Late Night Anti-Fascists Profile picture
Anti-fascist research & reporting on the night shift. This account is dedicated to the victims of hate and far-right radicalization.
Jul 25 14 tweets 9 min read
#NameTheBozoTour: Meet GDL member Caleb John Downs aka "Hissing Possum" and "Wokie Okie" of Tulsa and Collinsville, OK, a Proud Boy turned Nazi who makes songs about lynching minorities.

Downs was previously publicly identified for his activity with WLM.…
Mugshot of Caleb John Downs of Collinsvillem OK sandwiched between a screenshot of his Hissing Possum Twitter account and a photo of him in Nashville On July 16, 2024, Caleb Downs showed up to Nashville alongside other neo-Nazi GDL members to terrorize residents in an attention-seeking Nazi stunt.

At the Metro City Council meeting, clear photos of his face and tattoos helped confirm his identity.

Caleb Downs performing a Nazi salute on Jon Minadeo‘s live stream at the Metro City Council meeting in Nashville, before being kicked out with the rest of the GDL members.
Caleb’s Proud Boy tattoo visible
Caleb’s Proud Boy tattoo visible as GDL members are escorted out of the Metro Courthouse.
Caleb behind Jon Minadeo, in the back seat of the black truck that several GDL members traveled in during their stay in Nashville.
Jul 18 32 tweets 26 min read
Unite the Right Roundup!

UTR was organized online and attended by people who traveled hundreds of miles to rub elbows w/ their favorite Internet Nazis. We've gathered a list of attendees (some known) who are not yet in the #IgniteTheRight database. 🧵…
Collage of faces of Unite the Right attendees Atomwaffen Division member Brian Patrick Baynes of Fairfax, Virginia attended Unite the Right with Vanguard America. Baynes pleaded guilty to a firearms charge in 2019.

Mugshot of Brian Patrick Bayne
Baynes at Charlottesville, 2017
Baynes at Charlottesville, 2017
Jul 11 4 tweets 2 min read
New from @AnonComrades: Meet James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson' of Howell, #Michigan and Lommo, Sweden!

James Kreger (25) is the Nazi propagandist behind 'The White Papers Policy Institute.'
Three face photos of 25-year-old James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson' of Howell, Michigan. In the center photo he wears a McDonald's uniform polo with the letters "WPPI" for "White Papers Policy Institute" imposed over the shirt logo. Read the full piece from @AnonComrades here:…
Jun 25 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW from Jersey Counter-Info: S14, WLM, and Embrace Struggle Member Benjamin Ryder of Glenside, #Pennsylvania

Read the profile on neo-Nazi & sex offender Ben Ryder here:…

NJ Hate Watch: S14, WLM, and Embrace Struggle Member Benjamin Ryder of Glenside, PA Pictured: Ben Ryder's mugshot
Ben Ryder circled as a nazi saluting behind a nazi flag
Last week Idavox identified Benjamin Ryder as one of the nazis rallying on a bridge in Philly.…
Jun 25 5 tweets 4 min read
ICYMI earlier, right wing Twitter stumbled across an unflattering photo of fascist Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert.

We wanted to chime in and verify that yes, it is a face match to BAP. Yes, the photo is real.

And yes, this is the "post physique" guy. A very unflattering photo of BAP showing undefined arms and a pudgy stomach, sitting at a cafe in Brazil The photo was deleted - either due to some swift DMing or the nazi dogpiling.

We can verify that the photo still pops up in an image search and have archived our own link of the cache.

Use with

Another screenshot of the Instagram post from a wide screen angle, showing a nazi frog commenting "This is the guy calling us brown LOL"
Image search cache still containing the link to the Instagram post
Jun 19 11 tweets 3 min read
New from ACC: Neo-Nazi ‘Nationalist Coalition’ Exposed!

The Nationalist Coalition is a new neo-Nazi organization "spawned from the rotting carcass" of the National Justice Party (NJP)


Tweet from @NatCoalition: "Join our growing community today to receive your free N word pass"  The new N word: Nationalistcoalition EXECUTIVE BOARD:
Carson Ford Brooks - Ashland City, TN
Nathan Charles Barker - Saint Pauls, NC
Gregory Arthur Klaunberg (AKA Rainhart Gregory Arthurson) - Manassas, VA

Carson Brooks at a podium sporting an eye patch and shaved head
Nathan Barker suited up at the podium
Greg Klaunberg, bearded at the podium
Jun 10 5 tweets 3 min read
Let's do a quick Nazi check on Benjamin Martin Parks aka Benji Parks of South Bend and Mishawaka, #Indiana. Here's what he looks like...

(Credit to @RedorchestraAFA for this identification)

Benji Parks on Facebook
Benji Parks on a porch with a buddy, both doing the OK hand gesture.
Oh look, Benji Parks of Indiana posted a George Lincoln Rockwell meme.
Benji Parks posting a Rockwell meme
Google search of the image pulling up George Lincoln Rockwell in front of a Nazi flag
Jun 5 4 tweets 3 min read
We have another mystery Nazi we're trying to identify. Maybe he's been ID'd and someone recognizes him? He can be seen mingling with NSM and TWP members at various events.

There was a discord account with his face attached.…
Three photos of a nazi guy, one with him holding an NSM flag, one of him wearing a "pepe did nothing wrong" shirt, one of him behind a group of saluting nazis This guy was all over the place.

May 14 6 tweets 2 min read
Meet Oklahoma-based neo-Nazis and UTR torch bearers Joshua Harley James and his former wife Justine Danielle Crowe James. From racial slurs to Nazi pies, these two are awful.

#IgniteTheRight #BeardedTorchUTR…

Joshua James and Justine Crowe holding torches in the group of Nazis at Unite the Right Photo credit above: @zdroberts (support his work!)

And big h/t @antichud, 405JR, @TheDoorOKC, and the anonymous tipsters who helped us out ;)

Feb 15 13 tweets 7 min read
Say hello to software engineer, Patriot Front associate, and UTR attendee Andrew Mark Liebenow (32) aka "Eurogenicist" of Austin and Round Rock, Texas!

This neo-Nazi is a huge HitIer fan and is STILL actively posting propaganda online. #IgniteTheRight…
Screenshot of eurogenicist twitter profile, Andrew at UTR, Andrew holding an unlit torch in a Texas parking garage Andrew Liebenow's name originally began circulating in 2018 after he was caught flyering Texas State University in San Marcos with Erik Sailors and Paul Gray.

Local antifascists and publications promptly reported on it and made the community aware.…
Nazi punks fuck off flyer, naming 5 local nazis including Liebenow, Sailors, and Gray
Feb 12 9 tweets 7 min read
NEW: Please say hello to neo-Nazi and Patriot Front associate Jordan Thomas Fracht (35) aka "Mooch TX" of Houston and Beaumont, Texas!

Jordan Fracht attended Unite the Right with Vanguard America. #VanguardBlueGlassesUTR #IgniteTheRight
Fracht wearing a helmet and glasses at UTR
Fracht's face
At UTR, Jordan Fracht spent his time filming on his DSLR camera amidst other Texans and Vanguard America members, and was seen trailing behind William Fears IV into the park.

Fracht was also photographed next to James Alex Fields, who ended up murdering a woman later that day.

Fracht walking behind William Fears
Fracht in a group of Texas and Daily Stormer nazis
Fracht in a crowd of nazis, one sieg heiling in front of him
Fracht standing next to James Alex Fields
Feb 7 8 tweets 7 min read
Hello to groyper and HitIer fan Saran Sankar aka Ethan Stykes of the Washington DC & Baltimore area, the person behind the 10k+ follower WeCrusaders account.

He's a big promoter of Nick Fuentes & all of this is information he posted himself publicly.

Saran Sankar's linkedin photo.
Modern Crusaders twitter account.
The replies to his account and the account IDs in archive source code can verify his handle change from "EthanStykes" to "WeCrusaders".

Twitter search showing the old EthanStykes handle showing in replies to WeCrusaders
Name change history for WeCrusaders showing EthanStarks
EthanStarks account volunteering to be a software engineer for Elon Musk
Feb 5 7 tweets 3 min read
More for #IgniteTheRight -
Timothy Evans Doerr Noonan (32) aka Timmy Matlock aka Chad Vandal aka oxycolton aka Voltar attended UTR. He now resides in North Richland Hills, #Texas.

He's a neo-Nazi podcaster tied to the Daily Stormer & was a TWP member.

Timothy Noonan at UTR
Timothy Noonan wearing a black sun shirt, posting to the Bowl Patrol discord
Timothy Noonan lived in Portland, Oregon for a while and previously appeared among a group of fascists and neo-Nazis at a 2016 “PSU Students for Trump” gathering.

h/t @RoseCityAntifa…
Noonan holding up a "border wall" sign at a build the wall event
Feb 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Another for the #IgniteTheRight DB:
David Balabon aka "John Cholisniky" of Austin, Texas was an Identity Evropa member who attended UTR.

He was previously identified by antifascists in 2019, just wasn't listed as a UTR attendee.

Photo of Balabon in a helmet at UTR
Photo of Balabon in a youtube video.
David Balabon of Austin, Texas had horrific online behavior across platforms.

Link to his Discord posts:…
David Balabon calling someone a k*ke and telling them they should have been gassed. Someone spamming the N word underneath that, and Balabon agreeing.
Feb 3 8 tweets 5 min read
Today we're introducing neo-Nazi and League of the South member Clay Pinkston (26) of Christiana, #Tennessee.

Not only was he present at Unite the Right, it appears he was involved in an act of violence at the event.

#MSSouthUTR #IgniteTheRight

Photo of Clay Pinkston with a missing sunglass lens at UTR
mugshot of Clay Pinkston
Pinkston was featured prominently in news images alongside other League of the South shield carriers.

Many shield carriers were identified shortly after UTR, while this one slipped by until his DUI mugshots were spotted.…

Reuters showing Pinkston ready to fight, holding a baton and shield at Charlottesville
NBC News cover image with Pinkston front and center, walking with League of the South and others up the street at cville
Feb 1 4 tweets 2 min read
Got another one for #IgniteTheRight -
Identity Evropa member Kilian Glish of Troy, #Michigan attended the Unite the Right neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.

He's the third from left in IE group photo.

ID from NoCARA:…

Photo of Kilian Glish with cops in swat gear behind him at UTR
Kilian Glish at UTR
Kilian Glish with Identity Evropa
Kilian Glish also attended the white supremacist National Policy Institute (NPI) conference in DC in 2016 alongside Andrew Ferguson and Shawn Mccaffrey of Michigan.

h/t @Idavox…
white supremacists in suits outside the NPI event in DC
Feb 1 5 tweets 4 min read
Looking at old archives, turns out that a violent Proud Boy previously identified by antifascists was also noticed by #SeditionHunters a while back.

Hello again to #J6er Jordan Tyler Camacho aka #SkullFlipper

ID by Identify Dixie:

Jordan Tyler Camacho mugshot for battery charge
Jordan Tyler Camacho at J6
More J6 images of #ProudBoy insurrectionist Jordan Tyler Camacho aka #SkullFlipper are available here.
Camacho in the J6 mob near the front doors of the Capitol
Feb 1 5 tweets 3 min read
Looking at old archives... turns out that a violent Proud Boy previously identified by antifascists was also noticed #SeditionHunters.

Hello again to #J6er Jordan Tyler Camacho aka #SkullFlipper

(2020 ID by Identify Dixie: )

Mugshot of Jordan Tyler Camacho
Photo of Jordan Tyler Camacho at J6
More images of #ProudBoy / insurrectionist Jordan Tyler Camacho aka #SkullFlipper available here.
Photo of Camacho storming the capitol
Feb 1 4 tweets 2 min read
Another for the #IgniteTheRight collection -

Hello again to Identity Dixie member and Army vet Jordan Lawhon aka Alex Lawhon / Alexander Snappingturtle / Chief Snapping Turtle / @NChukma of PA and VA, who attended UTR.

Old thread h/t ShermanMarching:

photo of Lahon at UTR
photo of Lahon at UTR
A couple more pics.

Also, more information about him here:

Lawhon doing the ok hand sign
Lawhon in a confederate larp outfit
Jan 30 20 tweets 9 min read
Let’s say hello to 32-year-old neo-Nazi Elleisa Ann Burden aka Elle Wilham aka “Ellie Ancap” aka “Moe Bible Verses” of Lexington, Kentucky!

Elle currently operates the AnimeBibleVerse account with nearly 19,000 followers and uses the guise of Christianity to spread of hate. Screenshot of the @AnimeBibleVerse account with a profile image of an Anime girl, next to a photo of Elleisa Ann Burden Wilham This identification was not in our regularly scheduled programming, but due to her still constantly posting antisemitism to a very wide audience we thought it was time to shine a light on her neo-Nazi activities.
Jan 12 5 tweets 3 min read
NEW from Jersey Counter-Info:
Evan Wendell Plumlee (54) of Feasterville-Trevor, #Pennsylvania identified as a neo-Nazi, J6 rioter, and leader of White Lives Matter (WLM) PA.…

Mugshot of Evan Wendell Plumlee
Plumlee's face marked as #Insider140
Evan Plumlee of Pennsylvania is more than just a banner-holding sticker Nazi...

Evan Wendell Plumlee face pic, wearing a mask
Plumlee holding a White Lives Matter banner
Another shot of Plumlee holding a banner outside with other Nazis