Dr Kit Byatt Profile picture
Largely-retired geriatrician who loves #MedEd, EBM, equity & justice. Polycurious; (usu) an incorrigible optimist! (& hedging bets at @kitb.bsky.social)
Aug 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Advice please!

A friend has asked what their kid should do, with:
A* Biol
A Phys
A Maths
A Chem

Passionately want to do medicine, (tho no offers after 4 interviews).

(& gutted that a fellow student slipped a grade on their 3 As offer for med by Imperial, but was accepted!) #Alevel #ALevels #AlevelResults2024 #ALev
Feb 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@adamcifu @UChiPritzker @DavidDeshpand3 3. Donald Schön developed the concept of reflective practice; however, most writing about it explore reflection *on* action (ie in retrospect) rather than *in* action (ie at the time) ...

...this piece inhabits the latter, much harder, domain

[ref: ]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Sc… @adamcifu @UChiPritzker @DavidDeshpand3 4. Trisha Elliot has beautifully described the 'three gaps' in any consultation: knowledge; power; & arousal—the first is commonly addressed; the second less so, & the last, rarely...

...this piece is set firmly, & impressively, in the latter two!

[ref: ]
Screenshot of Trisha Elliot's tweet:  'As many of you know, I like to wax lyrical about the three “gaps” that can act as barriers to successful medical consultations: *The knowledge gap *The power gap *The arousal gap I’ve been meaning to put it all down in a blog for a while, so here it is.'
Nov 3, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
[All data updated Nov 2]

Previous hosp trends continue:
• admissions & in-pts ↘️ (25% & 15%/wk, respectively)
• ICU pts still ➡️
• deaths have started ↘️ (at 13%/wk)...

...the previous three waves' patterns largely being followed, but in-pts ↘️ more slowly than admissions chart of COVID-19 admission...chart of COVID-19 admission...chart of weekly change (% p... [All data updated Nov 10]

All hospital data falling (all ~13% /wk); deaths also falling (~20% /wk)...

...however rate of fall of admissions is beginning to slow down—watch this space!

[¹correct date this week; wrong last week—sorry!] chart of COVID-19 admission...chart of COVID-19 admission...chart of weekly change (% p...
Aug 6, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Just finished this tour de force by @SnellArthur.

Compellingly-written summary of key British post-war global geopolitical adventures & policies.

Can't praise it enough!
1. Clear structure (see contents)
2. Succinct, referenced accounts of each topic 1/

Picture of front cover of 'How Britain Broke the World' by @Photograph of the contents page from 'How Britain Broke the 3. Each topic covered clearly, as dispassionately as possible
4. Snell explicitly reflects on his own motivations, expertise & biases
5. The complex intersecting web of international politics, trade & law is deconstructed using simple language
6. Melds overview with detail

Feb 27, 2021 91 tweets 50 min read
Fascinating to hear about the genesis, implementation, & development of the NHS coronavirus dashboard by @Pouriaaa at the #RadStats conference.
@RadicalStats Where we are now...!

May 5, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
@MAM12CP @timstorrie 1. It's a well-recognised (almost defining) phenomenon of Covid-19

2. This severe oxygen deficit seen is worse than with 'normal' pneumonia, both wrt the lack of symptoms, & wrt the cause

3. There's a mis-match betw blood flow & air flow in the lungs (as yet unexplained) @MAM12CP @timstorrie a) ref for picture: bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/3…

(an excellent, if a little technical, review of how doctors should assess patients with suspected Covid-19) 2/n
Feb 14, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
@DrTerryQuinn @DrLindaDykes 1) pts with dementia - enter *their* world, don't force them into yours
2) get to know your pt before they develop delirium; then, you're their 'familiar (saviour) friend' when they do
3) if they have a pet, record the name, & ask after them *by name* each visit @DrTerryQuinn @DrLindaDykes 4) in every encounter, ask yourself: "What are we trying to achieve here?"
5) in pts with recurrent unexplained falls, check for peripheral neuropathy - stocking distribution ⬇️pinprick sensation v common!!
6) 10% of pts with transient LOC *deny* LOC (from tilt test data)
Mar 22, 2019 14 tweets 13 min read
Workshop 2 of the day:
Knowledge Translation in Cochrane, what we are doing and how we are becoming a KT-centred organization

@CochraneUK @CochraneIreland ...led by Jo Anthony

@CochraneUK @CochraneIreland
Sep 18, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
@CochraneUK conference in pictures...

...by Tom Bailey (HT!)
Feb 20, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
I will unroll this mini-thread on a minute to show you... ... and if it works, it will make sense!