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Interested in Tech, Tesla
Oct 26, 2018 28 tweets 12 min read
Where did it all go wrong for @markbspiegel? A deep dive on his Tesla history $TSLA $TSAQ

2013 - Mark is Short on Tesla early July.

He publishes 3 Seaking Alpha (SA) articles in the 2nd week of July

July- Claims Panamera E / BMW / Audi /Merc plugin will outcompete Model S 2013 cont
July - Claims $35,000 Model 3 will cost $59,500 to make.
July - Calculates Tesla share price (SP) best case to be $98 in 5 years.
(It was $129 at the time and $359.50 exctly 5 yrs later)
he calls the Tesla Q2 sales maxed (5150 MS sold) on twiter.