Layla McCay Profile picture
Policy Director @NHSConfed. Previous: NHS psychiatrist, DHSC, WHO, World Bank. Also: Director @urbandesignmh. Book: Restorative Cities. Personal tweets.🏳️‍🌈
Sep 22, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Was in the office yesterday. My musings. 1. Hybrid working means changes to pre-pandemic office layouts - low coffee tables in meeting spaces are not great for laptop calls, v small meeting rooms are less practical, desk-based Teams calls are hard to not eavesdrop upon. /n 2. Office days work best when my schedule isn’t packed. When I had back to back meetings last time, I was closed into a room like a less cosy version of my desk at home. This time I scheduled less, allowing space for impromptu meetings and connections and that was valuable. 2/n
Dec 3, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Findings from Innovations in Health and Social Care discussions in Brussels today. 1. Integration: involve patients in key roles locally and nationally; involve wider range of stakeholders. Change narrative from ‘prevent collapse of system’ to ‘positive opportunities.’ /1 Need to better harness lessons from integration - not just what worked and why; but also what failed and why. Policy innovation sharing not just between nations, but between regions and between national sectors. Improve policy research collaboration eg on value creation. /2