beneficial to all parties so who knows.
Sep 29, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
[Thread] With worlds starting today we have been writing at @Upcomer individual previews for each of the 24 teams competing at the tournament.

If you'd like to learn more about any team, here a thread with all of them. LCK

DWG KIA - upcomer.com/worlds-2022-ou…
DRX - upcomer.com/worlds-2022-ou…
T1 - upcomer.com/worlds-2022-ou…
Gen.G - upcomer.com/worlds-2022-ou…