Larry Schweikart Profile picture
Mar 5 16 tweets 3 min read
1) As you know, I see it as one of my chief jobs here (as Rush used to do with audio footage) to read Libtoids' comments. But not the nuts. I read the more "commonsense" or so-called "moderates" such as "liberal patriot" or Matthew Yglesias. 2) These observers KNOW the DemoKKKrats are in huge trouble. For three months they have been screaming at DemoKKKrats to dump woke, to try to appear like they even want to solve a problem, and to find some way to attract working class voters.
Mar 4 10 tweets 2 min read
For any scabpickle that wants to talk about "Trump's losing support," and cites a meaningless poll that in 2024 wasn't within 5 points of the final, maybe you should consider some real world numbers:
*Polls are turnip poop. All that matters as I've said forever are registrations. 2) SINCE NOVEMBER, you know, the election,
*Arizona went from Maricopa Co, the hotbed of MAGA/GOP having a 6.2% lead to now having a 7.2% lead. Pima, which is the hotbed of DEMOKKKRATS, dropped from +11 in November to +8.2.
*Pennsylvania now is about D+180,000. in 2016 D+1.1m
Feb 28 6 tweets 1 min read
1) First 40 days overperformer/underperformer grades
*OVERPERFORMER: Muy Macho Marco. I never would have believed Rubio would be this effective. Compare his success to that CEO numbskull Tillerson. Wow.
*OVERPERFORMER: Lee Zeldin. I love it when the EPA guy says to Trump, .. . 1) contd . . . "Hey, consider yanking this definition and that regulation, too!"
*OVERPERFORMER: Chris Wright. He has completely reshaped the DoE to actually encourage energy production

2) UNDERPERFORMER: Jury's still out, but while Pam Bondi has written good briefs . . .
Feb 27 7 tweets 2 min read
1) I am convinced that so far neither the GOP nor the DemoKKKrats realize what is about to happen to the DemoKKKrat Party. Both, really, are business as usual.

2) As the data in FL showed, there were 600,000 ballots mailed out (under DeSantis's watch, BTW) that went to . . . 2) contd . . . dead people, multiple people with the same SS #, missing, moved, etc.

3) 600,000

4) Now, this won't affect much in FL with its 1m GOP advantage.

5) This is all from SS data that is going to be scrubbed under DOGE.
Feb 24 8 tweets 2 min read
1) The love affair with Jackson among MAGA is way, way misplaced. My doctoral disseratation was on Jackson and the banks. Contrary to popular opinion, Jackson was not opposed to the BUS.

2) In fact, he tasked his SecTreas, Levi Woodbury, with building an EXACT DUPLICATE. 3) Difference was, "his" central bank was going to be under DemoKKKrat control.

4) The Jeffersonians folded into the Madisonians with Monroe, a truly great president.

5) Jackson was completely a-constitutional. He ignored the courts . . . only when it suited him.
Feb 21 11 tweets 3 min read
1) I hope this thread will be informative. I spent some time talking with a former GOP very high up congressman about the appropriations/budget process & what Trump is doing.

2) Now, before I get rolling, let me remind you my longer writings are at substack Larry Schweikart 3) And I can always use another coffee if you "Buy Larry a Coffee" here.

4) Ok, USUALLY the appropriations process and the authorization process take place simultaneously. Congresses are expected to write budgets by early summer, reconcile in
Feb 20 20 tweets 4 min read
1) There are several forces already aligning against the DemoKKKrats in 2026.

2) The really good news is that they neither see, nor understand, any of them.

3) First, they are on track for a massive fundraising shortage---an area where D congressional & senate candidates . . . 3) contd . . . almost always have not just an edge, but a BIG edge.

4) Why? Their slush money via USAID and NGOs just dried up. Hundreds of millions of slushy dollars will be absent from their coffers.

5) Moreover, their competence in the last campaign has caused donors to . .
Feb 13 7 tweets 2 min read
1) Tina Smith's announcement that she won't run for reelection in what should be a somewhat favorable DemoKKKrat year speaks volumes.

2) It confirms that what we are seeing in the voter registration wave toward Rs is REAL and WIDESPREAD. 3) It further confirms that DemoKKKrats are skeeered, even though TRUMP WON"T BE ON THE BALLOT.

4) It "seems" to confirm that they believe things will be SUBSTANTIALLY better in 2026, meaning their little minion data workers are telling them they are in trouble.
Feb 12 4 tweets 1 min read
1) I see a lot of the predictable nervous Nellies warning that "Trump has to do something about inflation." He has been in for one month. NOTHING changes that quickly.

2) Reagan came in with a rate of over 9% from Jesus Carter. By 1983, late, he had it to 4.3%. 3) It continued to fall steadily, hitting a low of 3.5%. During one quarter in 1982, however, Reagan had it at zero, but that was highly unusual.

4) The first thing that will happen is that as the energy sector comes alive, all immediate fuel prices should begin to fall.
Feb 11 6 tweets 1 min read
1) More from Zen Master. Realize he is a student of the courts with respect for the legal system. He is not fond of using "Lawfare" by either side.

2) Trump will for now comply or do workarounds with court orders while appealing.

3) No chance in appeal to 1st & 5th Circuits 4) Those are "leftist bastions," as he calls them.

5) Will go to the Supes.

6) How fast? "Some will get expedited, but others could take longer."
Feb 6 5 tweets 2 min read
1) The death of USAID is the tip of the iceberg. It has major implications throughout the electoral process.

2) Just to even TRY to replace these spigots would take years. And that's only IF the Trump administration allows them to take root again, which I doubt. 3) The instability caused by the DemoKKKrat goatstompers sudden INABILITY to get free money, free publicity via Politico, free obstruction for GOP programs via death of this evil org---all this makes their campaigns much harder.
Feb 3 30 tweets 5 min read
1) I've been asked to do a thread on tariffs. Not wussing out, just letting you know it's complicated because of differentials in nations' imports/exports and the nature of products hit with a tariff (some are selective, some "everything Canadian"). 2) Obviously--and you'd expect no less--a little history.

3) Tariffs were a part of the original George Washington administration and part of Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policy. I know a lot of libertarian types hate ol Al, but he was a genius.
Jan 27 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Well, it took them a week, but one leftist source finally figured out what's happening.

2) Axios noted that Trump was moving so fast, on so many fronts, the leftoids have been unable to formulate a defense.… 3) This is nothing new. When I visited Steve Bannon in his own little war room in the Exec Office Building in 2017, he had his whiteboard with the same strategy.

4) The difference, of course, was that in 2017 Trump did not have anywhere near the supportive infrastructure.
Jan 26 13 tweets 3 min read
1) I know there are a lot of people saying, "What Trump is doing is great but most of it is exec orders that another president can nullify"

2) True much is, false that others can reverse.

3) First, realize that we are in an era where tha House has committed suicide. 4) It is going to be nearly impossible for ANY other president to get actual, meaningful laws passed until or unless the House does its fundamental job of PASSING A BUDGET.

5) Until they do that, most of their other work is meaningless.

6) Thus, the Senate has taken over.
Jan 25 6 tweets 1 min read
1) The new reality for America's blue mayors (which is to say, almost all of them).

2) They will be forced to move MUCH closer to MAGA and Trump or perish.

3) With the illegal alien invader spigot cut off, they are gonna need money. 4) There won't be any more illegal invader support coming, and their own residents are going to demand the goodies they were long-promised that have recently been cut off.
Jan 23 5 tweets 1 min read
1) I can't tell you how important the "communications freeze" for the CDC/NAIAD is, and how important the DEI ban for public schools is.… 2) In the former case, even if temporarily, all the research (gain-of-function) that universities are involved in will halt. This begins to dry up their gubment trough money. It is a key to leveling the universities back to actual education.

3) The public schools will be . . .
Dec 21, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Did you know that with one LEGITIMATE swipe of the pen, we could wipe out much of the US national debt?

According to a 1983 study, even then US federal assets were colossally UNDERVALUED on balance sheets. For ex., fed land, gold, other material assets were a tiny fraction. Did you know that from 1921-1928, Presidents Harding and Coolidge, mostly using tax CUTS, REDUCED THE US DEBT by 1/3?
Dec 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I am, and have always been, a budget hawk. I want smaller gubment, less and lower taxes, and less spending. I have been consistent since Reagan.

But there are different approaches as to how to get smaller gubment. Reagan's view was that you need to have the economy . . . contd . . . and people's incomes grow faster than gubment. In that way, gubment's share shrinks automatically.

Yes, CUT CUT CUT. But growth also is good and accomplishes what you want.

Now, the biggest reality that none of the Chip Roys of the world want to deal with is . . .
Dec 18, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1) The DemoKKKrats & Deep State were in disarray for almost three weeks. You didn't expect them to stay that way, did you?

2) Don Rumsfeld: "The enemy always gets a vote."

3) The other team doesn't just quit.

4) What happened was they listened to Steve Bannon. 5) Bannon in Trump 1.0 was an advocate of "spreading the field." Attacking on such a broad base, in so many areas, that the enemy could not mobilize to focus on one defense.

6) This is what they are doing. They had to take it in the shorts on the appointees, most of whom we get.
Dec 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1) I have had a chance to talk to some people. First, a fighter jock with considerable contacts in the fighter community.

2) LAST DECEMBER drones breached US airspace at Langley 2x as F-22s were conducting maneuvers, then returned 17 days later.… 3) According to my sources, these were "a very big deal." Yet no one in the fighter community had any answers. Obviously, the Pentagram, er, Pentagon kept it covered up for quite a while.

4) There were other such breaches at different bases. Today, drones shut down ops at WPAFB.
Dec 13, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
1) Was talking with a friend who really, really wants tribunals, Gitmo, the whole nine yards for the FascistBI and other Deep State rectal monkeys.

2) I had to do this to all of you but, I'm paid to be the voice of sobriety. Since I have never drank, I guess that's fitting. 3) For those who do drink, you might take a stiff one now.

4) There are five stages to "getting" these people.

Understand I am 100% on the "get em" bandwagon. There is no punishment in my view too severe for McCabe, Deep Stroke, Brennanksi or most of the others.