Dr Laura Cahillane Profile picture
Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Limerick, Editor Irish Judicial Studies Journal, Ciarraíoch, also a musician and outdoor enthusiast
Apr 7, 2021 14 tweets 5 min read
Very interesting Maj jgmt in Zalewski - Kenny's 5 part test not quite rejected but certainly seems it will have less influence in future - O'Donnell says using it 'as a checklist which must be minutely and precisely complied with risks missing the wood for the trees.' He says 'it may be understood as indicating features of importance rather than establishing a statutory
checklist' & very good points about the 5th limb: The proper scope of the admin of just is not determined simply by analogy with what was done by the cts as a matter of history
Jan 14, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
On the issue of access to information for adopted persons #knowyouridentity, there are others who have more expertise in this than me but since I didn't get time to make all the points I would have liked to on @morningireland earlier, here are some thoughts (Thread ⬇️) The previous AG advised that it would be unconst to provide an unlimited right to access info in leg - reasons were not given but we can presume this opinion is based on the result in the IOT vB case, which is a misreading of that case, while privacy was prioritised in that case
Aug 24, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Another thread on the Seamus Wolfe issue: Lots of people seem to be calling on the CJ to take action but he has no legal or other authority to force Mr Justice Wolfe to resign. The most he can do is to have a conversation about his position. However, public confidence in the admin of justice is one of the key principles underpinning the system of justice in Ireland and if confidence is affected it is a very serious matter. Will people have confidence in the system if they feel the position of a SC judge is untenable?