Laura Ruis Profile picture
Currently research intern @cohere, PhD supervised by @_rockt and @egrefen. Language and LLMs. Spent time at FAIR, Google, and NYU (@LakeBrenden). She/her.
Nov 20, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
How do LLMs learn to reason from data? Are they ~retrieving the answers from parametric knowledge🦜? In our new preprint, we look at the pretraining data and find evidence against this:

Procedural knowledge in pretraining drives LLM reasoning ⚙️🔢

🧵⬇️ Image Since LLMs entered the stage, there has been a hypothesis prevalent:

When LLMs are reasoning, they are doing some form of approximate retrieval where they “retrieve” the answer to intermediate reasoning steps from parametric knowledge, as opposed to doing “genuine” reasoning.
Jan 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I simultaneously have chatGPT-fatigue and also think about it every day - it truly changed the discourse around LLMs. Plus, chatty-P provided us with _so_ many memes. The following is my current mental model of chatGPT (now popularly synonymous to LLMs) and what might be missing. Contrary to what we sometimes read on twitter, language is meaningfully different from other types of communication; it's a complex system of symbolic reference.
Dec 4, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Lots of people have been sending me implicatures we used as examples in our paper that #chatGPT understands (i.e. explains well when prompted). So cool! Happy to see people interested in this. I wanted to write a short thread about my thoughts of what this means. ⬇️ E.g. left is chatGPT, right is Davinci-2 ImageImage
Nov 20, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Some of the best #advice I got early in my PhD was from @rockt urging me to set up a good note-keeping system. 1 year in my notes have helped me in so many situations! It took a few iterations, and I'll share the things that were most helpful for me personally here ⬇️🐊 1/13 Everything below I use @obsdmd for. I love how it's simply a markdown editor and file-structure visualiser at first but you can add all the plugins you need to make it ever more complex.
Oct 28, 2022 22 tweets 11 min read
Before giving up on Twitter, check out our recent finding 🔥 LLMs are *not* zero-shot communicators!

We show a limitation of #LLMs in interpreting language given the context of shared experience of the world, a ubiquitous part of communication ⬇️🧵

1/22 Work with awesome collaborators @akbirkhan @BlancheMinerva @sarahookr @_rockt @egrefen

If this thread is long, it’s only because I had to keep the meme-to-information ratio at a respectable level (and because there’s a lot to unpack)…
