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👩🏻‍💻✍️ Read more books 🧐📚 Speak to others 🗣👥 Get out of your bubble🎈📌 Think❗️🧠💡🐭 📵 @HatredMatrix 📺
Feb 9, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
3 years after the global rollout of multiple experimental treatments for C-19, (which led to digusting discrimination, unparalleled coercion & the ignoring of all long held medical ethics standards) there is one explicit reason that some still defend them to this day.

Fear. For the medical professionals, it is the fear of being held to account for their failure to give informed consent.

For attacking colleagues and patients holding contrary views, for ignoring peoples genuine concerns and their willful ignorance that may led to eventual punishment.
Sep 3, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
There's currently an unquantifiable, almost incalculable or even an unimaginable amount of palpable rage - suppressed rage, I might add - bubbling away under the surface on every conceivable point of contention or over any topic that you can actually imagine. Just speak to other people for long enough & you'll detect it.
I don't mean just on this particular platform.
In the real world.
If you speak or better yet listen to many, slowly they'll feel they can be open & not feel judged when they express their views
Then you'll see it too!
Aug 19, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read

A family judge who initially overturned a coronavirus masking requirement is now facing up to 3 years in prison.


I wish this was a joke. Things are becoming increasingly more restrictive & authoritarian in this country.…


3 members of the public allegedly insulted Christian Drosten - of the globally used "Gold Standard" PCR fame - at a campsite in Mecklenburg in June 2022

A year later, they're still awaiting trial despite citing their freedom of expression as defence.…

Aug 4, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Was I an anti-vaxxer when, as a self employed contractor, I was forced to work in person in a busy office every single day from the start of the "pandemic" until my eventual sacking in November 2021 for being unvaccinated? When I was still considered an essential worker? Was I an anti-vaxxer in 2009 when I took my annual flu jab, recommended to me by my GP because my asthma classes me as at risk? Despite the fact I went on to still catch the flu, and was the sickest I'd been in many years?
Or again, as a contractor who had to work through my……
Jul 21, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
"Silence like a cancer grows"

Is censorship really that bad? Why do folk complain? Surely, it is right to remove misinformation or stop conspiracy theories from spreading? Surely, the government should act to protect vulnerable people who may take everything they read as gospel? If you ask any of those questions or agree with those views, then I'm sorry, but I don't think we can be friends!

I joke, of course, if those are indeed your views, fair enough. I'd like to try to persuade you that the answer to the first question is 'Yes. It is really bad.'
Oct 29, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
🇩🇪 Here's some fascinating "facts" - if you can even call them that & not a clear manipulation of figures.

Germany accounts for 10% of the world's Coronavirus deaths, despite being just 1% of the global population!

(That is to say, that they "died with" C-19, not "died from".) 🇩🇪 Germany also has the highest Covid-19 "deaths per million" rate in the entire world.

🌍 47
🇺🇲 112
🇩🇪 728

6.5x higher than the US!

15.5x higher than the rest of the World!

These numbers don't add up.

Remember, masking on public transport remains.

Sep 4, 2022 24 tweets 17 min read
"What if...?"

A lot of people seems to be asking lately, "What If...?"

What if we hadn't locked down?

What if we didn't try to "flatten the curve?"

What if we had just let the virus run it's natural course without enacting never before tried NPIs? What if we did actually follow the previous governmental pandemic planning procedures or the follow the findings that resulted from numerous exercises for similar outbreaks?

Aug 19, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
No matter how hard I try, and God knows I do try, I just can't get over the last few years, especially the last 12 months.

I'm just not the same person I was in 2019.

No matter what I do, I just can't move on or forget the hurt & pain so many people caused.

I can't forget. I can't forgive.

Nothing seems to help. Few things seem to make me happy. I'm stuck in an endless cycle of anger & resentment.

I try to switch off & distract myself with nature or books or even films, but it always comes back to mind.
Jul 24, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
We are so divided.
Whether it be politics.
Whether it's religion, race or gender.
No matter the issue, we polarise everything & we divide ourselves into separate camps.
We take labels & pigeonhole ourselves.
We've become deeply tribal
We attack those we perceive to be against us. Despite holding many similar views, sharing similar experiences, feeling the same emotions, our first instinct is to highlight or focus on our differences.

We take those difference as an excuse to other people & dismiss their genuine concerns.
May 19, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
🇩🇪 Germany - The interference with the right to physical integrity is justified under constitutional law in order to protect vulnerable groups from infection with SARS-CoV-2

Shocking decision, based on the availble knowledge at the time the law was made.…
May 17, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
"We are all in this together!"

That's what they said in March 2020.

I was called an essential worker. I carried a letter daily in case I was stopped by the police on my way to or from work. How quickly that changed.

When people like me questioned if the lockdowns, mask wearing in the street & other NPIs were proportionate or helpful, they were called Corona deniers.
May 10, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
For over 2 years, hundreds upon hundreds of world leaders, government ministers, politicians, pundits, scientists, as well as respected doctors & nurses, have convinced millions that you stop yourself from catching a respiratory illness by isolating yourself from society It is this dangerous illusion that has cost so many so very much, and it continues to cost us all very dearly.

We now have millions, maybe even a billion who are scared of their fellow human beings.


2 years on!

It is deeply depressing.
May 8, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Those that follow me might think I am like a dog with a bone, when it comes to highlighting the unacceptable treatment that those who cannot or chose not to be unvaccinated have received for close to a year now. I have many reasons. Myself, and nearly 20 million German citizens slowly became 2nd class citizens, with far less rights than their peers. Drip by drip, our rights were stripped in the name of fighting a virus. It is absurd today, as it was in July last year.
Apr 22, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
What can be said that hasn't already been said?

Well, I'll start you off, yeah?

Millions, upon millions of people, that have been left devastated by the last two years... they are angry!

Yes, some are still afraid. But they'll eventually come round & turn that fear into rage We will shortly descend into the biggest decline in livinging standards that society has seen for decades.

The mainstream media outlets discuss this without apportioning blame where it truly lies.

We've shut down our economies for 2 years & expected no long term repercussions?
Mar 26, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Don't ever forget, when the world's media said YOU must get vaccinated, when YOUR government spent millions of YOUR taxes to hammer that message home, hiring the best behavioural scientists & experts around, to tailor the message to persuade & coerce YOU, YOU still said "NO!"

🙏 When they made your life more & more difficult, when they EXCLUDED YOU, OSTRACISED YOU, MOCKED YOU, when they forced YOU to test daily or provide YOUR private medical information to simply got to work, or ride a train or bus, or even just get a haircut, YOU still said "NO!"

Mar 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
As it has been a few months, I thought that I would write a few words.… And to continue this ongoing thread, my recent words and a reminder to all those that stood their ground that they deserve everyone's thanks.

Dec 9, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
Today seems to be the right time to update this rather long thread.

What began as me vocalising my disgust at the then Health Minister, @MattHancock, grew to encompass my feeling of Britain's slide in to tyranny under our elected dictator @BorisJohnson.… It then pivoted to me calling out the enethical behavior of the government's SAGE SPI-B group for the untold damage they have unleashed upon us.

Which resulted in them all blocking me!

Something their psychologist colleagues would have a field day on...

Sep 8, 2021 118 tweets 25 min read
Incitement - the action of provoking unlawful behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully.

Considering the following information, from both a recent Oxford University study & the latest UK Gov Technical Briefing, lets take a look at some examples.… Source:… Image
Sep 6, 2021 14 tweets 15 min read
@ProfJohnDrury @ReicherStephen @SusanMichie @IndependentSage Possibly it is because like you, the SPI-B are behavioural scientists. And like you, their primacy focus is changing people's behaviour. @ProfJohnDrury @ReicherStephen @SusanMichie @IndependentSage Without their knowledge. Without with their consent. And without significant oversight, media scrutiny, nor democratic accountability, no matter how well meaning some may be.
Sep 5, 2021 27 tweets 8 min read
On the day @sajidjavid announces that NHS will now be forced to take 2 doses of a vaccine currently only allowed under Emergency Use Authorisation, it's worth reminding everyone that the law change to force the same on Care Home workers was introduced with a Statutory Instrument This does not requiring the same parliamentary scrutiny as a normal bill would.

Announced at short notice, without providing the legally required risk assessment to back up this decision and was barely even covered in the news, if at all.
Sep 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
When I first arrived here, I was very close to another fellow Brit

Very cynical, but empathic & caring. He loved debating. No topic was off limits.

Sadly we lost contact in 2018

I often wonder what he'd think about all of this.

Here's one of his songs