LABIA MAJORA Profile picture
Geography is destiny , God is Kiln we are the Clay ,Each of us will become a bright candle to remind us that light will prevail over darkness not otherwise🕊
Feb 15, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
@Bernieadufe @Bernieadufe I don’t know this man and I won’t hold brief for him however I had a personal experience that could have dented my image as a Nigerian but I Communicated well and was honest from onset. Please be patient to read through my story. @Bernieadufe @Bernieadufe most Nigerians 95% of Nigerians present as honest hardworking individuals but 5%(about 10m since the population is at 200m currently) of the bad eggs spoil the show also the Nigerian system /govt is so terrible and stifle business, let me tell you my story….
Feb 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
ABOUT ABBA KYARI : (as seen elsewhere) :
“They are using a provision of the Nigerian constitution under the extradition section to justify that Abba Kyari is no more extraditable. See what the constitution says below….. Mandatory Grounds for Refusal of extradition under the Nigeria law.

Section 3 subsection 11, No 9 of the Nigerian extradition law states that

“Extradition application will be rejected where the fugitive criminal has been charged with an offence, under Nigerian law, #abbakyari