Laura Burkhardt Profile picture
She/her • Missouri @momsdemand volunteer • Survivor • Text READY to 644-33 • Opinions my own • Ranked 5th worst problem in MO by Moms 4 Liberty•
Jul 19 4 tweets 3 min read
Lizzie Sparks, co-host of the far right talk radio show “Cancel This” filed a false police report. She hotlined a substitute teacher, claiming he sexually assaulted her daughter. Problem is, her daughter didn’t even attend that high school.

Here’s where it gets wild…

The substitute teacher who the false claims were made against was running against Lizzie Sparks’ son-in-law, Justin Hicks (R) in the primary for state representative in Missouri HD 108 (St. Charles). Hicks was the incumbent. In March, Justin Hicks switched to a Congressional run.
Jul 13 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵3 days ago, Rick Brattin, a sitting republican Missouri State Senator held a full Christian worship service in his official Senate office.

Not his campaign office. Not a church. Not his home. In the Senate office he temporarily occupies in OUR HOUSE. THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE.#MoLeg
The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent Brattin a cease and desist over his unconstitutional prayer service. The letter cites the Establishment Clause, Missouri Constitution, and several court rulings.

The @FFRF has had to get involved in MO law countless times. I’m thankful.
Jun 26 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵Ascension Catholic Church in Chesterfield, Missouri is actively recruiting young men, ages 18-29, to join their newly-formed militia.

Chesterfield has a violent crime rate of 0.71 per 1,000 residents, compared to 4 nationally and 4.88 in MO. @MomsDemand @Everytown
The purpose of this militia is to “protect the Church from violent and non-violent attacks but also bring young men back to the Faith.”

52 Archdiocese of St. Louis parishes have closed in the last 10 years, 48 of which closed in 2023. Soldier cosplay won’t fix that.
Mar 13 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵A few days ago, a video was shared of a horrific assault of a white girl (Kaylee Gain) by a black girl near her HS. Missouri Republicans dug in-blaming the tragedy on the school’s DEI efforts, pushing their school choice agenda, and claiming heartache & sympathy for the victim.

Yesterday afternoon a 14-year-old black boy named Justin Brooks was stabbed & died 1 block from his middle school while walking home. Nothing but silence from these republicans. This is why I will never believe their “condolences” or ability to care. ONLY if it fits their agenda.
Feb 15 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵A thread of Missouri Republican lawmaker’s “thoughts & prayers” following the tragic shooting at the Chiefs Super Bowl parade vs the actions they take that have gotten us here.

Hypocrisy at its finest along with countless preventable deaths, injuries, and trauma. #MoLeg Image
Jan 8 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵My best friend (Black woman) & I were pregnant at the same time 18 yrs ago. We both had preeclampsia, hers undiagnosed as her symptoms were written off. I was put on bed rest & hospitalized. She was told to relax. A week after she gave birth, the day my son was born, she died. 2/5 Still to this day, I blame myself. We talked multiple times a day. We were experiencing the same symptoms. How did I miss this?

I’ve stayed very close with her husband & daughter from that pregnancy. A few weeks ago her daughter came over to tell me that she’s pregnant.
Dec 24, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵Francis Howell School Board President Adam Bertrand stated “With @splcenter providing a blanket call out of all 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦 𝗜𝗡𝗩𝗢𝗟𝗩𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡 𝗘𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 as part of their hate map… I voted to rescind.”

The problem is, that’s a bold face lie from Bertrand. 1/4
Image “Missouri Parents Involved In Education” is a state chapter of a national anti-government hate group. It’s listed on the hate map.

Bertrand & his supporters chose to lie to their community by stating that ALL MO parents involved in ed have been targeted as extremists. 2/4

Dec 10, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Missouri state rep Mitch Boggs filed a covenant marriage bill for the FOURTH year in a row. #MoLeg #HB1789 is a bill designed to keep women & children in unhealthy & unsafe marriages. The party of freedom & liberty wants to restrict one’s ability to leave a dangerous marriage.
Before couples will be considered for a dissolution of marriage, they’re required to attend at least 40 hours of marital counseling over the course of two years.

Couples are forced to wait TWO years after initially filing for legal separation before dissolution is granted.
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵None of us should be surprised by the bill Missouri state rep Brian Seitz (R) filed that would criminalize women for aborting non-viable pregnancies. Two sessions ago, Seitz admitted that the death penalty was on the table in cases of abortion. #MoLeg Also in Seitz’s 2022 bill was the provision that that would INCREASE the penalty if the abortion was performed on someone who had an ectopic pregnancy or on a person who was a victim of sex trafficking.

See thread below for more info:
Nov 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵A motorist was shot dead this morning in Fenton, Missouri(on Hwy 141) in a road-rage attack.

MO has no permit requirements, no bkgd check requirements on all gun sales, no min age to open carry & allows abusers to possess guns. @MomsDemand #MoLeg… This comes exactly one month after the October 10 shooting just 7 miles away that was also the result of road-rage. Fortunately no one was killed in this horrific incident.…
Sep 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Missouri rolled out a tax-payer funded Training Recon System for school workers.

This simulator includes sounds of gunshots, alarms going off, kids crying, teachers screaming & a smoke machine.

They’ve chosen to do nothing to prevent guns from being brought to school. #MoLeg Image “Our teachers really are the first responders of their classroom. They’re the emergency managers of the hallway.”

Brought to you by the folks who don’t trust teachers to choose books for their class.

We need to be preventative, not reactive. @MomsDemand
Sep 1, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Let’s be clear. These parents have tried for years to get social emotional learning, leadership programs, health education & services banned from ALL schools. When their efforts failed, they switched to “operation opt-out.”

I don’t co-parent with uninformed extremists.

Lindi Williford has been a key player in these attacks on public education. And not just in her home district. She has spread fear, anger, falsehoods, and paranoia all over the St. Charles/St. Louis region, even going so far as to take it to nationwide extremist FB groups.

Aug 22, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Missouri courts are hearing a case this week against #MoSen SB49, which bans gender affirming healthcare for many minors & adults. AG Andrew Bailey knows he has little support, as attacking trans kids isn’t a pressing issue for Missourians. So he reaches out to MO extremists.

Barrett is the leader of the Missouri Gays Against Groomers Chapter. He’s also the National Director of all state chapters. Barrett has reached out to all of the far right FB groups in an attempt to flood the courtroom, where minors are the plaintiffs. #MoLeg

Jul 25, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵On the 1 year anniversary of the Dobbs ruling, MO Right To Life (anti-abortion org) gathered outside of Planned Parenthood StL to celebrate & pray. @TravisCNews reported live, but the interesting part happened once he & his crew packed up. A thread…
#MoLeg @aclu_mo 2/ Pam Fichter, former President of MO Right To Life/current chairwoman of Eastern Div lays out their plan to collude w/ MO SOS Ashcroft, Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick, & AG Bailey in an effort to keep the abortion ballot petition tied up in court and off of the November 2024 ballot.…

May 25, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵This is pure hatred & bigotry. The St. Charles hate group wants to control every move you make. You must fit into their tiny box. If not, you’re the next target.

I’m extremely hopeful that the community will show up at the Kathryn Linnemann branch at @StChLibrary tomorrow. ImageImage Let’s dissect this nonsense.

📌 Show me the rule that says only women can wear makeup.

📌 Does the eyeshadow color matter? Is that the issue?

📌 Wearing nail polish, makeup, earrings & a goatee is absolutely not drag. Educate yourself, Rachel. Image
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
What. The. Fuck.… Image I’ll add that regardless of how much I hate this, I have no intention of buying a bunch of them and shooting them in a field or smacking them with a baseball bat on the lawn of the state Capitol (when I should be working). So there’s that.
Apr 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Missouri Senator Mike Moon (bigot & pervert) presented #SB49 last night (bans healthcare for trans youth) under the guise of “protecting children.”

Representative @PeterforMO called out the hypocrisy of Moon’s vote against not allowing 12-year-olds to marry adults. #MoLeg This is the roll call vote on the bill raising the minimum age to marry in Missouri. While this vote took place in 2018, there are still a handful of “no” votes that are still members of #MoLeg . A few names in particular jumped out at me…
Apr 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
pred· a· to· ry

•inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gain or profit Predatory.

Apr 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Heading over to visit w/ family for Easter, & because I can’t let a family function go by w/o bringing up #MoLeg, I made this graphic & QR code so every person in attendance can easily submit testimony opposing anti-trans #SB39 & #SB49. Please share at your gatherings as well. From @PROMOMissouri: On Tuesday, April 11 at 4:30 p.m., the MO House General Laws committee will hold a public hearing for a transgender athlete ban (SB39) and a transgender healthcare ban (SB49). #MoLeg
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🧵Bad faith actors in @rockwoodschools have spent a lot of time, money & energy defaming the Rockwood NEA and in turn, their members (70%+ Rockwood educators). The 3 RNEA endorsed candidates have continually kept their focus on the students & building upon an excellent district.

Now let’s talk about who’s funding all of the attack ads directed at educator-endorsed candidates. Missouri First PAC, which is a dark money PAC who is funneling money through their 501c4 (nonprofit) Freedom Principle MO, is responsible for these ads.

Mar 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵Spoiler alert:

It is scripted. Every red state gets the same bills placed in their laps. It then gets a sponsor with an “R” next to their name. From there, it moves through the legislature w/o a single “aye” vote even understanding what they just voted for. #MoLeg Don’t take my word for it, listen to MO Representative Justin Sparks (R) speak on #HB1165, a Republican sponsored bill. He lays it all out.

“This bill came out of nowhere. I still don’t know who is the driving force behind this. Still trying to figure it out, we all are.”