1) So, an interesting development. A month ago I had dinner with a lifelong friend, who asked a favor which I couldn't refuse.
2) He wanted to get the old band back together (sans our deceased guitarist) for a 90min concert on his 75th birthday in 2 years.
3) This meant that I had to start practicing. I am so incredibly out of shape in terms of drumming. I had to begin with the rudiments.
4) To get to this guy . . .
Aug 4, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
1) This was precisely what I saw in 2016 that led me to write in OCTOBER that Trump had "won" the election with "between 300 and 320 EVs" (final was 304. You can see the tweet in the endnote of my "How Trump Won" published in 2017 with Joel Pollak.
3) Here are some of the shocking numbers:
*In NE2, which Trump lost by 22,000, Rs have already sliced 13,000 off that lead. This is not counting repentant indies or even Ds who see that they screwed up.
*In Maricopa County, the R gains now have MC at R+162,000, or . . .
Aug 1, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1) People constantly say here, "I wish I had your confidence." Well, it's easy. Be confident. I have been wrong, I can't be wrong-ER. Only wrong.
2) In playing, I of course would rehearse new and untested licks before I played them. But you never knew how they'd come out.
3) If I screwed up, so what? I screwed up attempting something big and unique.
4) Times I've been wrong are easily offset about ALL the times I've been right, including saying:
*None of the lawfare would affect the election
*ALL of the federal cases would be delayed/dismissed
Jul 27, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Per @RealSKeshel 1) The registration shifts in Arizona are so significant as to be mind blowing: it is across the board, in every single county.
2) All 15 counties now have more Rs than in 2020, both actually and proportionally.
@RealSKeshel 3) Two counties flipped completely from D to R: Navajo & Yuma
4) Even deep blue Pima shifted to the right.
5) Navajo, Mohave, and Yavapai all shifted about 6% to the right.
7) Maricopa alone added 51,000 NET new Rs
Jul 21, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1) Listening to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American," it prompted me to think about American national "anthems." From "God Bless America," to "This Land is Your Land," to " America the Beautiful" to "Proud to be an American," these songs have something in common . . .
1) contd . . . that is, besides patriotism: they all celebrate America's landscape.
2) In this, we are pretty much unique in the world.
3) I asked a European History expert friend about this phenomena, and he agreed. Most foreign patriotic songs are strictly political.
Jul 21, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) The Trump strategies in this campaign have been brutally effective.
2) Most recently, J.D. Vance refused to debate Kampuchea Harris because "we don't know who the DemoKKKrat nominee is!"
3) This is obviously true, but more important it short-circuited Rutabaga's strat:
3) contd. . . Rutabaga's team thought they could buy time & bolster the campaign if Harris had a good debate against Vance. (Forget for a moment that the Cackling One was highly unlikely to have a good showing at all).
4) Anyway, Rutabaga thought he could do 2 things.
Jul 18, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
1) Details of the Botoxic/Rutabaga phone call have leaked. They are VERY telling.
2) Botoxic supposedly gave him "data" that he would lose.
3) This is VERY IMPORTANT: It tells you they know they CANNOT STEAL IT. If they could, she wouldn't have made that call!
4) Contrary to Hoax Media reports---remember, this whole thing is a Hoax Media-led coup attempt on Rutabaga---that Biden was more willing to consider stepping down, he got in a yelling match with Botoxic and said her "data" was wrong.
Jul 8, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1) The handwringing McClellans are out, esp. after the FR/BR elections.
2) Systems matter, and POLICIES matter.
3) France was a victim of the first. They have a goofball multi-election system combined with a proportional representation structure . . .
3) contd . . . (the same that led to Hitler in Weimar Germany). Under this structure, no one is pushed to the middle to a definitive yes/no on any candidate or party. Instead, they have enclave parties that must make coalitions to "govern."
4) Le Pen never had more than 35%.
Jul 6, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1) This is a fascinating development. It's the first time in my life the Hoax News lib media has gone after a DemoKKKrat President.
2) The Media had a fawning, love relationship with JFK. Never asked a single tough question about his blunders, his affairs, or his health.
3) They didn't like LBJ but left him alone, except for some anti-war leakers.
4) But they absolutely hated Nixon. He hated them. They succeeded in the first ever "journalists' coup" in American history to get him out (with help from the CIA).
Jul 4, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Things go file away: 1) It is nearly impossible for Rutabaga to resign as the NOMINEE but remain PRESIDENT. If he is too senile for one---in the public mind---he is too senile for the other. 2) If VP Harris became Acting President upon a Rutabaga resignation, she does NOT . . .
2) contd . . . Constitutionally have to name a veep for the remainder of the term. John Tyler didn't in 1841 and left the vice presidency empty for three years. Mike Johnson would be next in the line of succession.
3) This would be the best fire insurance ever for Harris.
Jun 29, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1) Zero (Obama) just RE-endorsed Rutabaga. Oops. Doesn't sound like he's goin' anywhere.
2) Why? Of all the DemoKKKrat fecalmonkeys, Zero seems grounded in electoral reality. He knows that replacing Rutabaga with Harris would result in a 400 EV loss for the DemoKKKrats.
3) The down-ticket collapse under Kampuchea Harris would be a thing to behold. She loses, according to Baris's polls, every single Rust Belt state and it won't be close. This would make PA, OH, and WI senate races close.
Jun 29, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1) Good points. @TrentTelenko mentioned Thomas Eagleton's veep resignation in 1972.
2) First, he left in September, BEFORE the absentee ballots went out.
3) Second, neither party relied on the early votes like they do today, but even if they had E left in time.
@TrentTelenko 4) However, McGovern/DemoKKKrats didn't have the looming issue of Ohio's ballot on Aug. 7 to contend with.
5) TT suggests there would be challenges to state laws.
Jun 29, 2024 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
1) More DemoKKKrat meltdown this fine morning:
David Axelgrease: “I think the panic had set in."
AP: "Biden appeared to lose his train of thought" (That train done left the station years ago)
2) PsychoDrudge: "Cruel Jill Clings to Power."
Yahoo: The Senior Sk . K must step up
3) Yet they continue to lie:
"for all the good he’s done in office, is struggling to make his case to the American people and does indeed come across as a struggling elderly man"
Jun 26, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1) If I'm coaching Pres. Trump for the debate, the strat is threefold, simple, and deadly effective.
2) Since they are counting on "triggering him" with "convicted felon," he must not debate or challenge that.
3) Rather turn it: "THIS 'convicted felon' (air quotes) will immediately close the border, begin deporting illegal invaders, stop the crushing inflation that is destroying the lifestyle of middle class Americans, rebuild the economy Biden crushed, & negotiate peace in Ukraine."
Jun 19, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) The latest hair-brained scheme/rumor going around is that Rutabaga will replace Kampuchea Harris with . . . wait for it . . . CANKLES. Then "they" will remove Rutabaga and Cankles de facto becomes the candidate.
2) Break it down! 3) Let's begin with the obvious. The HOUSE must vote to accept a replacement. Johnson wouldn't do this, and he might also be smart enough to drag this on past the convention and Oct. 7 when the ballots go out---at which time ANY vote for "Biden/Harris" would be disqualified.
Jun 18, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) We had just started a kind of "open mike" set at the Troubadour in LA. I for the life of me cannot recall how we got all our stuff set up---that alone was an hour job at least.
2) Anyway, we started playing---only original songs. We had 2-3 that were excellent.
3) One, written by our singer Doug, called "Mississippi Funk," was a real toe tapper, and our "hit" was "Didn't Want to Have to Say Goodbye to You." Anyway . . .
4) We barely got into the first song when the Who---or half, anyway---Pete Townsend and John Entwhistle . . .
Jun 17, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
1) I spent some time speaking with county elections officials in AZ, OH, and WI.
2) You have to work backward from the date of the EARLY/ABSENTEE ballots being mailed out.
3) Once those go out (around Oct. 7 in most counties---who send them out), ANY change is impossible.
4) By which I mean, if Biden's name is on a ballot that goes out, they cannot get that back. Moreover, per county election official, if Biden is NOT on the ticket, ANY ballot that comes back with his name on it is NOT COUNTED.
5) So anytime after Oct. 7, DemoKKKrats . . .
Jun 16, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) Zen Master said in December 2023 that by refusing to expedite the FL case, the Supes essentially killed all the cases except NY against Trump.
2) So, have I not been sayin' it and sayin' it? 3) If you read the libtoid insiders---Politico, Hill, and especially Vox---they will tell you the state of the election. And, voila! Here is Vox, courtesy of Zen Master, showing your their abject panic.
4) They are now pushing BOTH the "Wise Latina" and Kagan to RESIGN NOW.
Jun 9, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1) The lastest hopium fecalscatter from the libtoid spoogenuggets is something to behold. They are now admitting Trump will win the popular vote, but magically Rutabaga will somehow get the battleground states.
2) Nope.
3) This is all based on one flawed CBS poll.
4) But it tells us so much. Yep, Trump is over 50% nationally (that translates to 320-340 EVs)
5) Yep, Trump is at 49% with Hispanics, a death-signal for DemoKKKrats. They cannot win with that number.
6) Trump is only down 2 to white college class. Another death knell.
May 31, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1) Many of you are beyond angry, and bitter. I get it. This is an assault every bit as serious as Confederate secession in 1860-61. Here is my Q&A:
2) Q: Was this "crime" before Trump was president, hence not covered by immunity?
Zen Master: "Actually Trump's "crimes" occurred when he was President. The indictment starts with events in January 2017." So it would fall under aspects of the Supes immunity decision.
May 30, 2024 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
1) I try to subscribe to as many substacks and subscriptions as I can, but I can only afford so many. But this one sent to me by a friend, is important enough that if you want to pay have at it.
2) Mark Halperin is a leftoid who bends over backwards to find a silver lining . . .
4) Halperin comes to the conclusion we all knew over 3 years ago-Rutabaga is demented.
5) "to put the matter both directly and carefully, some well-place sources see a recent physical and mental decline in Joe Biden that frightens them . . .wwoncc.substack.com/welcome