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haunting so-called U.S. agitating, liberating, embodying solidarity race, politics, religion prof @UVA #embodiedsolidarity @SameGodFilm
Jan 30, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
let me get this straight @nytimes Donald McNeil Jr used the N-word as well as other racist & sexist talk on a nyt-led trip for HS kids-who had the courage to report it-so NYT *promotes* McNeil while firing @Wolfe321 for breathing fresh oxygen in a tweet after four toxic years 1/8 I've seen @MaraGay of NYT ed board utter similar, if not stronger statements, about a range of issues on @MSNBC @11thHour on the reg. I don't know what NYT counts as 'biased' tweets/reporting, but any conservative friend of mine looking at Gay's page wld say she's obvs "woke",2/8