Laura Jedeed Profile picture
Freelance Journalist, allegedly: Politico, Rolling Stone, TNR, NYMag, etc. Newsletter:
🥥🌴🌊☕️Coffee&Robots🤖🌊🥥🌴🇺🇦 Profile picture LeAnne L Profile picture by znmeb Profile picture Aviva Gabriel Profile picture Len Grossman: a sympathetic, well-meaning, elder.. Profile picture 11 subscribed
May 24 45 tweets 10 min read
Ok I'm at a bar with $3 PBRs and Lesbian Trivia on Wednesdays, let's talk about the Bronx Trump rally, where I just had an existential crisis

🧵 I did a text thread for the first bit of it before the Internet completely shat itself, which you can see here if you missed it

I was totally unable to upload video, so I'll do that in this thread

Jun 13, 2023 70 tweets 17 min read
Good morning, I'm back for one day only to bring you Trumpening II: Miami Vice, where police have just kicked media and a handful of protesters out of the park

Maybe 30 people protesting on the cement area directly in front of the courthouse About 30 MAGA protesters ou...Maybe 3 protesters crossing...Police putting up caution t...A paramilitary vehicle with... In case you missed it somehow, Trump is being arraigned for the funniest violation of the espionage act anyone has ever committed

Laura Loomer has called for a rally at noon, one hour from now
Apr 4, 2023 69 tweets 15 min read
Good morning and welcome to TRUMPWATCH IV: THE TRUMPENING here outside the Manhattan District Courthouse, where the, flags are flying and the press outnumbers protesters by at least 30-1 Flag: fuck Trump and fuck you for voting for him. A middle fFlag: trump or death. Picture of trump and the number 2024An absolute crush of press, 100 at least A handful of Black people in Blacks for Trump t-shirts, also I was going to post a quick summary of what's going on today but I just got absolutely bodied by a crush of press struggling to get a shot of George Santos, who has arrived to great fanfare
Apr 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm posting this essay of a comment I just got on my Substack because it's an incredible example of how people on the right sometimes use the AESTHETICS of rationality without any actual rationality behind it There is too much text in this essay of a comment to fit intAgain, truncated because of character limit:  I trust you wi Observe that this very long comment barely engages with the argument I'm making. Instead, he delivers an extremely long but oddly generalized critique of gender science, which this article mentions in passing but does not discuss at all
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Long before Hammurabi chiseled his Code into a clay tablet

Long after the Butlerian Jihad frees us from our technological shackles

There was, and will, be one basic rule of human interaction:

If you provoke someone far enough, You Will Get
Punched… Rudeness has always carried a price and always will, but never, in the recorded history of the world, has anyone been so good about crying about it for money as the people who routinely call others snowflakes
Apr 3, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Hey, so are we just not going to talk about the part where @BillboardChris grabs her first? @BillboardChris I just wrote a whole substack about the ethics of punching protest trolls, then go frame by frame to find my thumbnail and turns out it was self-defense the whole time
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
See, this is what I'm talking about

If you wore a billboard that said "Bikers are pedophiles" into a biker bar you'd get your ass kicked and no one would feel bad for you because they'd understand you asked for it

Why is it different with weaker-coded groups? "you're excusing violence" I am explaining a basic feature of society since humans started hunting antelope on the savanna

Apr 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Proposing the Strong Bearded Man Test for Social Interaction

Imagine you're at a good dive bar. Everyone's having a nice time, talking and socializing and enjoying themselves

There's a group of 4 strong bearded men in biker jackets at the bar, kicking back brews and laughing Now, these guys aren't drunk, or surley, or looking for a fight, but they look like they know their way around a fight

Your friend, however, is both drunk and surley. He goes over and starts shouting insults

After putting up with it for a bit, one of the guys throws a punch
Mar 28, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Good morning, let's compare @MattWalshBlog's reaction to the Nashville Covenant School shooting with other shootings that involved the murder of very young children Matt Walsh @MattWalshBLog  ...Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog  ...Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 2...Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 1... Uvalde, Texas: 5-24-2022. 19 elementary school children, 2 teachers dead

Only a "soulless piece of shit" would politicize the shooting of elementary school children, perpetrator should burn in hell, armed security is the answer Matt Walsh:   BEto really u...Matt Walsh  The absolute du...Matt Walsh  This piece of g...
Mar 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Unbelievably dark timeline Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog  ...Matt Walsh  @MattWalshBlog.... The reason it's bad to call everything even vaguely authoritarian fascist or Nazi is that when people correctly point out that this is the type of rhetorical ramp-up that the Nazis employed in the leadup to the Holocaust, it does not pack the punch that it should
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
My headphones just broke and anyone who has ever met me in real life will understand when I tell you I feel like I just got a limb amputated They still make sound they just physically snapped which probably isn't surprising since I haven't taken them off since approximately August 2021

I'm going to MacGyver a solution with household objects before I perish like a fish removed from water
Feb 18, 2023 66 tweets 20 min read
Seems like people are doing this again so here you go: AMA if you want to

(Looks like I've gotten some msgs since last time I checked and I'll respond to those too) Please tell your boss thank you, also I'm so sorry… send me anonymous messages!  "This article is making me
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
LMAO are you fucking serious You must remove text message two-factor authentication  Only There are NO websites that charge users to have a secure login. NONE. It has NEVER HAPPENED
Feb 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Print this post. Stick it in your wallet. Take it out next time you find yourself mystified by something the conservatives are doing Ava Petrucci @mmeJen  I bel... The conservative movement is no longer interested in politics. They are actively culling politicians from their ranks

When they talk about spirit warriors, or happy warriors, or the information war, please understand that they are serious…
Oct 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm sorry, what The overall point is that we should decriminalize sex work which I agree with completely: ask sex workers about problem clients sometime

Do those assholes have a "right to sex"?

They do not
Oct 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I am not the first person to remark on this but: I watch conservative media for work on YouTube. Mostly I watch other more regular genres

When I watch a short, the VERY NEXT SHORT is almost always far right and usually transphobic. This is not an exaggeration Obviously my algo is going to be a little fucked up, I use YouTube to watch conservative content, DBZ parodies, stand-up comedy and sometimes breadtube. Except for the last thing I am clearly an adolescent boy ripe for radicalization

Which makes the far-right bombardment scarier
Sep 4, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Oh my god Trump's speech is finally over and I have some things to say

I think The Donald is rocked. I think he's rattled. I think he's scared out of his mind This speech went on way, way too long. Someone said 2 hours. Ridiculously long

It felt like he was stretching it out. Like he didn't want to get offstage. Like he needed the crowd to tell him he's ok
Sep 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump.has been speaking for over an hour and the stadium, which was full at the start, is half-empty now A half-empty stadium If he doesn't wrap it up soon he's going to lose his backdrop of supportets Trump speaking. There are people immediately behind him but
Sep 3, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
Never mind I figured something out

🧵 A sports stadium about 2/3rds full. The text underneath the I have been to 3 CPACs but never an actual Trump rally and this seemed as good a one as any, what with Biden's speech recently and all

Here's what I have observed so far:
Sep 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A sports bar but for politics. Please someone make this happen. I want to watch Trump's speech tomorrow surrounded by drunk strangers Politics has basically replaced sports at this point anyway, can I at least get drunk about it
Sep 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"so either that filling has fixed the problem or you're gonna need a root canal. If it's the second one give us a call in a couple days"

"How will I know?"

"Oh, you'll know" Russian roulette but it's my mouth and the bullet is a thousand dollars