The Free Republic of PAZNIA @PAZNIAFreePress | Liberty Under Attack Publications | Host of @VonuPodcast | #vonu #SelfLiberate | Samourai PayNym: +rapidtruth58c
Sep 20, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Today, P.A.Z.NIANs will start arriving for our annual gathering of liberation, #VONUFEST3, here at the Veritas node of #TheFreeRepublic.
As always, I'm stoked to see long-time self-liberators & to meet a few more of the most radical freedom pioneers out there!
Official dates are September 26-October 3rd -- any and all vetted self-liberators are encouraged to attend. There's lots of room for tent camping, parking a van/RV, etc.
Questions? Need help getting vetted? Join us (T.ME/PAZNIAchat) or email COORDINATOR@PAZNIA.COM.
Jul 23, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
(1) I believe that #CryptoAnarchy is the modern, digital iteration of #vonu. Vonu seeks to make one invulnerable to coercion by becoming out of sight and mind of those looking to coerce. This is generally done by way of radical lifestyle changes.
(2) Most of the lifestyles are nomadic in nature. Reason being, if the coercers can't find you, they can't coerce you.
Crypto-anarchy, on the other hand, makes one more invulnerable to coercion by removing attribution for actions, with a focus on privacy and security culture.