Harvard-trained psychologist. Ph.D. @UTAustin. Mental health is wealth. My threads help you build financial success, become fearless, and destroy anxiety.
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Mar 4 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
This man who heals what doctors can't:
Jiddu Krishnamurti.
It's impossible to be psychologically trapped, stressed, or anxious after understanding his teachings.
Here's his 5-step approach to unlocking mental freedom:🧵
At age 14, the Theosophical Society declared Krishnamurti the next World Teacher.
By 27, he was set to lead one of the largest spiritual organizations in the world.
Then he did something that shocked everyone...
Mar 2 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
The most dangerous modern diseases aren't:
This one silent pandemic is the worst.
And it worsens the three above.
Here it is and how to cure yourself (according to a Harvard psychologist):
Loneliness is one of the most terrifying epidemics in the 21st century...
• 60% of adults rarely feel connected.
And this number is increasing!
• Teens spend 70% less time with friends than 20 years ago.
• Men with no close friends have gone from 3% to 15% since 1990.
Why does this matter?
Feb 28 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
This man cures what therapists can't:
Fritz Perls.
It's impossible to be psychologically trapped, stressed, or anxious after understanding his teachings.
Here's his story and 4-step approach to unlocking mental freedom:
Born in 1893 in Berlin, Fritz Perls lived under crushing parental expectations.
His father called him a "good-for-nothing."
However, this early struggle later fueled his revolutionary ideas about self-acceptance and authenticity.
The trauma shaped his entire philosophy.
Feb 23 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
As a Harvard psychologist who worked with the Dalai Lama, I discovered…
Why, despite horrendous traumas, the Tibetans were immune to anxiety, chronic stress, and the depression epidemics...
Here's the ancient wisdom Western medicine is hiding from you: A THREAD
Mental illness is a silent killer in Western society:
• 78% report daily anxiety.
• 1 in 3 are chronically lonely.
• Depression tripled since 2020.
These trends are mostly in young adults (18-29) and the elderly (65+).
They are staggering.
Feb 14 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
The woman who heals what medicine can't:
Pat Allen.
In her Open Studio Process, she showed that art-making can heal trauma, addiction, and depression without drugs.
Here are her 6 hidden steps for creatively curing your anxiety and depression:
First off, Dr. Allen is a legend.
She’s written several books on the intersection of art and spirituality.
She credits her powerful artistic program to specific mindfulness practices.
Let's dive into them↓
Feb 13 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Your brain has been hijacked without your consent.
Digital Exposure is f*cking with you.
Here are my 4 "R's" of Mental Recovery to reclaim your brain:
In 2023, neuroplasticity studies revealed constant digital engagement creates addictive feedback loops similar to substance abuse.
Your prefrontal cortex—essential for original thought—shows reduced activity after just 2 hours of social media.
You want to avoid this.
Feb 12 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
I'm 63.
Anxiety controlled me for years, and I regret wasting my life making poor decisions...
Then, I discovered Carl Jung’s Archetypes and 7 Laws of Finding Purpose.
Here's how to use your shadow to find your true self: 🧵
Carl Jung was called the greatest psychologist in history.
He famously called the dark side of our personality the "shadow."
The shadow holds forgotten and repressed memories that lock our hidden strengths…
Feb 11 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
Your doctor won't tell you --anxiety, depression, and stress aren't just mental issues...
Your GUT-MIND connection is why you don't heal.
Here are 7 ways to STOP YOUR GUT from sabotaging your mental health (backed by science): 🧵
First, meet your "second brain":
Your gut contains 100 million nerve cells - as many as your spinal cord.
This massive neural network controls not just digestion, but your emotions, stress levels, and even decision-making.
Scientists call it your "enteric nervous system."
Feb 10 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
I’m American.
When I finished my PhD, I traveled to India.
What I experienced shattered my Western mindset.
Here are 10 life-changing lessons I learned that reshaped how I see the world: 1. Loss of control [of my possessions]
On my arrival in India, I was shoved into a bus heading for Hardiwar and the Ganges.
Goats were tied to the roof, and a bag of dead fish was flung on top of my backpack.
The lesson: Let go.
Feb 6 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
My mother was too busy being immature and acting like a child.
For years, I thought her dysfunction was MY fault and I hated on myself.
Until I discovered...
Virginia Satir
Here are her 8 revolutionary tools to heal families... 🧵
Virginia Satir said:
" Families are like icebergs."
"Everyone sees the person struggling at the surface. No one sees the system keeping them stuck."
In 1951, she did something radical.
She brought entire families into her therapy room.
Feb 4 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
When I was young...
My mind was a prison.
I made terrible decisions.
Anxiety crippled me for years.
Then, I discovered Søren Kierkegaard's philosophy on anxiety
and was freed.
I use his methods with all my clients.
I'm giving away the secret sauce here, for free...A THREAD.
Søren Kierkegaard was born in 1813 in Copenhegan. He was considered one of the greatest Danish philosophers of the 19th century.
Feb 1 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
This man who heals what doctors can't:
Jiddu Krishnamurti.
It's impossible to be psychologically trapped, stressed, or anxious after understanding his teachings.
Here's his 5-step approach to unlocking mental freedom:
Even the Dalai Lama of Tibet agreed, Krishnamurti knows how to heal anxiety and overthinking like no other great being.
Jan 27 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
This man cures what therapists can't:
Fritz Perls.
It's impossible to be psychologically trapped, stressed, or anxious after understanding his teachings.
Here's his story and 4-step approach to unlocking mental freedom:🧵
Born in 1893 in Berlin, Fritz Perls lived under crushing parental expectations.
His father called him a "good-for-nothing."
However, this early struggle later fueled his revolutionary ideas about self-acceptance and authenticity.
The trauma shaped his entire philosophy.
Jan 26 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
This is the story of how American psychology lost its soul.
It's complicated and involves one particular man few have heard of...
B.F. Skinner
Here's the biggest untold story about your mental health...A THREAD
Psychology literally means psyche (soul) + logos (study).
The early psychologists were soul-seekers, exploring the vast inner landscape of human experience.
William James--the father of American psychology- wrote on mystical states, consciousness, and the varieties of religious experience.
Jan 23 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
The most dangerous pandemics in the modern world aren’t:
Cocaine, depression, or obesity.
Something 10x worse affects 6.5 million children worldwide and 1 out of every 10 children in the US.
Here’s what it is (and how to break free)--THREAD
ADHD is the #1 silent pandemic.
Everyone thinks it’s a disorder, feel scared and take pills.
But physician Gabor Mate says you need to harness its power to become hyper-focused.
What is ADHD, really?
Jan 19 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
The most dangerous modern diseases aren't:
Obesity. Depression. Alzheimer.
This one silent pandemic is the worst.
And it worsens the three above.
Here it is and how to cure yourself (according to a Harvard psychologist):
Loneliness is one of the most terrifying epidemic in the 21st century...
• 60% of adults rarely feel connected. And, increasing!
• Teens spend 70% less time with friends than 20 years ago.
• Men with no close friends have gone from 3% to 15% since 1990.
Why does this matter?
Jan 16 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
I'm 63.
When I was young...
My mind was a prison.
I made terrible decisions.
Anxiety crippled me for years.
Then I discovered Carl Jung's Archetypes and 7 laws of finding purpose.🧵
Here's how to use your shadow to find your true self.
Jung said much of the shadow is connected to the collective unconscious. It lies deep below the surface of the mind.
Hidden archetypes form our collective unconscious.
They're universal life patterns we all share.
Jan 12 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
The most taboo, weirdly romanticized, yet misunderstood topic of 2025:
Childhood trauma.
Dr. Jordan Peterson says it's why your Dad left, why your Mom cried alone, and why you're always anxious...
Here's how to reverse its damage naturally: 🧵
Dr. Peterson says memories older than 18 months still stirring up emotions are a red flag of trauma that needs unpacking.
1st understand trauma happens in 2 stages:
1. Embodied terror 2. Conceptual processing
Dec 30, 2024 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
Your doctor won't tell you this about anxiety, stress, and depression...
They are not a brain problem. It's not a mental health issue.
It's your GUT-MIND connection.
Here are 7 ways to stop your gut from sabotaging your mental health (backed by science): 🧵
First, meet your "second brain":
Your gut contains 100 million nerve cells - as many as your spinal cord.
This massive neural network controls not just digestion, but your emotions, stress levels, and even decision-making.
Scientists call it your "enteric nervous system."
Dec 23, 2024 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
For centuries, the most powerful healing method was hidden by Native Americans.
A therapist named Ron Kurtz discovered it in the 1970s.
Now the Hakomi method is healing anxiety, depression, and trauma without drugs.
Big Pharma won't want you to know this: 🧵
Most doctors today prescribe pills for anxiety, fear, and overthinking.
But in the 1970s, one man discovered something profound:
Dec 20, 2024 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
I'm 63.
When I was young...
• My mind was a prison.
• I made terrible decisions.
• Anxiety crippled me for years.
Then I found Carl Jung's 7 psychological laws and my life changed forever...(THREAD)🧵
Our minds operate on hidden laws that control our anxiety, decisions, and actions.
After experiencing Jung's transformation, I've helped thousands of others do the same.
I've also upgraded Jung's methods by incorporating neuroscience.