Larry Schweikart Profile picture
Sep 25 6 tweets 2 min read
1) Earlier I said you'd know it was over for Cackles when you started to see the $ move to the Senate and House races.

2) A funny thing happened on the way to the Prediction Market.

3) Bernie Moreno stormed into a lead, and McCormick into a tie. 4) Already the Rs had, almost certainly, a 51-49 senate majority. (Justice & Sheehy winning in WV and MT)

5) Now it strongly appears Moreno will win (Trump will carry OH by over 8 points--probably 10--and Moreno will benefit even more.
Sep 21 15 tweets 3 min read
1) I'm going to put this out there. My analysis is 80% evidence, 10% history, and 10% spiritual, meaning I do listen to what prophetic men of God say.

2) So before you freak out, Samuel anointed David and prophesied him to be king 14 years before he took the throne. 3) That is to say, unless something is incredibly specific, "Tonight you shall die" prophetic words do not always imply "Right now." Just for the record.

4) Anyway the "body language" of the two campaigns couldn't be more different. Trump/Vance are relaxed, having fun, confident
Sep 19 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Old "Buffalo Springfield" song called "For What it's Worth," that begins, "There's somethin' happenin' here, what it is ain't exactly clear."

2) Something is going on. Consider
*DemoKKKrat FBI/DOINjustice are arresting and investigating NYC officials and NY state gubment. 2) contd
*The SEC, which had badgered crypto, suddenly makes a public apology to crypto
*DemoKKrats arrest P. Diddley (D)
*DoINJustice ceases prosecuting any other J6ers.

3) There are other indicators but these are Rutabaga's admin either throwing in the towel or . . .
Sep 18 12 tweets 2 min read
1) Taking a step back from US politics for a minute, this is a REALLY important paper.

2) The Euros launched a major investigation into why they are not competitive. Their businesses suck compared to the US and Chy-na. They have VERY little innovation and few big inventions. 3) Here is the paper commissioned by the EU.…
Sep 12 5 tweets 1 min read
1) I'll let you in on a little trade secret that @joelpollak and I discovered in 2016 when we wrote our book BEFORE the election called "How Trump WON" (past tense, cuz I knew he would win). Image @joelpollak 2) Trump learned from Zero (Obama) that it's not who wins the debate that counts but who counts the winner, i.e., the immediate online post-debate polls. However he did it, during the primaries and the general, Trump's campaign staff ensured he won almost all of these polls.
Sep 11 8 tweets 2 min read
1) I will repeat what I said a couple of days ago:
Cackles needed a Grand Slam/total knockout of Trump. She lost by a small margin. At very best it was a draw. (I think she lost big).

2) Polls/smolls, the CAKE IS ALREADY BEING BAKED in both registration numbers, . . . 2) contd . . . which are skyrocketing for Rs across the board (30/30 states see R gains; AZ off the charts---Maricopa Co alone now has 2x the margin of fraud/margin of Mcturdites for Trump to win & keeps gaining daily---FL may hit 1 m R advantage today, PA thanks to . . .
Sep 7 9 tweets 2 min read
1) You are watching the Cackles campaign go up in smoke. The vote by mail requests from NC are DOWN for Ds, UP for Rs (and remember Trump will get more D votes by far than Cackles will get R votes.

2) It's even worse-whites now comprise 70.6% of ballot requests blacks only 11.7% 2) So the electorate is MUCH more white and MUCH more R (again even assuming many Ds will actually vote Trump, as NC has done in 2 previous elections.

3) The White share is the same as 2022, but black share is DOWN more than 3 points. (Again, higher % blacks will vote Trump).
Sep 4 5 tweets 1 min read
1) So getting freaked out emails that some doomer said the Dems "registered 500,000 illegals in every state." Seriously, bro?

2) If someone is registered (even an illegal) they show up as registered. They would (in AZ show up either as an R, D or "other." 3) There has been NO surge whatsoever (and I mean AT ALL) in DemoKKKrat registrations. The little growth they did have (natural cuz our pop is exploding) has been WAY offset by an R explosion. Rs now have a quarter million lead.
Sep 3 18 tweets 3 min read
1) Now, because a couple of fecalwrapped, chode-smoking, analblister DemoKKKrats were too stupid to know this, let me again give you a brief history of where the DemoKKKrat Party came from.

2) It is the brainchild of a northerner, a former slave-holder (whose slave ran away) . . 2) contd . . . New Yorker Martin Van Buren. "Personally" pro-emancipation, he nevertheless had an epiphany in 1820 with the passage of the Missouri Compromise.

(This is all in Brown's great article "Slavery, the Missouri Crisis . . ." & in Remini's "Election of 1828).
Sep 3 6 tweets 2 min read
1) VERY good "Inside the Numbers" with @barnes_law and Richard Baris @Peoples_Pundit :

2) Multiple insiders are beginning to think Cackles is gonna lose big. Mark Halperin, on one show, between the lines said Trump is ahead in PA and can surge ahead in MI and WI & has sunbelt. @barnes_law @Peoples_Pundit 3) He essentially hinted that Cackles will be about where Rutabaga was in a couple of weeks.

4) Barnes said that the polling just isn't picking up Trump's strength in WI & MI--as IT FAILED TO DO in 2016 & 20, and that's he's already ahead & should win by a couple in each.
Aug 29 10 tweets 2 min read
1) I shouldn't have to do this but there is apparently confusion about what Congress (esp. a MINORITY of one party---not even the whole party) can do.

2) They cannot defund. Defunding comes through the BUDGET PROCESS. We have not had a budget process in at least five years. 3) The only way you can defund any agency is to do so in a line item in the budget. But we have had CONTINUING RESOLUTIONS for years, namely automatically re-up what's already there.

4) Why no budget? Because to demand a budget would require a GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN.
Aug 28 6 tweets 1 min read
1) The latest hokum is from this questionable goofball group TargetSmart that claims to have voting data.

2) It is reporting that black female registration is up 173% after Cackles.

3) Maybe in Guyana or Cameroon. Not in America. 4) We have excellent registration data in FL, NC, AZ, ME, OH, NV, NH, IA, and even CA.

5) GOP registrations, net, over DemoKKKrats are growing EVERYWHERE, even in Kollyfornia.

6) But @RealSKeshel dug into some of this data in North Carolina---a heavily black state.