Lisa Larson-Bunnell Profile picture
healthcare atty, former Shawnee City Council-member, public health, compliance, risk management, all politics are local, DEI, mom/ wife, ❤️electric cars.
May 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Just for funsies, here are some examples of living arrangements not permitted in single family residential districts in Shawnee:

1) an unmarried couple with 3 kids between them aged 18, 18, and 21 cannot live together as a family unit.… 2) Assuming two home-owning parents live in the home, two adult children may not both bring their significant others to live with their parents in a single family district.  This was not an uncommon relationship during the COVID lockdowns.
May 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read…

The City of Shawnee is being sued for the Council’s actions in the co-living ban. As you may recall, I spoke against the wording of the ordinance at the time because it created a fundamental interference with our ability to live with the people we choose. 2/It does not matter who owns the property or whether the owner occupies the building. Whether there is a lease and the length of the lease also does not matter.
Jun 28, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/For those of you who don’t know me well, I am a healthcare regulatory attorney and work in a hospital. I work in a state that has banned abortions at my hospital except those necessary to “save the life of the woman.” Let me explain how this works in practice.…. Image 2/I get a call from a physician who tells me that our patient is 28 weeks pregnant and the fetus is dying from a naturally occurring condition. As the fetus dies, the woman’s body can quickly become infected and she can die as well. So, why are they calling me?