Lauren Hitt Profile picture
Oct 16, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
If someone is publicly, flagrantly stating that they refuse to comply with the law, as in Joe's scenario, of course there will be legal consequences. This is how it works with any law. Republicans are usually pretty in favor of that concept. Beto couldn't have been more clear last night, but for my Republican friends, this is how a buyback works: After the law is passed, people would be expected to turn in their assault weapons in exchange for payment...
Sep 4, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
As you may have heard, @MeghanMcCain had some things to say about Beto's mandatory buy back program today, and a lot of her criticisms were based on popular misconceptions about buybacks that deserve to be addressed. (1/6) ‘How would a buyback even work? This doesn't sound rational’

We would not be the first. Australia & New Zealand both did buybacks. Lots of U.S. cities also hold voluntary buyback programs

Australia saw a 42% decline in its homicide rate in the 7 years after its buyback (2/6)