Laura Powell Profile picture
Mother. Civil liberties attorney. Truth teller. Former leftist, still liberal. Politically homeless. Californian who refuses to retreat. @CA4Governance
4 subscribers
Feb 24 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 UPDATE on the lawsuit against the executive affecting trans people in the military.

Judge Reyes called a hearing this afternoon, because the plaintiffs filed their amended complaint today, five days after it was due. The attorneys were adding new plaintiffs and said they had issues communicating with them.

Judge Reyes decided the solution is to give plaintiffs a do-over so that they file a new motion for a preliminary injunction next week. (She used the analogy of shaking an Etch-a-Sketch to start over.) 1/x After addressing the issues around the briefing schedule, Judge Reyes questioned attorneys for both sides on what arguments they intended to make around the definition of “sex.”

At the hearing last Wednesday, Reyes raised this topic and lectured the defense attorneys on her belief that there are more than two sexes. She then ordered the parties to submit supplemental briefing on the topic. Plaintiffs filed their brief last Friday, and defendants (Trump et al) were supposed to file their response this coming Friday.

It seems unusual to me that the judge expected defendants to respond orally in court to these arguments, when they haven’t had a chance to draft their brief, especially given the fact that she was announcing they would start anew with with a new preliminary injunction motion. 2/x
Nov 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A squirrel ran across the stage while everyone was waiting for Kamala's concession speech. 👀
For those questioning whether this is a real video, multiple videos of the squirrel of been shared.
Oct 21, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Kamala Harris was admitted to law school under a program for students “who have experienced major life hurdles, such as educational disadvantage, economic hardship, or disability.”

Kamala Harris’s mother came from the highest caste in India, but by moving to the U.S. and Canada, obtaining a prestigious degree, marrying a future Stanford professor, having a successful career as a cancer researcher, and sending her daughter to private schools, her daughter became unusually disadvantaged?

Strange how that works.Image
In 1992, three years after Kamala graduated from Hastings Law School (a public university), there was a controversy after the dean of the law school realized the extent of student group involvement in admissions to the program for disadvantaged students (called LEOP).

Students who claimed to be eligible for the LEOP because of some special hardship they suffered would have their claims of being disadvantaged verified via a phone call by members of the student organization associated with the applicant’s race. The phone interviews were used by some students to screen out conservative candidates—to avoid future “Clarence Thomases,” as one student explained.

This would have been the process in place when Kamala Harris applied to law school in 1986. According to her resume, she also served as President of the “Black Law Student’s [sic] Association,” so she likely participated in the process of selecting admittees to the LEOP program while she was a law student as well.

While the program was advertised as a class-based affirmative action program—which Kamala Harris wouldn’t have qualified for—in practice it was based on race and politics, during her time.Image
Oct 16, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
People have expressed an interest in hearing more dirt on Kamala Harris’s past, so I am collecting my posts that contain information that has been underreported or not reported elsewhere into one thread. 🧵 In this thread, you will find detailed information about Kamala Harris’s misuse of Biden’s FEC candidate ID number in order to take possession of his campaign funds. A complaint has been filed with the FEC but will not be resolved before the election.
Aug 8, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
UPDATE: Last night, Kamala Harris personally filed an updated Statement of Candidacy (aka Form 2) to designate Tim Walz as her running mate.

Since she used Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722) instead of her own (P00009423), the FEC records are convoluted. Her newly filed Form 2 shows up on Biden's personal FEC page. But if you look at the 2024 election cycle, Biden is erased and replaced with Harris, as if he was never never running for President.

Looking at Biden’s campaign committee’s FEC record, it’s now associated with both Biden’s and Harris’s candidacies for President for the period of 2020-2022. But that makes no sense, because Harris’s Presidential run in 2020 was never linked to Biden’s, and she ceased her campaign for President in 2020 and did not run again until 2024. Now Harris’s personal FEC candidate ID number (P00009423)—which is supposed to follow her for all Presidential campaigns for life—is somehow linked to Biden’s Presidential campaign in 2020. Only her Vice-Presidential campaign was ever linked to Biden’s, but that is separate from any Presidential campaigns.

The current 2023-2024 FEC record for “Biden for President” (aka “Harris for President,” ID number C00703975) is linked to two Presidential candidates. Both are both named “Kamala Harris.” One of these candidates is associated with Harris’s candidate ID number (P00009423), and the other “Kamala Harris” is associated with Biden’s candidate ID number (P80000722).

The Statement of Candidacy that Kamala Harris filed on July 29, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722), now shows up under Harris’s ID number. But last night’s filing for that same candidate—number P80000722—shows up for the other “Kamala Harris” who is running for President. (Based on what happened previously, I suspect the FEC will shift these records in the future, to make it seem like there aren’t so many discrepancies between the names and the ID numbers.)

Confused? That’s because these filings from Harris are irregular. If Kamala Harris had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, this wouldn’t have been so complicated, but then it would have been difficult to make the case that she’s entitled to Biden’s war chest. Undoubtedly, these filings are trying to circumvent those pesky campaign finance laws.

By the way, since Walz has never run for President, he doesn’t have his own FEC candidate ID for a Presidential run. According the the logic of Harris’s supporters, Walz is equally entitled to any funds from the campaign committee associated with ID number C00703975. And, just as Harris felt entitled to file an amended Statement of Candidacy using Biden’s personal candidate ID number because she was the Vice Presidential candidate, Walz could do the same, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number to run for President if he wanted to. The Democrats could pass this campaign down in perpetuity, without even obtaining the formal agreement of the prior candidate.

This reminds me of a system of government that isn’t considered anything like a democracy. Normally, I would include helpful screenshots to document and illustrate all the information I provided, but I just don't have the time right now. Sorry to disappoint! Maybe I will sign up for subscriptions so that I can find more time for this kind of reporting.
May 10, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
San Francisco’s managed alcohol program provides homeless alcoholics with housing, meals, activities (including crafts and outings to Giants games), and a quantity of alcoholic beverages determined by their “need and desire,” with no expectation of reducing consumption. With a reported budget of $5 million for 20 beds (half set aside for Latinx or indigenous people), it would be cheaper to accommodate these people in all-inclusive resorts. Advocates had wanted managed alcohol programs in San Francisco for years. In 2020, SF Dept of Public Health used Covid as an excuse to shut down their sobering center and set up an alcohol program in just 48 hours. Impressive how quickly the government can move when motivated.
Apr 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I appeared on this @KTVU news segment, which unfortunately grants far too much air time to Malak Afaneh, the law student who disrupted the Berkeley dean’s dinner. But it’s interesting to hear her thinking. She seems pretty smug for someone who claims to have suffered an attack. “We felt that this dinner was, you know, a disgusting and extravagant and lavish display of wealth that was already being funneled using our tuition money for this genocide.”

So, Afaneh’s chief complaint was that the dinner was tacky. Instead of declining the invitation, she decided to ruin the event for everyone. Note she had no knowledge of whether a penny of tuition money was being spent on the dinner. (Here’s a shot of the intolerable extravagance, for the record.)Image
Apr 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A group of Berkeley law students accepted an invitation to dine at the private home of dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a law professor, then disrupted the event and refused to leave. Bizarrely, this student claims her conduct is protected by the 1st Amendment. Activists are attacking the dean and professor as "white supremacist" and "Zionist."Image This provides some background on the protest.
Dec 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The fact that taxpayers are still paying for security for Fauci after his retirement was uncovered by a FOIA request. I haven’t found any information about how much this costs us. Is there anyone other than former presidents and families who has received this treatment? This is what it looks like when Fauci arrives anywhere, thanks to your tax dollars.
Nov 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What kind of egomaniac thinks having a fairly common bad thing happen to her is “proof” that God does not exist? "That’s out of context." Here's the context. Change anyone's opinion?

Aug 19, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
I offer this thread in appreciation for the beautiful parade of humanity who exercised their First Amendment rights to speak out in favor of the rights of families during the @OrangeUnifiedCA board meeting on Thursday. This is what democracy looks like.🧵 1/ Image “It doesn’t matter what side you’re on, as long as you’re in a happy, healthy family, parents should be involved in their students’ lives and daily activities. No secrets kept away from parents. Parents should know everything about their children while they’re in school.” 2/
Jul 21, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This state senator and the state Attorney General both graduated from prestigious law schools, so they must be aware the claims in this letter that Chino Valley’s policy of informing parents of their children’s gender dysphoria is illegal/unconditional are spurious. 🧵 Bonta claims “Courts have recognized that gender identity is a protected privacy right” but his legal citations do not support his claim. This kind of deception gets lawyers into trouble in court. Image
Jul 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Two cases challenging AB2098, California’s Covid medical censorship law, had oral argument today in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The state’s attorney was grilled and struggled to respond. Clips of the highlights in this thread. 1/7 Judge Forrest pointed out California already has a scheme in place to address when doctors who engage in misconduct. The unique aspect of AB2098 is that it hones in on Covid and requires doctors conform to the “contemporary scientific consensus.” 2/
Apr 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
If the massive increase in LGBT identification in recent years is a result of increased acceptance, why aren't we seeing large numbers of Gen X and older coming out of the closet? Image Another chart, which is based on different data, but shows the same pattern. Image
Mar 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
For 3 years, California was under a state of emergency that allowed unelected public health officials to rule by edict. Attempts to challenge their orders in court failed because normal rules were suspended. Finally, the state of emergency ended. But the orders did not. 1/ @CAPublicHealth claims that the law generally gives them to power to issue orders aimed at preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Are there any limits to this alleged power? Who knows? It’s never been exercised before, despite being on the books since 1901. 2/
Mar 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
In 2012, Nashville Police received a report that a girl had been sexually abused while a student at Covenant School when she was ages 11-14. Police found the allegations were sustained but said they couldn't do anything because the statute of limitations had passed. 🧵 Reportedly, the victim reported the abuse to a Covenant Church youth worker and others in 2007, while she was still a high-school student. Apparently, no one reported the abuse allegation to government authorities at the time. The alleged abuser was writer John Perry.
Mar 2, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Newsom’s 3-year Covid state of emergency is over.

HOWEVER, it’s not entirely clear whether @CAPublicHealth will relinquish the broad powers over our lives it has been exercising for 3 years. A big question is whether the mask mandate in certain facilities still applies. 🧵1/ A press release from @CAgovernor announcing the end of the emergency states that the SMARTER plan will remain in place "to address the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.” 2/…
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hearing the words being read by a child really drives the point home. Are we just going to go along with the narrative that not being ok with this makes you a right-wing homophobe? Are no other liberals willing to criticize schools providing obscene books to kids? Graphic descriptions of sex and the f-word are "essential" to a child's education. So essential that families shouldn't be allowed to opt out, and funds should be prioritized for buying these books. Wow.
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Which do you prefer to read—long tweets in the new, single tweet format, or old-fashioned threads? I'm torn. In my opinion, the new long tweets are easier to read, but there is something wonky about the way they load on the app. I also like that people can retweet and like part of a thread instead of the whole thing with old-fashioned threads.
Jan 24, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Our hearing on the motion for a preliminary injunction to stop AB2098 went really well, but we don’t have a decision yet. I think the judge wants to make sure that he writes a thoughtful decision, thinking ahead to an appeal. 1/ The first case challenging AB2098 was dismissed sue to lack of standing. The Attorney General had argued our plaintiffs didn’t have standing but ended up conceding the issue during the hearing. 2/
Dec 12, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Grateful for my new community. We don’t all have a lot in common but bond quickly because what we do share are unshakable, core values.

Dan McDunn, who displays this sign in front of his house, provided the venue for our party last night. (Read it before making assumptions!) 🧵 I didn’t take as many photos as I should have. I was so absorbed by @DrJBhattacharya’s story about spending the afternoon at Twitter headquarters that I didn’t get a photo with him myself. 🤦‍♀️