Leah Greenberg Profile picture
Co-Executive Director, @IndivisibleTeam. She/her. If you find my headphones, let me know.
Apr 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Anyone who’s responding to college kids peacefully protesting by deploying hundreds of militarized cops or threatening to send in the national guard is escalating the situation and making EVERYONE, Jewish kids included, less safe. 1/ We have to hold that two things are happening. Antisemitism is on the rise. AND there’s a deliberate attempt to conflate critiques of Israel with antisemitism. 2/
Oct 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Folks, I never ask this. But I need you to retweet:

We need to reach every Ohioan who cares about reproductive freedom.

We've got a super-effective new voter contact tool and we need to get it an as many volunteers' hands as possible between now and Nov 7th.

Here's the deal 1/ Back in 2022, we tested a simple voter contact idea: ask volunteers to reach out to their own neighbors to encourage them to vote.
Jan 22, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Happy Filibuster Friday! New York Indivisibles have a message: end the filibuster to fix our democracy. The filibuster is outdated. It's an accidental 19th century legislative quirk. It's got to go. #filibusterfriday

May 9, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
Some weekend reflections on who Washington works for, from a former congressional staffer. 1/ During the Great Recession, I answered phones for a progressive Member of Congress representing a red district in Virginia. Our district had been hit really hard. In some areas unemployment was 20%.
Jan 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read

YOU are a person who is outraged about the mockery of justice in the Senate. You've already called your Senators. You want to do MORE.


READ ON. What we need right now is an avalanche of calls, directed specifically at vulnerable/flippable Republican Senators. If you don't live in a target state with one of those Senators, you might think there's nothing you can do.

Dec 18, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Dec 18, 2019 31 tweets 10 min read
OK y'all hang on to your hats because we are doing an Impeachment Alphabet thread! Can we find protests tonight for every letters of the alphabet???

(spoiler: yes we can, because I skipped ahead and already found the X and Z)

Here we go.... A is for Arkansas, where 500 people are outside @RepFrenchHill's office...
Dec 1, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
I cannot overstate enough how much you should read this piece by @ThePlumLineGS on the coming fight for real democracy reform: washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/… @ThePlumLineGS First he quotes @leedrutman's piece, which you also need to read right now, on why we are potentially poised on the brink of a new reform era: nytimes.com/2019/11/25/opi… Image
Jan 23, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
OK y'all there is A LOT going on right now on the shutdown crisis and the next 48 hours in the Senate are CRUCIAL. I'm going to try and run through it all and talk about where your voice is needed. McConnell and Schumer have negotiated an agreement to bring TWO bills to the Senate floor on Thursday. Either bill needs sixty votes to pass.
Jan 20, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Former Congressional staffer here. I sometimes hear from people who say they don't see the point of calling their Senators anymore - either because they're reliable Democrats or they're consistently Trump-appeasing Republicans. Here's why that's wrong. First, let's talk about "good" Democrats. Just because a Dem is taking the right position today on the shutdown doesn't mean they *feel* like they're on strong ground. You call because they might be nervous. You call because they rarely hear from people who are happy with them.