Author/columnist w/ contributions to USA Today, First Things, The Atlantic, Spectator, CNN, New York Post, etc. Redeemed *former* cyclist. Venmo: Larry-Taunton
27 subscribers
Mar 17 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
I was SWATed last night as you can see in these 3 videos.
I was in bed, but noticed Ranger, my German shepherd, was on the prowl, his ears up. I heed his instincts.
I then saw a flicker of light on my BR door. Ranger went to investigate, I got my gun…..
I saw the silhouette of a man on my deck with an AR15.
Given my recent run-in with USAID and the Egyptian secret police in Cairo, I didn’t know what to think.
I could hear whispers and saw two other men also in body armor, heavily armed….
Feb 17 • 25 tweets • 8 min read
By God’s grace, I am now out of Egypt.
Let me state at the outset of this report:
• An X🧵is insufficient to tell the full story.
• There are ongoing complications. So you must read between the lines.
Last week in a🧵that got 12 million…
…views, I reported that I made a visit to USAID - Cairo.
To those unfamiliar with my work, I have been tracking globalist initiatives at both ends:
• At the idea level (e.g., the World Economic Forum in Davos).
• Then I go downstream to see how those idea play out…
Feb 9 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
***USAID - CAIRO 1/14***
Today I paid an unexpected visit to the USAID headquarters in Cairo.
The last few years I have shown you how USAID organized, financed, & ran the invasion across our southern border.
Today I visited their fortress-like offices in Egypt….
Approaching the gate manned by Egyptian guards, we bluffed our way in and drove through the su*cide b*m8er barriers. This was aided, no doubt, by the fact that we were in a Mercedes (the diplomatic car of choice) and I look unmistakably American.
Jan 19 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
The eyes of the world are rightly on Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States.
But let's not forget that while globalists have suffered a setback, they're meeting this week, per usual, in Davos.
I'll be there.
Indeed, the California fires and Trump's inauguration have made it possible for the WEF to meet under the cover of darkness.
What exactly is the WEF and why should you care?
The World Economic Forum, founded in 1971, is a kind of action committee for...
Dec 2, 2024 • 23 tweets • 9 min read
A Christmas I’ll Never Forget:🧵
I was 21. A truck driver during the day and a student at night, I was asked to teach Sunday school at a little rural Alabama church that met only twice a month.
You see, the membership was old and few in number. Many thought the church…2.
…should be closed. But these ornery old people liked their church and didn’t care what anyone else thought they should or shouldn’t do.
One of the members had heard me speak and asked if I would be their pastor.
I didn’t know anything about that, but I agreed…
Sep 8, 2024 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
Carlson’s interview with a revisionist historian rightly caused a firestorm.
The responses to my earlier🧵provide some additional insight to the controversy.
I watched the interview multiple times. Watch it. Cooper likes making sweeping, authoritative, controversial pronouncements with Trump-like self-assurance. Unless you’re a specialist, and Carlson isn’t, you might shrink from…
Aug 26, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Would you like a feel-good story about The Rolling Stones?🧵
Well, I’m here for you.
Whenever I’m in London, I use Black Cabs, the best taxi drivers in the world.
The old timers have great stories, and I always ask: “Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever had in your taxi?”
Over the years I’ve heard stories about Laurence Olivier, Charleton Heston, Tony Blair, Judy Dench, Alice Cooper, Mick Jagger, Richard Harris, and many others.
But this is my favorite story.
A taxi driver tells me he picked up an old guy on London’s West End one evening…
Aug 12, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
This is me filming in front of the US embassy in Mexico City last week.
These are all people trying to get into the US via the CBP One App—a program funded by you.
They didn’t want me filming. You’ll hear a Mexican security guard stop me and…
…demand I delete the video.
I had been assured by Mexican lawyers that I could film anything so long as I did not enter the US embassy. As you can see, I did not enter.
The US uses a Mexican security firm outside the embassy and they had clearly been instructed to stop…
Aug 8, 2024 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
As a guy who travels A LOT, I’m having a hard time with the fact that Tim Waltz has been in China 30+ times. It smells.
Let me explain to you how this works practically…. 2.
China isn’t Canada. Meaning, there’s a visa process for Americans. It’s not visa-upon-arrival as in some Latin American countries. You must apply for entry. It takes time.
Communist states are historically suspicious of Americans, and for good reason. We seldom share…
Jul 17, 2024 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
Yesterday @MattWalshBlog got dragged across Twitter concrete for his take on the #RNC platforming #AmberRose.
Judging from the responses, his critics didn’t read what he said, but instead read highly emotional takes on his tweet.
Let’s take a look:
After the tweet above, social media keyboard warriors sprang to Rose’s defense as if Walsh were her verbal assassin perched atop a sloped Twitter roof.
Catturd led the way.
Walsh was an “egomaniac,” he said, who had set himself up as “judge and jury.”
Jul 11, 2024 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
I saw the BBC doc that provoked @RealCandaceO’s absurd historical claims regarding “Allied ethnic cleansing” of Germans post-WW2.
I’ll record an episode of “Ideas Have Consequences” to address this. But first, a🧵to help you decipher it: 2/
The documentary, “The Savage Peace,” produced by Peter Molloy, focuses on the very real post-WW2 reprisals against Germans in Eastern Europe. The documentary, while factual in many respects, is quite deceptive at 3 key points:
The documentary ends with…
Mar 5, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
#Immigration Update from South America 8: One Night in Bangkok
I’m in Necocli, #Colombia, a dangerous cartel town where #immigrants try to get a ferry across the Gulf of Urabá to the #Darién Gap. There’s never been a place of more hope & hopelessness.
Human degradation…
…in its many forms is everywhere. I hadn’t been in town 15 minutes before I was offered cocaine and sex. Beggars of the authentic variety are everywhere. Street vendors price gouge. Cartel “eyes” are upon you and everyone else.
But you also encounter those who are…
Mar 3, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
I’m current driving through rural Colombia with a hired driver. With an hour to go, I thought I’d make use of the time.
I try to distinguish for you between what I know to be factual and my theories or opinions….
The #Biden administration is using the #UN and a series of NGOs to traffic humans across this continent — and the globe — to the US border, or, increasingly, to bypass the #border altogether and fly them to undisclosed locations in the US.
But a number of questions…
Mar 2, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
#BorderCrisis Update from South America:🧵
I’m currently in Colombia.
To say that it’s a sh*t show down here is an insult to fine sh*t shows everywhere.
The #Biden administration is running a human trafficking op via the #UN, NGOs, and your tax $.
They are flying illegals…
…from Central & South America to secret destinations in the US while denying it and media allies obfuscate the facts.
NGO personnel tell me off-record that the Biden administration won’t reveal the destination of flights, but that they are, with the use of anonymous…
Feb 21, 2024 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Sitting in a doc’s office waiting room, I passed the time writing an allegory of #America.
Think of America as a bad marriage.
Her name is Blue. (Pretentious, she prefers Bleu.) His is just plain ol’ Red. She comes…
…from money. He’s self-made. Their marriage is Green Acres minus the grace and good humor.
She’s sleeping with everybody but him; he’s a regular guy who doesn’t know it.
But Red knows something is off. So, he convinces his wife that they should see a marriage counselor…
Feb 2, 2024 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
“Where are we going today, Mr. Alex?” My Egyptian driver asked.
“Garbage City,” I said.
“Mokattam?” His tone was decidedly unenthusiastic.
“You think it’s dangerous.” Mine was a statement, not a question. The concierge had tried to dissuade…
“I’m Egyptian, and I would never go there. But you?” This was a warning.
Ibrahim had been my driver on multiple occasions. He likes it because, he says, “It’s never boring with you.”
And I like him because he’s a good. (Pro tip: When in the third world, always…
Jan 18, 2024 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM UPDATE 15: Javier Milei and the WEF strategy
Argentina's new President Javier Milei has become something of an anti-globalist rock star -- and for good reason.
The Spanish-speaking equivalent to Donald Trump flew into Davos on a commercial flight...
...and gave the globalist elitists here -- collectively: "WEFers" -- a piece of his populist mind.
Milei, an economic and maverick, has consciously mimicked Trump straight into the presidency, even saying, "Make Argentina Great Again."
None of us can recall an...
Jan 16, 2024 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
As many of you know, I am in Davos, Switzerland covering the annual WEF meeting. It’s the Oscar’s for globalists.
It seems the best place to begin is with a WEF primer:
The World Economic Forum was founded by octogenarian Klaus…
…Schwab in 1971. He has been its sole chairman.
In prepping for a 4-part series on the WEF I wrote for Daily Wire — now available on my website — I read his books.
Schwab, an engineer by education, uses the language of his profession: “The future is built by us!” He…
Dec 31, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
“O death, where is thy victory?
O grave, where is thy sting?”
This has been a hard week.
Lauri and I were out for dinner when she got a call. Her dad, hospitalized, was dying. We left our table and went and stood in the lobby Facetiming with him as he…
…gradually slipped away.
87-years-old and in failing health, this was not wholly unexpected. Even so, children feel the loss of a parent very deeply. And it hit me hard, too. I held Lauri and we wept together.
Earlier that same day — but well before we knew what the…
Dec 16, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Recently I was in a store and requested help. An employee was called and a . . . person came. The face was almost totally obscured by a mask and utterly opaque sunglasses.
Asking the price of an item and being Southern, I started to say “ma’am” but stopped short… 2/
…because I wasn’t sure this person was indeed female. The hair was very short and the appearance was either that of a somewhat effeminate male or a butch female.
It was then that I noticed the name badge:
Normally, I refuse to play along with the…
Nov 29, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
When I was a little boy visiting my g’parents on Vancouver Island, I would get up early with my Irish g’ma. She’d sit me on her Aga coal stove & chat with me while she cooked.
The stove was warm & her Irish jaunty. I’d fetch her coal… 2/9
…and she’d teach me limericks.
I did much the same with my Alabama g’ma who—sorry g’ma Henderson—had vastly superior culinary skills. What she lacked in witty Irish-isms, she made up for in little tasty morsels she’d give me from the things she was baking.