LaurentRemie Profile picture
from Vienna - politics acc
Oct 1, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Thread Liveticker Lebanon as of 1/10/24

Nasrallah died leaving immense power vacuum in Lebanese state and hezbollah :… 2/X As of the 30. Sept /1. october border clashes are being reported by Israeli media and international sources, Image
Aug 17, 2019 40 tweets 10 min read
[THREAD] [0/36] A look at the Syrian Opposition
Disclaimer: This isnt a full analysis since it is composed of hundreds of groups constantly switching alliances/splitting up and creating new groups.
I tried to include the largest & most important Groups/ Alliances [1] I used the graphic above & this graphic here by Stanford University as a basis for my research. I focused on the evolution of western backed 'moderates' to groups like HTS. This graphic also hasnt been updated since 2017 so i made my own one (Tweet [2])(2nd=legend for StanF)
May 16, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Was just discussing the issue and thought I'd make a thread out of it.

One point that often goes unmentioned when talking about Syria/Iraq/Iran is perfectly visualized in this graphic.
Now what does that graphic show?
->Follow up tweets (1) (2)
Its all about the biggest known gas field in the world either called "South pars/north dome".
What is fascinating about this is that Qatar and Iran both have access to the field.
It's like sharing a drink with 2 straws, whoever can extract it first wins.
important to know