Mercedes Villalba MSP Profile picture
MSP for North East Scotland 🌹 Democratic Socialist🚩 Proud Trade Unionist, Join A Union ✊ She/Her 🏳️‍🌈
Sep 23, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
On Tuesday 6 September the Scottish Government announced a rent freeze.

Since then, a lot of questions have been raised.

Here’s what we know so far 🧵 The freeze will apply to "tenants in the private and in the social rented sectors" and last from 6 September until "at least" 31 March 2023.

So what does that really mean?
Jan 26, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
This intervention by the Equality and Human Rights Commission on reform of the Gender Recognition Act at once acknowledges the real problems with the current legislation while engaging in vague whataboutery to try to stall any real progress.

Here's my best faith response🧵/16 2/ "Under the laws of the United Kingdom, individuals are considered by the State to be of the gender – either male or female – that is registered on their birth certificates."…
Nov 9, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
I'm disappointed that my question to the Scottish Government wasn't chosen by the presiding officer for today's chamber business.

There are serious concerns regarding the policing of protests at COP26 in Glasgow which must be answered - thread 🧵 Climate activists and campaign organisations raised concerns regarding the 'heavy-handed' policing at COP26 in Glasgow.

In response, Police Scotland claimed to be a "rights-based organisation" committed to "human rights at the heart of everything we do"…